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My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (TV Series 2010–2020) Poster

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Awesome show
deanjanan30 December 2019
What this show has, that this world lacks is an emphasis on on friendship. Yes, magic is mixed in and it can be unrealistic, but don't focus on that. Focus on the friendship aspect. It's so nice to see so much of that and "people" working together and nice things happening for a change.
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This is where it starts.
mikwee4 November 2019
The episode does a great job of introducing the Mane 6, and the villain (from the little we see in this part) is intriguing as she's intimidating. I don't have a lot to say about this one.
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A new golden age in animation...
jcs_stanley17 September 2011
This is it people. This is the one show in the history of mankind that despite being based of a toy-line for little girls has ultimately spawned an entire internet following that has stretched to the end of the earth composed entirely of comics, fan-fiction, remixes and there fact that most of it's followers are teen to adult males know as bronies.

Prior to wacthing this show I had a lot of mixed feelings about this show because I was uncertain on how it would affect my position as a male of the species. So I watched it and OM Freaking G WAS IT GOOD!!! This show has everything you could ever want! great colour, completely memorable characters and HIGH-larious facial expressions. But enough of that let's take a look at the plot shall we? Okay so the focus of this show is a Unicorn pony named Twilight Sparkle (getit it supposed to be like the sparkly vampires in Twilight (God I shudder at the memories..)She spends most of her sweet time in her library in Canterlot (the capital city of Equestria where the show takes place). Seeing her lack of social skills Equestria's ruler Princess Celestia sends her of to The community of Ponyville to learn about the magic of friendship because that's what it says in the show's title 'Freindship is Magic) so she heads to Ponyville with her loyal, hard-working but comical assistant a baby dragon named Spike who's always with her no matter the scrapes he get's into.

As she makes friends in the place she tries to find out more about The Elements of Harmony a powerful kind of magic in order to stop the return of a malevolent Alicorn (Unicorn/Pegasis hybrid) who is to plunge Equestria into an entity of everlasting night and doom. I won't say anymore about the story you'll have to watch the first two episodes to find out. yup. You're gonna have to wacth this.

We then have her friends who are always with her in her many adventures ((All female by the way just so you know) First their's Applejack the western apple-harvester, Rainbow Dash the completely awesome tomboy and fastest pegasi in the land as well as long-time admirer of Equestria's personal aerobatic squadron 'The Wonderbolts', Fluttershy the cute one who would rather look after animals than engage in activities that involve noise, attention and danger. Rarity the fabulous one who's goal is to bring out a Ponie's inner beauty as long as they don't trail in dirt on the way in and Finally Pinkaminea Dianne Pie OR Pinkie Pie for short who is undeniably the most random, party obsessed and hyper-active pony you could ever meet (She is also the most famous character from the show.) So there you have it. The brief introduction to My Little Pony: Freindship is magic. Wacth it. Give it a go and can assure you it will latch onto your brain stem like a Centurian slug! (see star trek).
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pmcollectorboy5 December 2010
Hasbro has captured lightning in a bottle with a cartoon revelation so pure and enchanting, it has captured the attention of even guys who wouldn't normally like My Little Pony. The pilot episode became one of the biggest animation related events since the release of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Lauren Faust has taken her unique character design style and warm-hearted characterizations and breathed new life into My Little Pony. The result is a new spin on the franchise that's super cute but not saccharine with just enough added snark and outrageous humor.

But it should not be looked at as another My Little Pony cartoon. Instead, it should be looked at as a good show that just happens to have characters from the franchise. But instead of being girly or cheesy, the show has winning humor and wonderful characters. The kingdom feels like it has real places with real neighborhoods. The families have brothers and sisters and older ponies. Magic returns to the ponies and feels real instead of tacked on. There are not too many villains in this show but there are a couple monsters. However the real conflict and drive of the show, and what makes it so interesting, is in seeing how different and varied the personalities of the characters are and how they often act like real friends, complete with disagreements. This is the most educational version of My Little Pony yet. However, unlike preschool cartoons, the lessons don't feel forced or pandering.

