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This version of Haunted Mansion was pretty good for what it was
tavm28 July 2023
My friend who used to work at a movie theatre and who I hadn't seen in a while expressed interest in watching this one so I decided to oblige him on this point. I expected some laughs and innocent scares but while I was impressed with the visual effects, I didn't think there were many funny scenes or lines unless they were said by Danny DeVito. Still, I liked it fine most of the time and so did my friend. Nice to see all the familiar New Orleans landmarks since I and my friend only live a two-hour drive from there. This friend said he liked it better than the Eddie Murphy version which I've yet to watch. In summary, we both say give this Haunted Mansion a look. P. S. I personally thought it was a shame there was no scene of DeVito with his former "Taxi" co-star Marilu Henner who seemed wasted as a NO tourist.
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Actually a good Disney movie
codyfleury28 July 2023
Might be hard to believe, but we actually have a Disney movie that was fun!!! It didn't try to shove an agenda down your throat while still tackling important themes such as loss and grief. Of course that is all secondary to the most important thing...FUN AT THE MOVIES which is rare these days sadly! It was escapism, great cast, not to mention soooo many easter eggs for fans of the ride. If I'm honest, the 2003 version isn't something I hated like many, but this does it MUCH better. I told my wife when we left, "if I wanted someone to know what ride they were about to get on at Disney World, I'd just have them watch this and I love the movie for it".
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Forgettable Disney ride adaptation
bastille-852-73154727 July 2023
I wasn't expecting Disney's "Haunted Mansion" film to be a masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination, but I was hoping it would be good entertainment, as the trailers seemed to make it look a bit more fun and authentic than some of Disney's other ride adaptations. It also has a talented cast including LaKeith Stanfield, Owen Wilson, and Danny DeVito. Yet the film fell short of my expectations, simply because it is so generic and derivative that it fails to offer the viewer anything new. It's not simply that "Haunted Mansion" might be too scary for younger kids and too juvenile for older kids, as that would not be a problem if the movie was good or interesting--it's just that this film overall isn't very good or interesting, period.

The film follows a single mother and her son who move into the Haunted Mansion, which is in New Orleans. While the film tries to utilize the setting of New Orleans in some decently authentic ways, the rest of the plot and character development is so generic that they fail to make viewers more engaged in the setting. The film's attempts at both humor and scares fall flat, as the jokes are formulaic and corny while the attempts at more frightening moments fail to elicit any tension or suspense, and are quite repetitive and CGI-heavy. For a film that supposedly cost $160 million to make, the visual effects look very cheesy and artificial as well. At over two hours long, the film also runs for too long, especially given the plot has limited resolution or payoff in a way that would be directly satisfying for the audience. While the supporting cast (such as Wilson and DeVito) try their best with the material they have been given and sometimes give off charismatic and fun performances, the rest of the film does not work especially well. Not recommended. 5/10.
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Is it weird I like the other one better?
HollisWoods27 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Now this version of Haunted Mansion has some good elements. The Hat Box ghost is the villain, other than just a ghost butler made up for the story. There were lots of great Easter eggs like the wallpaper, the 13th hour clock, the hitchhiking ghosts, & the stretching room - which was honestly a really cool sequence. Though Disney played it safe & excluded Gracey's hanging.

Actually, the Gracey storyline is so much weaker in this one compared to how he was a central character in the 2003 film. The 2003 story was honestly much better all around as a tragic haunting love story vs 2023's vengeful spirit with a story of grief.

The casts are 50-50 for me. Owen Wilson made me genuinely laugh all through the movie & all the other actors had their own comedic moments that hit. I still like the 2003 cast led by Eddie Murphy, but both casts are fine.

Overall, it's a fine film. Though now I wish there was a Haunted Mansion movie that combines everything good from both 2003 & 2023 versions, with 03's music, 23's costume design, and as many Easter eggs to the ride as possible.
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Haunting Fun, But Busts On Overall Finesse
rgkarim28 July 2023

The Comedy At Times: -The movie has about three or four layers of laughs to it that should offer variety to the families intending to see it.

