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Titanic: Blood and Steel (TV Mini Series 2012) Poster

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Just watched the last episode in Spain (Spoiler alert)
carloz-260-25827115 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I watched it faithfully from beginning to end. Spain's Antena3 played two episodes together each Wednesday, so it only took six weeks to watch.

In my opinion it was pretty good. Good dialog, great sets and costumes, and all the performances were good, except Derek Jacobi's, which was better than good -- it was terrific. The female lead, Alessandra Mastronardi, is a lovely actress.

At first it kind of bothered me that they cast an actor in the lead who looks rather like Leonardo DiCaprio did when he was younger, but I got over it. Kevin Zegers' performance was fine, but the resemblance was a bit of a nagging thing for me sometimes. I didn't watch this series because I wanted to be reminded of the 1997 film. I wanted something different -- and this was very different -- in a good way.

It had some interesting bits about Irish history in it. It even inspired me to do some on-line research and learn about The Ulster Covenant.

The Neve Campbell character's being coerced to spy for Germany was a story line that seemed pretty purposeless. It added nothing and just went nowhere.

Overall, I'd say it was worth tuning in to each week. I'm hoping there will be a sequel since it ended with the main characters and some of the minor ones sailing off on the Titanic to death or survival, who knows...
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Imperfect, but interesting.
foby21 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Though I've always been haunted by the story of Titanic's tragic voyage somehow I've never been familiar with it's history - where and how it was built, so I was excited when the mini series were announced. It sounded like a very ambitious project back then, but I've heard very little about it afterwards and was surprised when I recently discovered it aired long ago and went generally unnoticed. For the first five episodes I just bought everything without doubting it's validity. Then I checked with Wikipedia and found out all about the blatant historical inaccuracy, but it did not actually put me off. The story itself is good enough, the main problem is in it's *pacing* and *editing*. From the very beginning and right to the end it was very uneven, some events and their outcome felt quite unnatural and odd and it felt almost as though a lot of things (certain events, plot turns, character personalities etc.) were changed or made up as they went along. In the end character's personal problems have almost completely overshadowed the building process – not quite fair to Titanic itself since the series were meant to be primarily about it. A lot of time has been devoted to the constructional problems, but essentially no information at all was given about the work on the ship's insides, which no doubt would've been no less interesting then the work in the yard. Considering the acting – it was mostly well-done (specially by the *older* generation), and I'd like to mention that Kevin Zegers keeps surprising me every time I stumble upon him on screen, there is a diversity in his choice of roles that keeps me interested. But my own personal favorite was Thomas Andrews Jr. (played by Billy Carter). Again, Wikipedia specifically points out that the personality of the real life Mr. Andrews was vastly different from the one presented in the series, but as a character he is likable (being hardworking, earnest and upright), sympathetic and his impending fate really does strike a chord. All in all, despite some obvious production flaws and already established historical inaccuracy, the series manage to keep the viewer interested and produce some really moving human stories.
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How the ship came to be...sort of
jjnxn-15 May 2013
Opulent miniseries that chronicles the years leading up to and during which the Titanic was constructed in Belfast. As with something this complex some of the stories are more compelling than others as are some of the performances. Kevin Zegers holds the screen well in the lead, his startlingly blue eyes pulling you in. His storyline and several others intertwine and lead to interesting bits of history as well as storytelling. Neve Campbell's reporter storyline however feels superfluous. The best performance comes unsurprisingly from Derek Jacobi as Lord Pirrie. Effiiciently directed this moves along well with very few slow patches. Overall a good, if long, view with some soapy complications thrown in for good measure, but keep in mind this focuses on the building of the ship, not the ill-fated voyage itself.
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Inaccurate But Enjoyable
KatharineFanatic14 October 2012
"Titanic: Blood & Steel" proves there are still ways to approach material that has been revisited on the big and small screens in new and appealing ways. From the laying of the hull to her departure from Belfast, this is the story of the workers, businessmen, and common Irishmen impacted through the construction process of the most famous ship in history.

It's strengths are its historical figures, such as the open-minded Lord Pirrie (Derek Jacobi at his finest) and the perfectionist, driven Thomas Andrews, who is depicted as I have always imagined him to be, soft-spoken and heroic. Its weaknesses lie in its lack of understanding for the social and sexual aspects of the period, as well as its (for me) rather unlikable leading man.