This is one of the most remarkable cartoons yet. Truly it is a great achievement.
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Frustratingly Consistent Universe
jncressman1 November 2017
It frustrates me how good this show is. I'm 46 and three of my children have been watching this show. The My Little Pony universe has rules and logic and they follow them. They don't just invent something new get themselves out of some plot hole. Star Trek never cared about consistency, whether the transporters worked with the shields up or not, is there money in the 24th century.... Then there is time travel. How many shows even bother caring about possible paradoxes with time travel and if they do how many actually have a realistic out come?

Most action shows that take place in our world ignore physics, biology and chemistry whenever they feel like it. let's not even go there. The 100? I doubt a single writer of that show passed grade nine science. The Expanse - OK there is one hard science fiction that is compatible to a show aimed at 5 and 6 year olds.

I fear that My Little Pony will set the bar for logical plots to high and my little girls won't be able to enjoy any shows in the future. It has certainly ruined it for me.
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An amazing show for all ages whether Male or Female
alexferranti7 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
If you think this is only mean't for kids, Then you are terribly mistaken. Don't mistake the MLP generation with the previous. This show is now actually here to tell us a story with well developed characters rather than just having only girly elements and only trying to sell toys like the previous generation. Because this show this time is not One Dimensional. I love the cute animation, I love the story that's easy to understand and invest in, I mostly love Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, I love the writing, plot, script, and tones they take with this show. If even adult males love this show then that must tell you that its really THAT good (Kinda like how women are into Star Wars)

When I was 15 years old in 2012(20 now) I was just discovering the massive love for My Little Pony from a lot of grown men and I was wondering myself how did they get into that stuff? Because at that time it was beyond me that a lot of adult males loved a show that was originally targeted towards little girls but as soon as I watched like 5-7 episodes I started to get a sense that this show wasn't JUST made for kids. Lauren Faust had a ton of thought and care put into My Little Pony. Because of the shows tone - I can strongly tell it can be for adults too (like the episode Twilights Kingdom or whatever it was, don't completely remember the name. Or was it the episode Princess Twilight?) I don't necessarily need the show to teach the morals or friendship and stuff as I already have friends myself but its a good detachment as MLP has morals of friendship that not a lot of people know themselves. So yeah. I strongly think the Men LOVING MLP is justified. Sure, Men loving My Little Pony could be weird. But would women loving Star Wars be just as weird? Either way. Both of them are completely acceptable.
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I love it!
TheLittleSongbird27 March 2011
I am not afraid to admit as an 18 year old female that I have a soft spot for My Little Pony, as I do with all my childhood favourites. I watched this show, not expecting much at all, and was really surprised at how much I loved it. When I first heard of My Little Pony:Friendship is Magic, I was a little worried of who it would appeal to, thinking of the conception that it was for little girls and pre-schoolers and little else, but I was wrong. Sure that may be the main target audience, but there may be adults who might admire how much My Little Pony:Friendship is Magic accomplishes.

Several reasons make this show appeal to me. There are the life lessons. This is a very educational show I feel which I think parents will appreciate, and the life and moral lessons are important ones and aren't delivered in an overly-didactic and convoluted fashion. There is the humour. I agree that My Little Pony:Friendship is Magic is very winning in its humour, there are many times where I was amused by the situations and writing. Not all of it is funny though, the show manages to convey some poignancy as well without being too schmaltzy.

There is also the characters. Other than the lessons and the humour, the characters and the way they interact are what make the show work. All the characters are genuinely cute and engaging without leaving a bad taste in the mouth, and they are simple yet interact so well with each other and they also have unique personalities. The story lines are also simple but well paced and quite clever, and the writing is cute, funny and poignant. I also liked the animation, the colours are bright and breezy, the backgrounds are ethereal-looking and the character designs are adorable, and the music is lovely complete with an infectious theme tune.