-One part is silly humor, stumbling, laughing, and slapstick that leads to easy laughs for the little ones to enjoy.

-The next one or two is the one liners. One part is quotable madness for the kids, cute, whimsy, fun, and simple, while the other is the grown up words that scratch that itch of nostalgia. It works well when in balance, if not a tad silly as you shall see.

-And my level, the sarcasm and sass of the conversation that really hits that situational style with a touch of relevance that in a spooky situation works for the relief. Quite Impressive if I do say so myself.

The Easter Eggs: -It's a movie about a famous ride, and as mentioned Haunted Mansion has layers for the avid rider to seek out.

-Disney's self-promotion does pay heed to some classic landmarks to the tale, finding the right designs to bring back the famous ride.

-I love nostalgia like this, but what I love even more is the placement and integration of the eggs into the movie, that aren't too over the top or forced in my eyes.

-Sometimes it's just a comedic gag, merely paired with a line or two to call attention.

-Other times though, it's a story arc or obstacle that I think worked and tried to take the rewritten lore to a level that felt necessary for the plot's direction.

The Acting: -It's a loaded cast and I can't lie, I was impressed with the balance of all these actors having decent time on the screen or use in the story.

-Every actor had some moments that were stellar, a great presentation that proved why they joined this supernatural family and joined the mansion's halls.

-I'd like to praise all of them, but limited room will keep me to the three top cast alone.

-Wilson, is the role he always plays and you know what it works. Levels of serious character development with goofy vagabond work in this complicated manner. That performance may be the same style he presents, but how it drives the story and relieves the darker tones works to a degree.

-Dawson is fine when she pulls her moments out, the talented woman has this care and dry humor that feels realistic, fun, if not a bit relevant to the motherly figure. She just needed... well more to let her flex those acting guns she proves she has.

-As for LaKeith, the man shows just how talented he is with this level of emotion on the more intense moments that reflect hurt, doubt, depression, and so much more. I felt for his story and the delivery of those moments of someone struggling with something.

The Story: -There are moments in this film where the story goes deep, a level that I think is respectful, exploring emotions perfect for this setting.

-It adds a little more flair and adult elements to the movie, makes the film a tad more on the pre-teen than kid level, but really helps add character depth.

-The rest of the movie has elements that are in line with the lore of the ride: a mystery element to solve, some horror occult components dialed back to what feels like a theme park ride, and plenty of drama that again works for character moments.

-And helping to again respect the lore of the ride in the new medium, is something I have to applaud they were trying for in this movie.

The Visuals: -By far, the movie's visuals and setting reign lord of the manor for this reviewer.

-The mansion feels like an expanded version of the ride, the structure, feel, architecture, and more that screams an adaptation of the Haunted Mansion.

-Seeing the computer animation moments were certainly exciting, watching the house change, fold, twist and turn to match the agenda of the Hat Box ghost was one of the best moments for me, holding some elements of Dr. Strange magic with it.

-The lighting helps to add that enchantment level, an Imagineer creation with more realistic styles that help add the occult atmosphere with the fantasy elements of the park.

-Costume gain points for modern and classic styles mixing, bringing to life the complexity of New Orleans, while not being so gaudy or distracting from the things around them that it takes away from the setting.

-And the fact that CGI with real life came together in (mostly) fluid visuals and transitions, is bonus points compared to some of the other amalgamations that Hollywood has generated.

-The bottom line, the world is created well with the modern twist, binding all the elements together that make it feel like Haunted Mansion.


Rosario Dawson and Curtis' Time: -Two big actresses, and two big parts, but the time levels did little to reflect what these women are known to bring to their acting game.

-Rosario's moments were fine, but her character had more to her I felt, but got kind of lost to the other character traits that her support felt very... lacking. To waste that talent was not my favorite direction, given again the levels of character that could have risen from the grave.

-For Curtis, she's funny, she's elaborate, she has the regality at times, an accent that is cheesy, but just fun.