When it comes to historical accuracy, it relies more on fiction than fact to tell its story but somehow this never seems too troubling. The politics of the era are explored: the struggle to unionize Ireland, the rivalries between Catholic and Protestant fractions, even a foray into the beginnings of the Irish Republican Army. The expense of the miniseries shows not only in the terrific cast but the incredible detail on the ships, their construction, the shipyards, and the lavish interiors.

Some might complain about the ambiguous ending, but I like it, since it allows the audience to make their own conclusions about the fate of the main characters. The series held my attention and gave me twelve hours spent in the company of Lord Pirrie and Thomas Andrews -- as an amateur "RMS Titanic" historian, for that, I'm grateful.
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Couldn't stop watching.
ivegonemod2 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this series was wonderful. I have my mother watching it right now. I don't really understand any rating under 7, but oh well. I have been a Titanic fanatic since I was about 14, 1994. I know many of the details, and perhaps not every production gets them right, but most historical fiction is a bit off somewhere.

I thought most of the actors were older than they actually were. Kevin as Mark was good, but Branwell as Michael stood out more. I also thought Denise as Emily was quite an actress, but Emily was a bit too hotheaded for her own good.

Alessandra as Sofia had me from the first moment. Valentina as Violetta was good as well, doesn't seem she's been in anything else. I did not like one bit how she treated Michael, ugh, just leave her alone. I enjoyed Pietro, but grew tired of Andrea rather quickly. Conor was OK.

I thought Thomas Andrews was played quite well by Billy Carter, I loved all his scenes. There was something quite a bit awkward between Mark and Kitty, I don't know. Neve Campbell's character didn't really seem to have a point.

I do so hope that there will be another 12-episode season to wrap things up. Obviously we know what happened to Thomas.
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A bit of an anticlimax
kajsagumman13 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I am a Titanic enthusiast and have seen endless documentaries and read a lot of books, also before James movie - which I of course loved;-)

So I was quite excited about these series, showing in Denmark before many other countries. It just finished last Sunday. But after 12 Sundays and 12 hours of my life watching, I really do feel it all was a bit of an anticlimax.

There really is none of the romantic storytelling that otherwise is shown in Titanic movies and series. People are shown as they are, and as they probably was - and it is not very pretty. They are poor, angry, desperate and bitter. The management at White Star and Harland & Wulf are hung up with politics and money and although Lord Pirrie and Andrews comes off sort of sympathetic - they are also full of faults and not 100% likable. I always romanticized about Andrews being a good guy.

Not even Mark Muir, the main character, is 100% likable. He is suppose to be good hearted and with high morals - but I don't know if it is too much or if it is just his "non passionate" acting where he always seems stiff that makes you not really connect and really sympathize with him. For example you never really feel the love between him and Sofia. They talk stiffly and politely with each other all the time and there is nothing but troubles constantly. You can't figure out what he is thinking at any point or why he does what he does.

Also all the workers and other people around, they are just so bitter and complaining and there just does not seem to be any hope anywhere.

The only person I kind of liked was Lord Pirrie, but he also eventually gives up and goes down with exhaustion. So no hope there either.

So it was a bit hard to sympathize with any character in the series I thought. I kind of missed what you saw in James C Titanic - that they are poor and everything - yes - but they still have hope. And they find happiness in love or relationships or dreams. The ones going to America are more shown as "giving up on Belfast" then taking action for something better.

Also I never feel that Titanic is a character in the movie either. She does not seem to be portrayed as the ship of dreams or hope. She is just another ship and it all gets corrupted but politics and money. Some things are interesting historically - for example Andrews discussing the amount of lifeboats and if she should have a double hull and such. But there is not much of that. There is not much of the actual building and designing either. Why they did as they did, why they chose those restaurants etc. Mostly just some stuff about the steel which is a bit boring. For example in the last episode there is a 4 sec sequence about how the band ended up on the ship, why wasn't there more about that kind of things? Also the test run she did doesn't get any specific mention except some chattering between Andrews and the management. That seems to be an interesting thing to get excited about.

But the worst part was really after watching it all after all that time, and it ends up with Titanic just sailing off. And all the main characters are on board. And it really does feel like a slap in the face.

I get the point that you are probably suppose to think "all those people and their stories, all going off to a better life and it is all going to be destroyed". But it is just not enough. I just didn't feel that, I just thought it was super annoying. I didn't sympathize that much with them and just wanted to know for the record who the F died and what happened?