Overall, a huge surprise and if given a chance without prejudice well worth watching. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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Entertaining and very enjoyable
carlghbrown11 August 2011
If you possess the maturity to look past this show's girly exterior, what you will find inside is a show which is both very entertaining and somewhat educational. The show's main moral is friendship and its importance. This is a moral that everyone, not only little girls, could learn more about.

This show does not portray friendship as all things perfect, just as in the real world. Conflicts between friends is common in this show, as in real life. But at the end of the day, everything ends up well, just like what should happen in the real world between true friends, and a lesson about friendship is learned by the show's main character and, hopefully, by the viewers too. This show teaches morals. Not only does it teach them, but it does so in an extremely fun, light-hearted and enjoyable way.

The show is built upon 7 main characters, 6 female ponies and a male baby dragon who serves as the main character's assistant and best friend. Every single one of these characters is unique. They all have very personifying characteristics which are explored deeply as more episodes are watched. Not only are the front-faced personalities of the ponies explored, but also the flip-sides. Fluttershy is a very kind and timid pony. Not so much though, in the last episode of season one, where she displays a psychotic rage. Not every cartoon can explore personalities this deeply and this successfully. This one can, and it delivers.

The humour in this show is very prominent. The show is laden with puns and one-liners which only serve to give everyone a laugh, not just the intended viewing audience. This show is genuinely funny, and this only makes it better.

The animation is very well done. It's done in Flash, which is becoming increasingly popular for animators. This leads to common minor animation errors, but they don't matter. The styling, including the overall design and colour palette, is brilliantly done.

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic is a show that anyone can enjoy. It is definitely a show aimed at the younger generation. But who cares. This show is by far one of the best cartoons on TV at the moment, and just because its girly and made for younger children doesn't mean it's bad. Give it a shot. You'll find it's worth it.
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The phenomenal cult (colt?) show that literally anyone can enjoy
soldierstar25 July 2011
It's supposed to be a show for little girls! This is actually what the fans of the show say, who find themselves enraptured with whatever episode they decide to make their first. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is aimed for a target demographic of young girls 5 to 10, yet an older male demographic (who call themselves "bronies") are also finding themselves heavily invested with everything going on in the new series. News of "bronies" following the show has met with both positive and negative feedback. But I like to take the optimistic side - quality is quality. Transformers has always meant to be a show for young boys yet costume shops sell Transformers costumes meant for women every year.

The anime; Sailor Moon was also another show meant for younger girls, yet it's unprecedented popularity saw it receive mention from bands like The Bare Naked Ladies and get covers done by the Osaka Popstar's

I don't think I even need to get into how SpongeBob Squarepants dominated the first decade of the newest century. Odds are five people you know can finish the sentence, "Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?".

Friendship is Magic is like discovering Looney Tunes for the first time or laughing at the family dynamics of The Simpsons. Think those are some lofty comparisons? Tough, get off your high horse *snicker* because this show has honestly earned it. I hope to see several more seasons, I hope to see a movie one day on the big screen, I want to see the Japanese create a new opening theme, and see what other memes the fandom can create that will become part of the show's canon. So much more I can't even fit in this box is possible. Some cartoons are good, fewer still are even great, but it's rare ones like these that are actually magic.
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The hype is (Somewhat) justified Warning: Spoilers
I have to admit that I was skeptical about this series.

I mean, when I was a little kid, I used to watch cartoons as "Transformers", "G.I.Joe", "The Thundercats" or similar stuff, but I never cared about the "My Little Pony" cartoon. I am still completely indifferent to that franchise for that matter, but since there was lot of hype and attention given to this series, I decided to give it a chance.

My first impression after seeing a couple of episodes was:"Okay, the animation and the characters of this new cartoon are much better than the ones from the previous series, but I still don't see what's the big deal about this thing." Then I watched more episodes, and I started to like the series. Even when this show isn't something incredibly complex or "deep", at least it is quite enjoyable to watch and the characters are likable. The animation is cute (Definitely is a huge improvement over the mediocre animation of all the previous "My Little Pony" cartoons) without being great. For what it is, it's pretty well done.