-Yet, like Dawson, her involvement is very one note, some forced comedy with a little over the top moments that are charming, sweet, and kid level power, but not really attuning to her full potential.

The Comedy Goes A Little Too Silly: -This is a kids movie and I know family movies have to be silly given the broad range of age and maturity.

-Still, the movie sometimes drags out too silly of a movie to relieve the darker elements and the macabre elements they were exploring.

-Our actors drop their good performances for very forced bouts of awful running, stumbling words of Whoa, Oh, or Watch Out, that are flat and unbelievable.

-And throw in how forced some of the jokes are, going deep into left field that didn't ring well with me or the audience in the room.

-It will work for families who just like to giggle and laugh at the simplistic moments, or perhaps more at how their kids get excited seeing these lines.

Lazy Design of Some Ghosts: -I'll say it, Haunted Mansion got lazy about halfway through with the design of the specters that the predecessor did better.

-They may have better animation and colors, but what started as creative, unique ghosts with personality in design and a few words, gets lost to generic, ectoplasmic copies that are nothing more than time and money saving.

-A shame given again just how many designs they have to play with, but in a world of shrinking budgets, I can't say that seeing it surprised me.

Lost Opportunities: -The Haunted Mansion is a playground of things to explore, do, and help add the thrill to a movie that is reliant on said thrills.

-And to a degree they kind of do it, but I can't say the presence of this movie is as strong a haunting as they wanted.

-The mystery element is quickly erased by jokes, simple puzzles and solutions that are time conscious, but boring for viewers like me.

-A race through the halls, and uncovering truths, gets diluted to comedic plot devices and convenience factors that are cute, funny, but so lackluster to the adventure the other movie did.

-The buildup to the end hinted at some wow moments, but by this point it was so wrapped up in the comedic element and family tone that the connection to the world was fading.

-A lame attempt at heroics, a standoff that lacked teeth, fighting to end the big bad moment, it all just came out bland, sad, and again designed for a PG level audience to a modern degree.

-And the main issue, I think, is that it couldn't get its tone, elements that mixed haphazardly together that held a pale level of involvement that I could just not get a feel for.

-It was too many diverse profiles that works for that "something for everybody" vibe, but in terms of storytelling, climax, and engaging thrills that the ride does better for me.

The VERDICT: Haunted Mansion is a movie that has a lot of zest and modern wows that make for a fun escape from the realities of the world, sort of. It's elements that make it theater worthy are about the presentation mainly in the characters and the looks. The acting is fine for the most part, only dipping when we get extremely silly and forced tones that they don't seem ready to act out. As for the visuals, they are the things bringing the dead ironically to life. The way they pay homage to the ride, but warp it in this fantastic Disney vibe of spooky works very well to be entertaining and fun. However, the movie fails to live up to the full potential of the trailers for me, mainly in not being able to balance the feel and the genres in a manner that works in tandem. Trying to be for the family, but still be spooky and thrilling just don't mesh well and left me bored and wanting more given the setup of the film. All the elements I liked seemed to be working towards something, but then got snuffed out in some rush towards a hasty end to the budget. The result... the movie just felt a shade of what it could have been given the Disney of old. All of this comes together so that the séance of spookiness is rated as:

Comedy/Drama/Family: 7.0 Movie overall: 6.0.
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Good enough
masonsaul12 August 2023
Haunted Mansion is needlessly convoluted and feels its length but for a Disney theme park ride adaptation it's really impressive how ready this film is to have some genuinely moving and open conversations about grief and how painful it can be to move on.

Lakeith Stanfield is the main reason any of this works. For a remake of a film based on a theme park ride he's way better than he needed to be. Any scene where he opens up about his pain is incredibly engaging and unexpectedly real.

Overall this is an undeniably talented cast who've all been really funny in the past so even if they're not as funny here as they definitely could've been they're all still good at getting a fair few chuckles out of the material throughout. Tiffany Haddish wins simply by having the best joke.