I think they should have given the last episode to the actual voyage and the series should have ended in New York at the statue of Liberty and you should have gotten to see who lived and who died. How Pirrie and Morgan reacted on the news, and what lessons where learned. And see in those peoples eyes how they just know that everything is going to change after this. That would have been a good ending.
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Outstanding!! a must watch!!
wannafckme6917 October 2012
I was channel surfing one night and came across episode 1 at the mid-way point and was intrigued. So i watched episode 1 from the beginning and liked what I saw and decided to give this series a chance, and i was not disappointed! James Cameron scored a hit with the movie Titanic by being able to infuse factual with fiction so well that you couldn't tell the difference. This series was the same thing, but in 12 parts.

The story line from episodes 2-9 were outstanding and the acting was incredible. I really felt like i had a window into these people's lives and knew what it was like in Belfast 103 years ago.

Derek Jacobi is an incredible actor and played Lord Pirrie masterfully. He was a great as he was in Gladiator. Alessandra Mastronardi is stunningly beautiful and is great as Sophia.

Her and Kevin Zegers chemistry was great and now i find myself looking for other movies they have been in and will be in because how good their acting is.

The sets and costumes were spot on and the dialogue was very well written.

My one knock about this series is that after episode 9, they rushed to finish it within 2 episodes. I really think they should have allowed the rest of the story to wrap in another 1 or 2 episode so it didn't seem rushed.

But the ending was still very good and I teared up a little as i did at the end of Titanic the movie back in 1997.

I highly recommend this to anyone who is a history buff, a Titanic buff, and anyone who wants a great series to watch.

I suggest watching an episode or two a day so you can absorb they story and you will find that you can't wait to see where the story goes next! Never mind the other reviews about how the accuracy may have been off somewhat, the hats should have been different, blah blah blah.

I think that if you watch this series you would thoroughly enjoy it and you may find yourself never wanting it to end. And you may even be like me and think about watching it all over again.

Speaking of, where's my remote?
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Its Okay
thegreenarrow-281843 June 2021
It's an OK miniseries. I like the parts of the titanic being built, because well that's the whole reason I'm watching the show. Unfortunately there wasn't as much parts like that as there were of the main character in love or trying to find his daughter. Epic fail if you ask me, people are watching this to see the Titanic, not learn about this guys life. I want to see the Titanic, show me the Titanic ! That should of been the main focus.
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A wonderful tale behind one of the most tragic events in history
dewsis18 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I am a history lover and Titanic is one of the subjects I love to study about. When I saw the commercial for the Mini Series I couldn't wait to see it. I planned my entire week around it. It captured my attention from where Tomas Andrews gives his opening speech and held it until they set sail. Seeing the struggles of these characters interweaving throughout the series felt heart worming and compelling. You were rooting for the couple to get together in the end. You wanted to see the father find his daughter. I found myself yelling at the Ismay saying you idiot lesion to him even though I knew the final outcome. There is a part of me that wanted to who survived and who didn't but I am glad it ended the way it did. Well done and a must see for all.
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Missed the mark
jaycop8 January 2022
A show about the building of the Titanic, has little to do with the building of the Titanic. It's a solid show if you're looking for Downton Abbey. I really wished they showed a lot more of the Titanic herself instead of fictional love stories and family dramas.. that being said it's well acted and the look of the series is great.
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A Shocking Distortion of the Historical Record
jkentlayton-162-873484 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
As a maritime and Titanic author and historian, I was quite interested to see this production, as it focused on the construction of the legendary liner and came at things from a unique perspective. Unfortunately, I am beyond disappointed (appalled would be a more apt word) by the historical errors that made their way into the miniseries.

I have been working my way through the 12-part miniseries, trying desperately not to shred the arms of my chair or grinding my teeth to powder in so doing. Although the production might be an enjoyable piece if it were purely fictional, the history of the Titanic became a tragic, jumbled mess in this production.

In some respects I found that it captured the period. However even there the effect was not complete; for example, the "jazz" music in the early-episode society scenes was about 10-15 years too premature, and that's something that anyone could get right.