Even when I don't consider myself a die-hard fan of this series, I consider that the success that it had and all the hype that it receives from the Internet, was well deserved. After all, this series was able to turn a lame franchise into something actually worth-watching.
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Good for children...
liamcgardner20 May 2018
If this show aired when I was 6-8 years old, I would have loved it. It's a good show for both boys and girls. I just don't see how grown adults can be attracted to it.
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Friendship is Fantastic!
chrisalassal19 June 2011
I was skeptical at first, when one of my best friends suggested I check out this sparkly pink pony-filled show for little girls. But check it out I did, and I've been hooked ever since.

I can't describe why this show is so good in adequate terms, but I'll try to sum it up: Great animation, amazing characterization, clever writing, and an overall premise that works on all levels. Kids will love it, adults will love it, it's a great show for everyone- Young and old, male and female.

What makes this show work so well is, again, that there's something for fans of any age or gender. The show isn't dumbed down or patronizing, but rather treats its audience with respect and delivers intelligent writing and plots. At the same time, it's simple enough to be understood and appreciated by even the youngest of viewers. Something like this doesn't come along often, making Friendship is Magic a treat for animation fans.

My recommendation is to look past the genre ("Little girls show") and give the show a chance for what it is- An amazing cartoon that stands to be the best animated series of the decade, and one of the best in quite some time at that.
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Not bad, but OK.
bmonisky24 May 2018
I am a brony myself, and seeing how biased fans can be towards their favorite shows; I might as well be honest unlike the rest of the bunch.

It's a fairly decent show: original plot, loveable characters and funny scenes that made me laugh. But there are some cons to the show, it doesn't have the best writing and it comes off as girly sometimes.

This show is a guilty pleasure of mine; it's a nice escape from the world. To once imagine that it would finally be peaceful and have vibrant colors and. . . talking animals. Forget that last part.

I have seen the episodes, from AZ and can say that it is a good show. With references to movies and TV Shows, self-critiquing humor and some decent animation. But it is getting old, the reboot has been around for more than 6 years and it is still going headstrong, Hasbro relies too much on the fandom to make episodes and honestly make worse episodes. I'd say that Season 4 was its strong point.

But, enough about the show. I want to talk about why it attracts males: I can't give you a definite answer. But it is a good show in my opinion, and it has cute and loveable characters. A lot of people hate it only for he fact that men watch it, and this ideology that men are supposed to be "manly" and yet woman make their own push against rights to also be "manly", yet we aren't allowed to become a little bit feminine?
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Blown out of proportion
paul-888-7832845 January 2014
Bear in mind that this review is written from an adult's perspective. As a kids' show, MLP is indeed pretty good. For adults, however, there's no reason it should be considered anything more than a bore.

1. The "life lessons" adult fans claim that this show contains are the kind most people learn as early as kindergarten. Having each moral spelled out at the end of every episode bothers me immensely. If you want a show about morality and friendship, there are just so many more subtle and intellectually-profound things to choose from - Doctor Who, Star Trek and the like.

2. The animation isn't one-tenth as amazing as people claim it is. Yippie-ka-yay, it's flash. Call it an issue of taste, but I personally found the animation shallow and two-dimensional. Megas XLR pulled it off a billion times better, despite being considerably older.

3. The storyline itself is what you'd expect from any little kids' show; riddled with inaccuracies, plot holes and clichés, with characters and elements shoehorned in at any time and then promptly forgotten the next episode. The characters themselves are stock protagonists with stereotypical traits, and never seem to develop in a meaningful way. Again, for a kids' show, it's not bad. As an adult, however... no. Just no.

4. The "humor", if any such exists, is dreary and gave me a headache, part of which was derived from incessant face-palming. I am an avid fan of comedic literature (particularly Terry Pratchett), and this show evoked not even a brief smile. Its puns are unfunny, its pop culture references are forced, and it has nothing to offer by way of hilarity.