The most baffling casting here is Jared Leto as the Hatbox Ghost. It's a completely forgettable role and whilst it's kinda a relief he doesn't ruin the film it's so weird to see one of the most committed actors currently working (for better and worse) take a role that is 100% stunt casting.

Justin Simien's direction is pretty good, a lot of the geometry distorting set pieces are basically just CG that looks fine but there's still fun to be had with them and it's only in the third when the CG overload threatens to derail it like it did Jungle Cruise, but this recovers.
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Haunted Ghosts
cahidi9 October 2023
I've watched several versions of the Haunted Mansion, and I think that this is the best one so far. Don't be discouraged by those low rating reviewers who set their impossible standards too high. You just have to watch it yourself to find out whether it's good or bad. Some people complains when there's too much CGI involved. Some people complains when there's not enough CGI. Some people complains even when there's nothing to complain about. I think this version offers a unique plot. Instead of haunting and scaring people away from the mansion, the ghosts were actually forcing people to stay in the house. It's funny, it's not exactly scary and it's heartwarming. A typical Disney family movie. Watch it with your family.
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Holy cow this movie sucks
zaltman_bleros4 October 2023
Another pointless remake in a sea of pointless remakes, reboots or whatever the term they use these days. This movie is even worse than the original with Eddie Murphy. The lead actor is completely miscast. But he's not the only one, Rosario Dawson and Owen Wilson are just there for the sake of being there. The other female actress, the psychic, completely unfunny, feels like they were going for the Whoopie Goldberg style role of 1990's Ghost but it fails on all levels. Danny De Vito, nice to see him but he doesn't shine and also he's not funny. In fact nothing was really funny. The movie was bland, generic, empty, devoid of any energy. Watching the lead actor was like watching Tom Cruise in The Mummy reboot. What is he even doing in this movie and he is boring and feels like he didn't want to be in the movie. At least Eddie Murphy's role we got some laughs. I cannot believe I wasted 2 hours of my life with yet another Disney reboot stinker.
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Entertaining enough but, had the potential to be so much better.
Anurag-Shetty31 July 2023
Haunted Mansion is based on the Disney theme park ride of the same name. Gabbie(Rosario Dawson) who is a single mother, brings together a tour guide named Ben Matthias(LaKeith Stanfield), a psychic named Harriet(Tiffany Haddish), a priest named Father Kent(Owen Wilson) & a history professor named Bruce Davis(Danny DeVito), to rid the mansion she just moved into, of various ghosts who are haunting her & her son, Travis(Chase Dillon).

Haunted Mansion is a good film. Director Justin Simien has given us a movie that is a perfect tribute to the beloved Disney theme park ride of the same name. This film is hilarious from time to time but, it could have been absolutely hysterical with the talented cast that they assembled. The PG-13 rating diminishes the scares & makes sure you don't really get spooked about by the titular mansion's machinations. This is definitely a missed opportunity. The set pieces are awesome. The visual effects are perfect. The performances are the highlight of the movie. LaKeith Stanfield is spectacular as Ben Matthias. Rosario Dawson is outstanding as Gabbie. Owen Wilson is amazing as Father Kent. Tiffany Haddish is fantastic as Harriet. Danny DeVito is phenomenal as Bruce Davis. Chase Dillon is excellent as Travis. The supporting cast is unforgettable. Haunted Mansion is worth a watch for fans of the titular theme park ride & fans of this extremely talented cast. However, lower your expectations & you won't be disappointed.
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Unnecessarily long
Dickiebyrne15 August 2023
Pacing is all off here, this film could have done with at least 20-30 minutes trimmed off. It sagged in the middle, can't really fault the actors here, they all did their bit. They were just dealing with a baggy script.. The effects were fine, the set was appropriately eerie and atmospheric. I would have liked to seen a bit more menace with the ghosts, gave them a bit more edge which would have avoided all the characters seen as safe and untouchable but still have the light hearted approach, along the lines of the Frighteners (directed by Peter Jackson). I know it's a 12a but the kids would have coped with it for sure.
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Entertaining and much better than I expected
NS-movie-reviews5 October 2023
Evidently I am an outlier because I really did enjoy this movie! It was cute and, for what it was, I thought it was well done. I think the cast absolutely nailed it and I enjoyed many elements of the story.

