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What happened to Titanic 2?
josephjanz23 April 2022
Good for TUBI for creating original content. Too bad it was simply boring. I had no connection with any of the main characters. I struggled to find anyone likable in the entire cast. The "kills" are mostly sloppy computer graphics and the plot is extremely predictable. My only question is that if this movie takes place aboard the Titanic III, what happened to Titanic II?
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Waste of Time
This is really bad and it DOES look cheap. I can do better job on TikTok. The acting is horrible, I was really excited for AnnaLynne as I was a fan of her Naomi on 90210 but she was playing a more fake/annoying version of Naomi. Graphics are really bad, the storyline is very weak.
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Not up to Asylum standards.
mabakerhtx16 April 2022
Casting and costumes are strange. The captain looks like a stripper hired to look like a deckhand. A group of motley children were cast as the crew and the passengers are annoying. The ghost crew looks like the rejects from Michael Jackson's thriller video. Most Asylum flicks incorporate humor into an over the top action story but this is just boring.
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Simply awful and a disgrace to the memory of Titanic
Rainbow8starfish15 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Bad script, worse costumes. But the worst was the actress playing the evil witch, she was ridiculous in every scene she was in, not an ounce of acting on her part. Disrespectful to all the souls lost on the Titanic.
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Looks like High-School kids made this!
collectorofsorts12 May 2022
Very cheaply made film. Poor special effects. My grandkids do better special effects on their laptops. Very PC, from the black female Captain to the cliched (dumb) white social media influencers. This movie was just all around bad. And I usually enjoy cheaply made B-Movies. But this one was just poorly thought out, poorly scripted and poorly carried out.
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SyFy Channel Horror??
wop-3152915 April 2022
The one thing this movie should be is FUN. That is the major mistake the writers made. If they had gone full SyFy and replaced the ghosts with killer otters, it would have been significantly better. Instead, someone literally said "Hey Gary, let's make a Titanic but the villain is ghouls instead of glaciers."

You shouldn't make a SyFy channel style movie in the genre of horror PERIOD. Entertaining horror needs to have an actual attempt at creating a feeling of fear, or be funny, or even just gory (for people who like that, but not my thing). As none of these exist here, the movie plays out more like a disaster genre film. We have an impending doom that requires us to collectively put our heads together to solve a problem in order to survive.

A schlocky premise is fine, but then to treat the entire plot and dialogue in a serious manner immediately betrays that premise.

On top of this dealbreaker, they double down with another reason for instant failure... no likeable characters. You can only pick 2 types of people in this video game: bland or insufferable. You have nobody to root for in a movie of which you already know the ending, so for what reason do I have to take this journey?

Acting is the same as all these D movies.

Ship effects are distractingly bad and would serve better to not be shown at all. I'm not sure why the set designers think the steering room of a cruise ship would look like a Naval battleship. Horror effects are that of a SeaWorld haunted house, which isn't bad, but not film-worthy. I actually like the plot but it is about as poorly executed as possible.

And yes, I managed to not make any nautical puns throughout this entire review. You're welcome, ya dinghy.

(I rate movies based on expectations. You can't put Sharknado on the same scale as Jaws.)
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Disrespectful CGI Disaster
summerjohnson-8433419 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
My god. I turned this on fully knowing it was going to be cheesy. But it's worse. The acting was abysmal, especially from the "influencers", who's voices were like nails on a chalkboard. The antagonist was clearly picked because she resembled a particular red-haired woman from a James Cameron film. The CGI was something right out of a photoshop free trial. The movie seemed to completely depend on how far one's mouth could open for their horror aspect. The worst part was depicting people who lost their lives in a horrible tragedy as these badly edited ghosts who want to kill people over diamond necklaces and hairpins.
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Good title, bad movie
BandSAboutMovies16 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, I watch junk. But I watched this for professional reasons.

That's because a few years ago, when I had my own marketing agency -- don't ask -- I did the pitch materials for a movie called Unsinkable, which started filming in 2017 in The Settler's Cabin Wave Pool. I remember sitting in a pitch room surrounded by drowned FX bodies and now, post-COVID, the movie is finally shooting some other scenes. I mean, Karen Allen is in it. And what I did on it -- simply a test poster and pitch copy -- is long forgotten.