So now I recline and await the never-ending flood of thumbs down's from rabid fans for daring to question their object of worship. The show isn't actually half-bad bearing in mind its intended audience, but 7.7? That's the main reason I'm giving it 1/10 - this show doesn't come close to deserving its current score.

6.5/10 for its intended audience 2.5/10 for adult entertainment value 1/10 for average adjustment

Edit: As of writing, 7/10 people have called this review "unhelpful". That's what brony "love and tolerance" gets you, I suppose... they tolerate other people's opinions as long as they agree with them. ;)
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Fantastic. Simply fantastic.
bookboy9423 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This cartoon is absolutely amazing. The animation is seamless and smooth, with all those little details attended to. The pony's manes and tails move slightly as they walk, the way you would expect them to on a real pony. The expressions, are, well, expressive, and the voices fit the characters. The setting is believable, the magic isn't simply tacked on, and even the musical numbers (it is a children's T.V show.) are good, catchy, and beautiful.

The characters are three-dimensional and consistent. If one of them is shown to have a fear of thunder, for instance, don't expect them to suddenly be fine with it in the next episode. You meet the characters, and instantly fall in love with them, and you come to love their antics. They are written as characters of around 20ish years of age (this is a estimation, as it is never discussed in the show), which explains why they live alone/why they work.

The conflicts for the majority of the episodes are not from an evil external source, but come from the conflicts around town and in between the characters. The writing of these conflicts and the characters are not as childish as you'd think, with references and jokes the target demographic wouldn't get aplenty.

Did you love old cartoons such as Spongebob, Dexter's Lab, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Fairly Odd Parents and Ed, Edd, and Eddy? If so, this cartoon is for you. Much of the animation, jokes, and even writing are just like something you would expect from the old greats. The show knows it's a cartoon, and acts like it. They don't try to make the physics realistic, nor make perfect sense. The characters even break the forth wall at times.

One last thing a good television show needs is people. I'm not just talking about the team behind it, who are amazing, with animators, voice actors, and writers that worked on Foster's, Fairly Odd Parents, and even the Powerpuff Girls, but the fans as well. Online you will find a large community of fans not of the target demographic. And this is where the fans and the team go hand-in-hand. The team TALKS to the fans, responds to their questions, and even goes so far as to put little things in the show just for them.

Long story short, if you want one big nostalgia-fest, with references, jokes, believable story, lovable characters, good music, and a team that brought you many of your old favorites, you will love this show.
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I love it!
gavinwrivera26 August 2017
It's the best children's cartoon. Even though it doesn't have a lot of action, violence, or scary scenes, it still manages to be pretty good. I want to work for Hasbro and make an Equestria Girls movie. Maybe even a different kind of MLP movie. That's why I am a brony. I love it! This cartoon is awesome. The intro is a bit cringy, but I can ignore it.
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My little pony - Friendship is magic: best cartoon in the last 10 years
jaret-7-28811021 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
My little pony Friendship is magic (often written as MLP:FIM) is a cartoon created and developed by Lauren Faust. The cartoon, unlike it's "ancestors", the 4th gen My little pony isn't aiming for only girls, but for males as well, even older people. That is why the show is so popular as it is. The demographics on Youtube show that the show is mostly popular with males who are around the age of 18-24. It is full of funny situations in which the main cast has to face different types of problems, and successfully solve every single one of them. The show is also praised by many of it's viewers for the excellent character development, and thus in a small time span created a huge fan base. Unlike many producers, Lauren Faust often talks with fans of MLP about the show itself, and so uses some of the fans ideas, like the over and over appearance of Derpy Hooves - A fan-named pony which appeared first in the first episode as a background character. The cartoon itself is praised as well for the huge amount of side and background characters, who are frequently developed throughout the series. The plot is based on Twilight, a nerd-unicorn pony, being sent to Ponyville by the order of Princess Celestia. Twilight has been sent there to meet other ponies and develop a friendship with every single one of them. There are 5 ponies she becomes best friends with: Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Now, not to get into details too much, the show itself is really focused and the plot is nicely written. There might be some plot holes throughout the series, but they are either tiny or not important. If you have kids, you must make them watch this with you; The series can teach kids various things that are important for living. So, this is why the series, among other things, is my number 1 series I'm watching; My little pony is the best cartoon in the last 10 years.
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Easily one of the best shows ever made...EVER!!!
leocardosocunha8 May 2013
MLP: FIM is without question one of the best shows ever made. It has incredible pacing, fantastic animations, plot and character design. When I first heard of this show i thought it was extremely dumb and girly. But i fully regret saying that after watching it. The creators clearly know what their doing and should keep it up. MLP sets a new benchmark for TV shows and the detail is shown in every last scent. To me, this isn't just the best cartoon, its probably the best TV show ever made. MLP: FIM kicks some serious ass.If you have not watched the show yet, than man... do yourself a favor and watch it. At least 3-5 episodes so you will get more into it. This show is simply amazing!
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As good as the late 90's cartoons.
jcbmccann30 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
To start with full disclosure. I am an 18 year old male fan of the show. I would not call myself a "brony" because I am not fully embroiled in the internet culture responsible to the peripheral demographic popularity of the show. So I'm a non-Brony male fan.