Was it the best movie ever? No it wasn't. But I thought it had a few jump scare moments, lots of good humor and chemistry between the characters, and was all around a fun and enjoyable way to spend two hours. I don't regret working this into my October movie list and watching it on Disney+.

As a Disney kid I also really got a kick out of all the implementations of things from the ride itself. Maybe I'm just easily amused and sentimental, but I would happily rewatch this one in the future!
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bosullivan2-719-14325021 September 2023
Family friendly but don't play it too safe!

Younger innocent kids will find it frightening.

But kids who like to be scared will have a blast.

Disney plays the scares cleverly for a family movie with a joke to reduce tension after the frights, without making the film too cheesy. Danny Devito is well utilised here.

Effects amazing. Scary but still good family acceptable ghosts that won't cause younger kids to stay up all night terrified.

Story/ mystery is well told. Great cast and emotional pay off at the end. Again without being too cheesy.

Families will have a ball at this movie.

Bring your kids and cuddle up behind the jackets.

And book a restaurant after because you'll want to go talk about the scares!
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Too shallow and thin. Bad acting
yuhedg13 August 2023
It wanted to score too easy, was way to slow and the jokes were to predictable all the times. Sorry to see they hurried the history plot line so much, which (on itself) would make a more than fine script. Also sorry to see that many of the beloved characters where also 'just there to be there'; if you blinked your eyes you could have mist it.

Nice to see the decor that makes the entourage of the attraction. But that's about it I'm afraid. The acting was almost on amateur level, the lines and the plot to thin. It made me even long for the previous version. Which also had a lot of things to comment on.
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I was pleasantly surprised
jermolly30 July 2023
I went in with low expectations, but was pleasantly surprised. It has some jump scares so if you have little ones probably best to avoid for now. It's better than most Disney endeavors as of late so take that for what it's worth. There's lots of things wrong with it, specifically I couldn't tell if they were trying to be set in the 70s because of hairstyles and clothing choices, but then smart phones were being used. Owen Wilson is just his same old goofy self and Jamie Lee was the wrong casting choice for Leota, but overall it'll be a fun addition to the Halloween movie rotation. If you're a fan of the ride you'll like all the references.
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Ghoulishly Delightful
JoshuaMercott4 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Set in New Orleans and incorporating several familiar tropes and tricks from the paranormal franchise, "Haunted Mansion" delivered consistent entertainment with a sprinkling of scares and a good dollop of comedy.

African-American culture was in particular focus throughout the movie. This was admirable for plenty of reasons, not least among them being the fact that New Orleans (and Louisiana) culture is renowned for its ancient Afro roots - superstitions, dancing, music, food, and all.

A new house and all the haunted ghosts the new owners never knew came with it defined the plot. A single mum (Gabbie, played by Rosario Dawson) and her son (Travis, played by Chase Dillon) became the focus of the story. Before long, that focus included other characters, namely a coterie of ghosts and ghouls.

Apparently, anyone who enters the house is soon plagued by spirit activity, compelling them to return. This was a curious creative choice, reminiscent of the 2003 Eddie Murphy starrer "The Haunted Mansion". This movie is a loose (emphasis on the word) remake of that one.

The main villain-spirit (Alistair Crump) was intent on performing a ritual that needed one thousand ghosts. Upon successfully completing it, he would then be free to escape the mansion and spread his spectral shade of chaos anywhere he pleased. This dark and ominous setting wove an admirable layer of mystery into an otherwise comedic script.

I was most surprised, and pleasantly so, to see Jared Leto playing the role of the 'big bad' Alistair Crump, aka the hatbox ghost. They never showed his actual face (though just the once, via VFX), but his performance was riveting regardless.