Was it poor research that caused this historical monstrosity? Apparently not. Why? Because of how many little details they apparently had easy access to and saw fit to include in the production (i.e., the number of passengers on Olympic's crossing where she tangled with the Hawke, the design of the Great Gantry, the fact that the riveters were paid by the rivet, the way the rivet seals were tested, the name of the British Board of Trade inspector, etc.). Meanwhile, the production included an overwhelming number of serious historical errors, many of which were easier to "get right" than the aforementioned factoids.

Included in this list of grievous technical and historical mistakes are:

* The "fact" that J. P. Morgan bankrolled and exercised great influence in the design and construction of the vessels. White Star paid for the vessels, and Ismay and White Star, rather than Morgan directly, had primary influence in the design and construction; * The steel issues, which is an older theory which has really been addressed and is blown entirely out of proportion in this production; * The blueprints for the Titanic shown from the opening credits through every episode, and which are actually, in every instance I noticed, of the Lusitania; * The slip that the Titanic was built on in the show is actually Olympic's slip; * The "fact" that the Olympic/Hawke collision (September 20, 1911) took place long before the launch of the Titanic (May 31, 1911) (???!!!); * The term "unsinkable" (or "practically unsinkable") is dreamed up and applied primarily to Titanic by the fictional character after the collision with the Hawke, when in reality it was introduced by White Star publicity and period Trade journals such as The Shipbuilder during construction of the two liners, and was applied to both equally. (Coincidentally, the special number of The Shipbuilder in which the term appeared is seen in the series long before Muir supposedly dreamed up the term); * The damage to the Olympic appears on the forward-port quarter of the hull, rather than the aft-starboard quarter; * Ismay saying that the Titanic would be 'much larger' than the Olympic; * Ismay didn't even have a speaking part, I don't believe, until the third episode; * The timing of any discussion regarding the possibilities of a double hull would have been back around 1907-1908 and applied to both ships, and would not have been applied solely to Titanic after the collision between the Olympic and the Hawke (in the end, a double-bottom was adopted for each); * The complete out-of-character, irritated, gruff behavior of Thomas Andrews throughout much of the first half of the series; * The worries within the yard that Titanic was just "too big" (the Germans were already starting work on the Imperator, which was still larger); * BOT Inspector Francis Carruthers was on site virtually every day of construction, yet he is not seen - until what, the fifth episode? - when he is lethargically tapping a couple of rivets. The implication is that Carruthers and the BOT exercised no real authority or oversight during construction, when in reality the original documentation and correspondence shows that they did not always see 'eye-to-eye' and had to work together to reach satisfactory results for both; * The concept that Harland & Wolff paid an unusually small amount of money to laborers (for the period, mind you) or were extraordinarily ungenerous in paying out benefits to families of those who were injured or killed in their yard (again, for the period). The record of payout benefits given to injured workers or to the families of those killed during construction of the two ships is still available and is actually quite high for the period.

The list of egregious historical blunders just goes on and on. They are quite shocking in this series, especially since someone involved with the production/screenplay writing so clearly had access to little factoids that they saw fit to include. It was so badly done that I began to see in the fictional Muir character shades of the German Second Officer from the Nazi propaganda film, where he was the sole voice of reason warning everyone that the ship was doomed.