Firstly, it is targeted at 7 year old girls. The important word there is "target." Walt Disney once said (and I paraphrase) 'you don't make products only for kids; adults are just kids ten years later.' This show takes Disney's idea and runs with it. Fun slapstick with dynamic characters never gets old.

Even the morals are surprisingly good; The central moral of the pilot is that making friends is as important as studying. Reflecting on my school career, I wish someone had told me that back in grade 7. What one might not realize if they do not watch both pilot episodes is that by the end, then princess reveals to Twilight that she believed in her the whole time and never intended to make her quit all studying. Other morals include: accept help when it is offered, make intelligent compromises, sometimes it helps to just ask, even feminine girls can be clever and strong, and don't bite off more than you can choose.

It is legitimately funny. The show is fully of one-liners that are infinity repeatably. This is largely the reason for it's internet success. Such lines include "it's nice, but needs to be 20% cooler", "I could do it in 10 seconds flat", and "Flutter-shy is not a tree"

Lastly, I'd say that the best thing about to show is the cast of characters. They are each dynamic; they learn and grow; they surprise you; they are distinct; they are all utilized in the story.

For more information, the first season is easy to find on popular internet video sharing sites. If you still have reservations about the show, you should watch some of Lauren Faust's other work, Also Faust wrote a response article to "Ms." magazine which can be found online and explains many of the possible misconceptions as far as morals go.
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The first few episodes are worst
elmagique17 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I've read all reviews, and of course saw all episodes, and one thing was obvious. All negative reviewers have either seen less then one episode, or just the first (maybe two), and if I would have seen so little, I would have been right there with them. The first two might not be stereotypically girly (what most people who haven't even watched one minute accuse it off) but if I didn't hear people talk about the brilliance of the show, I would have stopped after the first episode out of sheer boredom. But I saw the rest of the series too, and it really regains itself at the third episode when all characters have been introduced and the series really start. (the first two episodes where more like introductions)

What kind of bothers me is that the elements of harmony, a very important part of the pilot, are downplayed so much in the rest of the episodes. Hell, they aren't even mentioned anymore. After the pilot I haven't even seen Luna anymore, who is supposedly about as important to Equestria as princess Celestia. But fortunately, that's the only negative thing I have to say.

Overall, it's a good show, beating most animated kids shows being made right now, or at least on TV in my country. The characters are reasonably deep, and the jokes are both funny for kids, and adults. There are multiple references older people watching with their kids, or alone will enjoy more then the target audience. Close (but not equal) to the old Animaniacs show.