On a related note, it was as amusing to see Winona Ryder and Dan Levy give cameos as tour guides (Pat and Vic, resp.). Both gave comedically nuanced performances.

Among the main characters, Chase Dillon's acting was astounding. He had such great timing for one so young. Every scene in which this kid featured was remarkable.

Having been a fan of Rosario Dawson for years - and hugely appreciative of her latest transformation into Ahsoka (of Star Wars fame) - I was glad to see she did not disappoint in this role. Though her performance was minimal, she set a nice tone going forward.

"Haunted Mansion" also had other notable 'paranormal performers' who made the haunting feel compelling and, dare I say it, fun. The movie grew progressively better, despite it stubbornly sticking to one corny trope after the next.

The cherry on this cake was Jamie Lee Curtis as Madame Leota. She was funny, and wasn't subtle about it. I loved her dramatic presence in this story in which she played a mystic medium of the most clichéd (intentionally so) kind. She was the reason I even saw this movie.

Everything Danny DeVito (as Bruce Davis), Owen Wilson (as 'Father' Kent), LaKeith Stanfield (as Ben Matthias), and Tiffany Haddish (as Harriet) brought to their respective roles lent the movie a diverse fun-filled ambiance.

Tiffany Haddish and Danny DeVito were especially hilarious. They carried some of the more mundane scenes in the movie. Tiffany and LaKeith also did justice to some surprisingly empathic moments.

I refuse to conclude this review without making mention of the house itself. The titular 'haunted mansion' was a gothic paradise in more ways than one. The set was aesthetic in all the right Halloween-style ways, and every feature felt like an architectural (Greek Revival-style) décor treat.

Disney is no stranger to this edifice. In fact, the Gracey Manor has been part of their amusement park haunted mansion tours for years, starting from the 1950s. Suffice to say, the house itself was a main character in this 2023 movie. It also contained plenty of Disney's 'haunted mansion' ride elements woven into the scenes.

A great musical score - with 90s-era Beetlejuice-style vibes and New Orleans jazz - notable performances, and classic 'haunted house' moments made this movie entertaining through and through.

I was worried "Haunted Mansion" would end up being more trick than treat, but they did ghoulishly good work. It's not easy to make clichés feel this engaging.
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Not as terrible as people are making out...
simonmag17 December 2023
While this won't be vying for any awards and some of the attempts at drawing out any empathy for some of the characters are forced, this is still an entertaining watch. There are some good jokes that might not age very well and pleasing enough performances from the majority of the cast. Those expecting a horror will be disappointed as this, like the original is squarely aimed at Disney's core family demographic - surprised they didn't bring Eddie Murphy back although he was probably still healing from the savaging the original took back in the day.

There are worse ways to spend time but they could have trimmed some of the running time off.
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Could've been so much more
Gilmoregirl-593407 August 2023
I love the haunted mansion ride and was really looking forward to this movie. The trailer looked promising but I still tried to go in with tempered expectations.

To sum it up, I felt like this movie could have been so much MORE. There is such wonderful history and story with the ride that could have given so much creative opportunity that I feel was not used.

I kept waiting for some kind Of twist or realization or climax that just never came. The whole movie just feels like it was missing the magic that is the original story and ride. With so much at Disney's disposal for making this movie, I expected better. I definitely enjoyed some of the actors, Tiffany haddish in particular. But felt like the comedy was lackluster in general. I really wanted to love this movie! But sadly it does not have the makings of a modern classic.

Still worth a watch when it comes to streaming. Not much more.
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Disappointing with dry humor and dull direction.
cruise013 August 2023
2 out of 5 stars.

Haunted Mansion is a bad supernatural horror comedy film that is based on the disney ride which copies some cool theme park references. Compared to the original film which was okay. This film falls flat with its story. Direction. The script is filled with cheesy dialogue. Humor is bland that adults and kids will be bored of.

The acting is a bit stale with the cast ensemble. Giving forgettable performances. The story is not memorable. The humor fails to deliver laughs. Just felt more awkward.