If one even bothers to watch this miniseries, don't take anything in it as fact unless it is checked against leading research on the subject. In my view, this was a completely missed opportunity.
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Sumptuous and Lavish, with bits of history as a backdrop.
medcop20013 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I have been reading the reviews above, and can't for the life of me understand why some feel the need to tear it apart. My husband found this while cruising thru the viewing grid. We went back and downloaded the first couple of episodes to watch. When we watched, we were impressed with the high production values. We knew this was a work of fiction with the Titanic being the background. Most miniseries are originally based in some truth, but filled out fiction. Even James Cameron's movie had fictional characters. That said, I found the first couple of episodes very engaging. I did find the character of Mark Muir to be a bit of a pompous jerk. I loved Lord Pirrie and Thomas. I think Chris Noth did a great job as JP Morgan. It appeared that they gave Neve Campbell a completely factious role so they could have a little bit of recognition from the American audiences. They could've stretched this out to two seasons and not rushed the story lines along. Some of the background stories were rushed and you ended up not caring about it. There were all types of situations that some of those characters would never have been in due to class restrictions of the times. The accents are off and sometimes unbelievable. The production is of high values and in HD. They are beautifully shot. Some of the costumes are out of character for the people in them. The costumes are stunning. Sophia is a beautiful girl, and her dresses are equally beautiful. I found it a bit too rich for her poverty surroundings. She never wore the same outfit twice. Kitty's costumes were beautiful and class appropriate. The men mostly wore clothes that were appropriate. I hope that the people who watch this enjoy it for what it is, a miniseries that entertains. If you spend the entire series picking it apart for historical inaccuracies, then you are just wasting your time. Watch it and enjoy the production as a whole. Most of us have no idea of how Belfast looks today, much less back in the early 1900's. I enjoyed the story, but was frustrated about how it ended. They should've taken their time and spread it out into 2 seasons. Don't skip this program due to reviews. Watch the first episodes and decide for yourself. I watched it on demand from Encore. With all of the reruns being shown now, it's a fresh option to watch on a weeknight or weekend.
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Soap Opera
bobnewbie214 October 2012
This mini-series is a fabricated piece of garbage. Production values are high, but the plot and background stories are substandard. The historic inaccuracies are too many to list. I only have 1,00 words. But this series is basically a soap opera with a ship as the backdrop. It has very little to do with Titanic, and more to do with post Victorian romance. Interspersed between the romance are stories about labor disputes that are inaccurately portrayed using contemporary values. It is an insult to the victims of the Titanic and their memory. It is an insult to the viewer's intelligence. Time would be better spent watching Spartacus or some other historically inaccurate soap opera,
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Disappointed no season 2
fbradford-27-64813529 March 2020
Really enjoyed this refreshing take on a story we all know so well. The Titanic is the connecting backdrop to the story and characters that are most engaging. First rate British and Italian cast.

My only disappointment is that there is no second season to properly end the story.

Lots of Game of Thrones cast.
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Very Well Done!
YabbaDabbaDabba25 August 2020
12 very good episodes. And the drama wasn't overdone (over acted). How refreshing. No spoiled, uneducated and overly emotional Hollywood types in significant roles so they could not spoil it. Well worth the time. I loved the ending...
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farox-095906 June 2020
Titanic: Blood and Steel is an apt moniker for this period drama. It's not one of the usual titanic disaster drama by the classic cinema makers we buy into. This series delves into the pre-titanic era of Belfast: a portrayal of what happens in and around the Harland and Wolff shipyard. As described in the title, it's about the blood and sweat of young riveters who built one of the magnificent ships ever made by a man with an added fiction of steel quality being improved by a metallurgist. It depicts the shattered lives of exploited yard workers fighting for an appropriate pay rise and keenly focuses on their political, religious, and social differences.

It has a quite ensemble cast who make us wonder if it truly happened. Every actor did immerse themselves in the characters. The diplomatic convey of dialogue by Lord Pirrie(by Derek Jacobi) with the shipyard board of directors and workers is outstanding. Thomas Andrews(by Bill Carter) a well-experienced shipbuilder who had always struck a balance between the accountant and an engineer, his tranquility is infectious. Mark Muir(by Kevin Zegers) an underprivileged man who turned his circumstances into a fortune with unlimited perseverance. His indecisiveness to choose love over the task of designing the mighty floating luxury is quite heart-aching. Albeit the roles of JP Morgan(by Chris North) and J Ismay(by Gray O'Brien) was brief, their austerity was intense. The glamorous Italian lad, Sofia Silvestri(by Alessandra Mastronardi) will catch your attention, she carried the demeanor of her character with ease. Her subtle facial expressions are rich. Producers did not compromise with the costumes, they were custom made to each character based on their storyline. The screenplay never fails to impress us. The graphic representation of keel-laying ceremony and indeed the ship launching ceremony, both of them are jawdropping. I strongly believe you shall never skip the intro soundtrack, the background score is mellifluous and relevant to each subplot. I strongly urge the team to ruminate over filming a second part for this one. If not for the disaster, it should primarily focus on the aftermath of Harland & Wolff shipyard, White Star Line, last Olympic class ship Britannic. The first season was all about the rich human emotions tied to constructing a ship, likewise, the next season has many plots to cover: How did Lord Pirrie take this? Who substituted the loss of Andrews? What were the discussions and changes in the board? How did the media publish the disaster? What happened at court proceedings? Did Joanna Yaegar's photos help her german brother? How could Silvestri cope up with the loss of his both daughters? As many as 1,500 souls drowned with Titanic, how did their families repent the loss? and many more. Keeping all of the historical inaccuracies apart, from a fictional perspective this 12-episode period drama is gripping. It is wise to watch it at a slow pace to absorb the story deeply. Certainly, Titanic: Blood and Steel will stay in your memory even after the end credits roll.
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Poor research
giomy27 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Historically this is completely inaccurate - James Larkin organised the Irish Transport and General Workers Union not the 'Dock Workers (also he didn't have a beard). Belfast was organised by James Connolly.