Lauren Faust did it again. I love it.
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While It's Very Chessy It's Also Very Charming
harristimothy-898695 August 2020
The Show Definitely Is For Kids But Adults Will Thoroughly Enjoy It To It's Fun Very Colorful Gives The Characters Personalitys That Bounce Right Of Each Other Has A Really Unique World And Setting And While Being Very Forced About It Sometimes It Does Teach Good Life Leasons So While I Am No Where In The Age Demographic For A Show About 6 Talking Fictional Horses Who Sing And Teach Lessons For 22 Minutes For Little Girls I Can Say I At Least Learned Alot From This Cartoon And I Do Respect This Cartoon A Lot More Than I Should
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Time To Hang Up The Horseshoes
countryroads-8904626 April 2016
After season 4 this show got really bland, really fast. Season 6 has, so far, ended up being the worst season of the series, after a less than stellar season 5. After the season finale and the movie next year, it might be time for Hasbro to go back to the drawing board, give it a few years and reboot with a new production team, because the current team took a great show and ruined it with bland stories and PC junk. There's no character progression, the animation has progressively gotten worse and the story.. what's the point? What are we leading up to? There's no tension... nothing changes at the end of these new seasons, everything is resolved and wrapped up in a neat bow. I get that it's a kids show, but the show used to, in season 1 and 2, show as level of maturity in that it knew it's limitations. It's time to hang up the horseshoes and move on.
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I LOVE IT👍👍👍. A great, inspirational, hilarious and touching show.
suzziemutu18 October 2019
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is truly a masterpiece unlike any other. I've been watching it since it first started all the way to the end. I'm 19 and I still love the show even now. The story plot is amazing and the morals it teaches goes far beyond it being a simple show full of laughs and songs. Its morals helped me get through many hard times especially in high school and the songs I don't think I will ever get them out of my head. It is truly a show that anyone young and old can enjoy, and it is a show with lessons that parents can count on to guide their children in times when they can't be there to themselves. Yes, the problems the characters face maybe not be what kids will face like magical monsters, but it helps them and other people solve problems in their lives like being true to who you are, trusting your friends or even making tough decisions, and that's what makes this show so special. Also to the creators, animators, voice actors and crew of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic thank you for making a show as wonderful as this, you truly made a show that can be an inspiration to people of all ages. As time goes by I hope you'll never forget this great art or ever let it be forgotten or die because it's too good a show to be forgotten, and if you're ever going to create a new version of a different type or generation make it as true and wonderful as this one. To those who haven't watched the show yet watch it. Trust me when I say it is truly a series to see, you won't be disappointed.
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Can "Brony" Signify only a Casual Level of Fandom?
BabelAlexandria27 December 2020
We've watched this since about 2015, although not recently at all in the past year (writing in 12/2020). Sienna suggested a 7-star rating, but that doesn't reflect the era of its greatest draw for her: a few years ago, both kiddos were so into it that we were worried when it was uncertain if Netflix would renew the series. Along with Sofia, this is the first show that both kiddos enjoyed watching together. Also, they watched it almost exclusively in Spanish for a long time. Sebastian loved the dragon sidekick Spike. For me, it was interesting to see another reboot from the 1980s, in this case a "girls" franchise that had passed me by (a bit like "Shee-ra," but in this case there was no "boys" equivalent), but not so heavily marked for gender, at least officially, in its reincarnation.
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Exactly what you'd expect... but not
Nymera26 July 2016
First off, this show is obviously for children and not a 17 year old male teenager to watch with his girlfriend after a long day... and I do keep that in mind when I give my rating... but nevertheless I think my rating is fair. To start, the characters are unique in that they don't fit their presumed archetypes very well, which is difficult to deduce whether intentional or not given the writers' style. The writing style tends to be inside joke heavy, filled with references, using puns, and very much self-critiquing. This often works well in the show's favor, giving me a laugh as well. I think one of the best ways to view the show, if not a child, is to look for the over analyzed deeper meanings to things. Some things to look for are: Slave labour, a class hierarchy based on race, the parasitic nature of everything pink, exc... Overall, I enjoyed what I saw of it to an extent, but it really wasn't my cup of tea. A lot of people enjoy the show, so I'd say checking it out is worth it. As a final note, the pink one is annoying... burn it with fire.
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