The film could have been better. Especially being one of the most popular attractions at disney. The film falls flat in every aspect.
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A fun family horror movie
kevin_robbins28 July 2023
The Haunted Mansion (2023) is a movie that my daughter and I watched in theaters tonight. The storyline follows a single mother and her son who decide to move from the city to a mansion just outside of New Orleans. Little does she know the house is haunted. She brings in a priest to deliver an exorcist, a medium, a man who developed a special camera lens that can see ghosts and a professor that writes books on hauntings. Together they hope to free the spirits of the mansion so the single mom and her child can live in peace.

This movie is directed by Justin Simien (Dear White People) and stars LaKeith Lee Stanfield (Selma), Jamie Lee Curtis (Halloween), Danny DeVito (Drowning Moana), Rosario Dawson (Deathproof), Tiffany Haddish (Girls Trip), Winona Ryder (Edward Scissorhands), Jared Leto (Requiem for a Dream) and Owen Wilson (Wedding Crashers).

This movie has a fairly straightforward primary storyline with some creative and well written subplots that unfold well. The husband/wife and father/son subplots were deeper than I expected. The cast is awesome and everyone delivers a solid performance, especially DeVito who was hilarious. New Orleans was an obvious great setting for this picture. The horror elements are top notch and "clean," as you'd expect from Disney. The CGI was fantastic and there were even some creative jump scares. This has an expected Disney ending.

Overall, this is a fun family horror movie that's worth a watch. I would score this a solid 6/10 and strongly recommend it.
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I couldn't wait to leave the theater
FeastMode27 July 2023
I was surprised to see that Disney's Haunted Mansion is rated PG-13. I thought maybe they're trying to make a new Pirates of the Caribbean, a series I love (mostly). So I gave it a chance. That was a mistake.

This movie is not funny. It made me laugh about 4 times. This movie is not scary. I never felt creeped out. I never jumped at any of the numerous poor jump-scare attempts, even in Dolby Cinema where the speakers shake the auditorium. Very little works and there are some extra-cheesy moments.

It's a shame, this could have been fun. I like most of the cast. LaKeith Stanfield gives a great performance. There are a few cool scenes and visuals. But I just didn't care. I was not at all invested in the story or characters. And I just wanted it to be over.

Maybe it's just me. My crowd applauded when it finished. I can see children liking this, maybe something a family can watch together. I personally wouldn't recommend this to anyone. Just watch Pirates again instead.

(1 viewing, early fan screening Dolby Cinema 7/26/2023)
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My childhood brought back to life.
moviesfilmsreviewsinc27 July 2023
The new Disney film based on the Haunted Mansion ride at Disneyland features key elements from the ride, including Easter eggs paying tribute to its inspiration. This is Disney's third attempt at bringing the ride's spooky charms to the screen, following 2003's Eddie Murphy starrer and 2021's enjoyable Muppets Haunted Mansion streaming special. However, the film falls short of the laughs and scares needed for a potential blockbuster franchise like the Pirates of the Caribbean series. The film's potential improvement could have been made if Guillermo del Toro had remained creatively involved. The film directed by Justin Simien is a routine summer entertainment suitable for less discerning youngsters. Screenwriter Katie Dippold infuses emotions into the proceedings, with a central character haunted by memories of his deceased wife. The poignant subplot blends with trademark apparitions like The Hat-Box Ghost and Madame Leota's disembodied head. Ben, a skeptical mansion visitor, becomes a believer when ghosts follow him home to his rundown French Quarter house. He temporarily lives with Harriet, a psychic medium, and Bruce, a professor specializing in haunted houses. The production designers and special effects team recreate the thrills and chills of a theme park attraction using a visually dazzling combination of CGI and practical effects. However, the running time of over two hours makes the experience feel like riding the same ride repeatedly. The film lacks memorable cameos, with actors like Curtis and Leto barely affecting the story. Stanfield and Dawson lack the comic chops to make their characters more than plot devices. DeVito, Haddish, and Wilson perform better, with DeVito's mellow line readings contrasting with the visual mayhem. However, these comedic pros cannot salvage lame jokes like DeVito's "I'm too old to die!" joke while being manhandled by aggressive spirits. "Haunted Mansion" is a visually striking film inspired by the popular Disneyland ride, with elements like stretching rooms, hitchhiking specters, and subtle references like Harriet's chair. The filmmaker uses physical and special effects to create a world that feels lived in for the ensemble of people and frights, while also capturing a New Orleans atmosphere with funeral processions and brass bands. Rosario Dawson plays Eddie Murphy's haunted mansion owner, but underutilizes the role in a regulation Mom role. Jamie Lee Curtis portrays Madame Leota, but struggles with her disembodied head and lacks Jennifer Tilly's memorable performance. Jared Leto's Morbius cheekbones are CGI-worked, but the funhouse illusion of impossible geometries doesn't dispel the feeling of déjà vu.
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Great story and characters ruined by ridiculously dark film
nrshorter8 October 2023
So much of this was better than the previous adaption, with loads of nods to the original ride which I'm sure any disney parks fan will pick up on. The effects were also very good. The cast was, without exception, excellent. The story manages to pay homage to the ride while also being easy to understand for those unfamiliar with the ride.