But I didn't know it even lived. In fact, the only time I heard it discussed in the past five years was from gossip from production assistants who had an axe to grind. I mean, I got paid, so even though I wondered, "Who wants to see a movie about the Titanic filmed in a wave pool and set in a courtroom?" I also cashed that check, which rarely if ever happened on any film work I did.

When I saw Titanic 666 was on Tubi -- it's an exclusive -- I thought, "I bet that's where the footage is."

Also, I was invited to come and be in said footage. I'm not getting in a wave pool in the summer, much less at 2:10 AM in the dead of Western Pennsylvania winter.

So anyways, Titanic 666.

Nick Lyon's directorial credits include Rent-An-Elf and Stormageddon, so he understands that what sells is holiday movies and disasters. Zombies, too. He's made a few of those. And he's joined by writer Jacob Cooney, who has dipped into that other cable and streaming well -- sharks, like 5 Headed Shark Attack -- and Jason White, who has a movie in production called Demon Pride which is not about an LGBTQ possession but a school mascot. I was frightened for a second, especially with his nickname being Whitey.

Yes, this is a film by The Asylum.

No, I don't know why it's not on SyFy,.

I also don't know why the Titanic 3 would go directly over the wreck of the original, but would we have a movie otherwise? Also, are you not surprised that they used the docked -- and haunted -- Queen Mary for this? More than 130 movies have been shot on this vessel, including 2010's Titanic II -- oh man, am I watching a sequel, yes I am, The Asylum did that one too -- and Goliath Awaits and "The Werewolf" episode of Kolchak the Night Stalker.

Keesha Sharp (TV's Lethal Weapon) is Captain Celeste Rhoades and she must guide the crew and guests of the Titanic 3 through its maiden voyage, which is going well until an unnamed stowaway and descendent of Captain Edward Smith (Lydia Hearst, great-granddaughter of William Randolph Hearst and Abigail Folger in another movie that I felt compelled to endure, The Haunting of Sharon Tate) takes some of the artifacts that Professor Hal Cochran (Jamie Bamber, Apollo from the BSG reboot), slices her wrists and brings back the victims of the original disaster as vengeful ghosts.

For a movie where social media influencers battle ghosts on a new Titanic -- I mean, the movie is named Titanic 666, let's go for it -- this movie doesn't ever seize on the pure ridiculousness of the situation. It's a great idea sunk by the kind of effects that you could do on your phone when it should have a zombie orchestra rearranging their deck changes for the entire running time. That's just one of the better ideas I have for this, but the title is already used, all hope has been abandoned like bodies drifting into the ocean. I demand more from streaming Satanic-christened movies!
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Ghost, line and S(t)inker
kosmasp17 May 2022
I have to admit, reading the cast list, I was a bit surprised to see certain people involved in this. Be it AnnaLynne or Gatt or some of the others. But not just because of the pandemic, people do need work. And when a streaming plattform offers you money - I guess you are going to accept it, if you have nothing better to do.

The beginning sets the tone - we see the Titanic of the past. And I think you know about the incident and the big iceberg (yes size matters ... I think - let's not get into a climate change discussion). The movie is quite out there and I guess tries to compete with what Asylum has done before it ... but as crazy as those movies are, they do seem to have better CGI ... barely better CGI maybe ... or maybe it just feels like it. Whatever the case, there are quite a few things that do not work here.

I guess certain other aspects (some of the characters you will love to hate) do work. And the actors in front of the camera really do their best ... especially considering what they have to pretend to be in ... or on. Or whatever else.
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We watch it because it's bad but....
matdeerf15 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
We all know a cheap production like this comes at the cost of bad acting, cringy stock music and a flat plot. And it's ok. You don't expect anything else from a movie like this. And it's actually part of the fun. But even in a low budget production like this. Is it Not possible to at least keep the most basic of historical accuracy? Every child knows that the titanic broke into two pieces (right at the beginning of the film they show the "original" desaster) and the "relics" from the wreck? 100 years beneath the sea and everything the violin is missing are 2 strings 😂 common. At least read the Wikipedia article about the Titanic before you make a movie about it. .....