The scenery is completely wrong and bears no resemblance to anywhere in Belfast - it's pure Dublin/County Wicklow. I do know what the general area around Harland and Wolff looked like in the 1950s (and it was much the same as in 1912) and it bore no resemblance at all to that shown.

The working class housing was completely unlike that shown - all they had to do was go to the Folk Museum and film in a reconstructed street of the period - it's there.

The accents are mostly incorrect, the RIC uniforms are wrong, both in colour and general appearance.

Whoever did the 'research' was obviously unconcerned with anything like accuracy
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amazing series
flor-588317 July 2019
An amazing series that besides the unknown elements for the construction of the Titanic, also had a very romantic romance. Italian actress Alessandra Mastronardi who plays Sofia Silvestri met her in the second season of the Medici series: The Florence rulers and left me with the best impression in this series.
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Way too long...
paul_haakonsen31 December 2015
As much as I am fascinated by the ship and the tragedy that sunk her, then this 2012 series was a very lukewarm experience. Why? Well, first of all it was 12 hours long! And secondly, but most importantly, the ship itself was a mere backdrop around which all other stories were told. And that was a major disappointment.

"Titanic: Blood and Steel" tells the backstory of Titanic, of how it was built and trying to tie in stories of the working man, the shipyard board-members, the executives of the White Star Line, and so forth. Individually there were some good enough stories, but all thrown together in a 12 hours long series, no, it just became too much.

The ship itself wasn't the heart and core of the series. It was, at best, a mere backdrop to which director Ciaran Donnelly tried to connect all other stories around. But it just didn't work out all that great. I was sorely disappointed, because I had such high hopes and expectations.

It should be said that the series was quite well-cast and that the cast really performed quite well with their given roles and characters. And there is a good early 1900's atmosphere to the series.

But all in all, a mediocre result that lacked the grand ship itself and a far too long playtime.
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Fascinating mini series on Titanic's origins.
allmoviesfan8 November 2023
A really fascinating series that covers both the building of the RMS Titanic at the Harland and Wolff Shipyards in Belfast and the wider world in the early 1900s. Some interesting topics covered, including union riots, mixed race relationships, the growing divide between Irish and English and, of course, the construction of the White Star Line's allegedly unsinkable ocean liner. Of course, we all know how that turned out. The interwoven stories are brought to life over twelve episodes by a stellar cast including Derek Jacobi, Neve Campbell and others. Production values are good, and, from what I have read, events in the series are fairly true to real life.

The finale, whilst offering closure, was also a little open-ended, which made me think Blood and Steel was intended to have more than one season. It would have been fascinating to see what happened to some of the characters who set sail on Titanic.

Really good television.
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A HARSH review----------the ENDING TRASHED IT.
LastCSARebel20 May 2013
O------M-----G Just finished 'Titanic: Blood And Steel' and i am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO beyond disappointed! This HELLISHLY fictional series i jumped into with LOW expectations........

I had already read enough to know that this show was going to have some ATROCIOUS inaccuracies and subplots.

However the PERK of going into something with LOW expectations is that you USUALLY end up on a WINNING END............ESPECIALLY if it involves TITANIC.

This WAS true.............till the final episode.

For me, i rather enjoyed it......... It had some likable characters, the acting was pretty good and the animation of Titanic and Olympic (though faulty) wasn't half bad. The plot-lines didn't bother me so much as my worry that they would wrap them up by the final curtain call............

They DID NOT!!!!!! Seriously what the HECK were the writers SMOKING when they finished the LAST EPISODE. I mean..........OKAY if you'r NOT going to give us a SECOND SEASON to WRAP IT ALL UP............then give us TWO OR THREE MORE EPISODES to DO THAT INSTEAD!!!!! These are just SOME of the holes we are left with..........and i do mean SOME....