But the film was so dark it was a strain at times to watch and see what was going on. Even the daytime scenes looked like they had a filter on. I've also heard this complaint from others who have seen it. And if you have any vision issues you really will struggle to make out what's going on.
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Fell asleep...twice
washburnc1228 July 2023
This movie was such a let down. Started off with a decent plot but stretched it way too thin to get the movie to 2 hrs. The special effects were pretty good, when you actually saw them. There was a great collection of supporting players but they were all wasted with boring characters and dialogue. I really did drift off twice. But for me, the worst part of the movie was the lead "actor." He was so badly cast that it was truly painful to have to watch him for 2 hrs. Had there been a lead that could act, it might have changed things. This was definitely not an improvement from the previous 2003 version. Save yourself the money and just watch the trailer.
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Beyond Bad
drednm20 August 2023
Within the first few minutes I could tell this was a stinker. The acting is atrocious and the story is stupid. Then add the mud-colored color scheme and the Gary Coleman lookalike and you have every reason to flee the theater or turn it off on your device.

All the actors smell with Owen Wilson confirming once and for all he cannot act at all. Most of the other actors were unknown to me and I couldn't tell them apart.

With the cartoon music I couldn't tell if this swamp was meant to be a comedy or what. And who was the proposed audience? 5-year-olds? And the lead is supposed to be a scientist? Ya right!
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It was fun...
04GreatFlick28 July 2023
Ok where to was more than fine. I enjoyed it. Not as much as the Eddie Murphy version but there were things I really liked and there were things that just didn't work for me with the 2023 version. So let us start at what didn't work for me. The story setup is fantastic. It provides clear and compelling goals that the characters must achieve, and it effectively engages the audience. However, after these goals are accomplished, the narrative seems to lose direction, leaving us wondering, 'What happens next?' It appears that towards the end, everyone involved in the production had different ideas, resulting in a somewhat scattered and inconsistent storyline. The film had a key moment towards the end that had the potential to be impactful, but unfortunately, it fell flat due to the overwhelming number of simultaneous events occurring. Additionally, some of these events contradicted what had been established earlier in the movie, making it hard for the audience to fully connect with the moment. The movie did have its fun parts. The movie successfully delivered numerous moments that had tremendous audience reactions, particularly with well-executed jokes that hit the mark perfectly. Additionally, the inclusion of effective scare scenes was evident, as the girl seated next to us visibly reacted and fell for each one, adding to the overall thrilling experience. My favorite character was Travis, played by Chase Dillon. He was amazing. Stole every scene he was in. If you are a Disney fan, I think you will enjoy this with all the easter eggs that are peppered throughout. The general movie audience might be a bit more meh about it. No post credit scenes.
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