Dr. Muer: has seemingly reconciled with his love, both are on Titanic....but he HASN'T told her he's returning to belfast to work on GIGANTIC. Also, even though he made DIRECT EYE CONTACT and got a "Huh i think i know that girl" feeling from his MISSING DAUGHTER (Also on Titanic) will he realize its her and save her during the sinking? for that a member of the GUARANTEE GROUP will HE SURVIVE when historically ALL OTHERS DIE (from this group) the Irish worker dude who pulled up stakes and married his brothers widow and child to start a new life, HOW WILL HE COPE with the responsibilities? What about the German WAR SUBPLOT and the REPORTER who helped instigate it? Will the TOP SECRET plans she stole make it to New York? Will her Brother be freed from prison? What about our favorite slut turned ACTRESS 'Kitty'.........will she make it to New York? or will shacking up with mister fictional BIG BUCKS and his motion picture industry work out? for that matter will HE even survive long enough to give her what she desires in life? How the FRICK did that wussy Andrea and that other dude manage to secure a job in the BOILER ROOM of Titanic? and will they make it to CHICAGO? I am just left with SOOOOOO many loose ends that i hate to say it leave me feeling LARGELY EMPTY. With NO SEQUEL or Second season in appears this is one Titanic program i am going to have to use my

****BOOM**** ALL MAIN CHARACTERS SURVIVE AND LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER!!!!!!! There..............if your not gonna give me an ENDING i'm gonna envision an EQUALLY FICTIONAL...........HAPPY ONE.

On a scale of 1-10 i rate this a 3.5 It woulda rated an EIGHT but there are TOO MANY loose ends to make this show watchable a second time. I DID NOT ENJOY IT because the ending RUINED IT.
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Neither good history nor good drama
nwdean-862-18690330 November 2019
This series was intended to commemorate the centennial of the Titanic. So what idiot then decided to completely falsify the history regarding Harland & Wolff's refusal to hire Catholics, as well as the issues regarding labor unions and the quality of the steel? Why commemorate history by perverting it?

Maybe that same idiot hired the screenwriters who produced a turgid script lacking any semblance of realism. The lines are all too often artificial and pompous - even Derek Jacobi can't make them believable.

I wasted four hours hoping this show would get better. It didn't. Don't waste your time on it.
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Incredibly disappointing
pwrightwood3 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I was really looking forward to this series in spite of its timing. It came out as the Titanic anniversary was on the wane and most people were Titaniced-out by other disappointing documentaries and commemorations.

I watched a number of disappointment increasing but with hope that it would get better. It didn't. To say it got worse is an understatement. The historical accuracies only increased. I totally agree with a previous reviewer that the romance and labour dispute issues were portrayed using contemporary values. The latter underscores what is really wrong. As a Canadian, I really hate to admit it but once Canadians get into the movies or mini-series business they cannot help themselves from being politically correct and by doing so, fail to render historical accuracy. Rewriting history is something we do so well...I know...I am a Quebecer. I was hoping for something more from the Irish.

Two stars for photography.
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Blatant exploitation of Titanic sinking anniversary
mec-noreply17 January 2013
If you are a history buff or a Titanic buff, DO NOT BUY THIS MOVIE.

This is nothing but a soap opera set in the time of the building of Titanic - so many facts are so severely distorted for "dramatic license" that there is little relevance to any history of Titanic.

This was broadcast in April 2012, the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. The producers deliberately chose this occasion to exploit the anniversary in the interest of maximizing profit. The review on the front page of this movie title is nothing but a marketing sales pitch which was written by someone who knew NOTHING about Titanic history.

The only redeeming quality of this steaming pile of excrement is Derek Jacobi, always a pleasant screen presence.

I have been a Titanic buff for over thirty years and was vastly disappointed in this DVD. I do not like soap opera and was duped into buying this DVD by the false marketing on the package. Don't throw away your money like I did.
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Titanic took a back seat to soap opera love
palmtree-7321423 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was really looking forward to this mini series since it was going to focus on the design, planning and construction of this magnificent ship. I tried to stay focused, but the constant bunny trails down the road to romance left me empty. I kept getting the female characters mixed up because they all looked alike (sorry I was not familiar with any of the actresses). I kept hoping more screen time would be given the title character... Titanic. Once the construction of the ship itself was finished I wanted to see the interior features and how the ship was tricked out in all the finery of the day. The ending really screwed up my head too. I sort of figured out that many of the main characters would make the voyage, but even a post script of what happened to each passenger would have sufficed. Drat.
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