On a more serious note. The worst thing about this movie is probably the writing. The actors have absolutely no chance to make anything out of those dull dialogues. The characters are so extremely one dimensional and frankly annoying, that every death caused by a ghost feels more like a big relief.

Overall you get the feeling that on this ship there are only about 15 people in total. Of course this might be due to the budget.... But then again. Maybe they should have done a different movie which would fit more to the budget.
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Who the hell thinks this isn't comedy?
NotAFakeReviewer19 April 2022
It's asylum and tubi? Bad on purpose like all their stuff.

You're supposed to think it's bad and cheesy. It's not meant to be a 'real' horror.

Think intentionally bad like sharknado.

It does what it set out to do what it achieved and heaven help those who don't know that.
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A much better than expected genre effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder20 April 2022
On the anniversary of the original disaster, a ship takes off on a memorial trip to the spot of the original sinking only to be suddenly struck by a series of incidents and accidents that suggest a supernatural force has been summoned to the ship and seeking revenge, forcing the survivors to stop them.

This one ended up far better than expected. Among the better features here come from the rather likable setup that provides plenty of fun in getting the group to the site of the original sinking. Taking on the memorial anniversary trip route that features the ship retaking the original route with a more modern clientele base which allows it to feature the assortment of influencers and social media personalities that populate this world, the series of passengers onboard that rival old-school enthusiasm and glamor for the trip with those that are onboard merely to hustle and swindle them makes for a rather enjoyable starting point to the fun. Combined with the series of coincidences and freak accidents that slowly detail the emerging sense of the ghosts haunting and taking over the ship as a means of revenge that takes quite a while for the crew to realize, the setup here has quite a lot to like about it. That last part offers up the great part here where the supernatural antics of the ghosts taking revenge on everyone through a slew of impressive supernatural attacks. With the summoning ritual taking place inside the bowels of the ship, the resulting chaos that transpires involving the ghosts taking out the crew features some rather fun ambush-style sequences with a lot to like overall. The big scenes involving the ghosts confronting the couple out on the deck of the ship or down the holding brig are rather impressive sequences getting some fun attacks along with some cheesy deaths involved, while the finale featuring the ghosts running wild on the ship as it heads to the iceberg in a series of graphic encounters and big action in the midst of the chaos to get away to safety has a lot of fun. These features make for a lot to like here which holds it up overall. There aren't too many issues here, but it does have some minor flaws. The biggest factor with this one is the highly convoluted and scattershot means of revenge that the ghosts play out, which seems somewhat misguided. Rather than going for the route of taking their revenge on those that removed their personal belongings from the gravesite, this one tends to be rather skewed towards the standard role of taking out everyone they come across. However, most of the second half here is based on the idea of trying to return the stolen goods back to their rightful owners and features the idea of the summoned onto the ship to carry it out which seems to shift their focus from time-to-time depending on the needs of the sequence. That is a bit off-putting, much like the somewhat obvious low-budget CGI here for the effects and spectacle sequences which carries a sense of cheesiness it doesn't really need in this kind of film. These are the only real detrimental features.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Language and Graphic Violence.
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Just enjoy it
thegreenarrow-2818419 April 2022
Dont take this movie too seriously! It's just supposed to be a fun watch. The movie is very well done, it dosnt look "cheep" compared to Titanic 2, the acting was better then i expected , i wish the movie had more of the ghosts in it, and i also wish the sinking at the ending was better, they needed more people, it was too empty, and the ship should of split into two. While the Quality off this movie was better then Titanic 2, i do think Titanic 2 has a better story. I hope this gets put onto DVD, frankly I'm surprised this movie even exist.
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Just how Clive Palmer would make Titanic
Anger24615 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I want to give this a -10 but it wont but my god this movie is so disrespectful to Titanics history, even Palmer disrespected Titanics history by making a replica of the ship. But this movie is worse the Palmers Titanic

This movie completely disrespectful to the victims who have died on the Titanic and the ship itself. Did they now realize that Titanic is one of the most horrific tragedies in history. Now they used the Queen Mary to film this movie which would state the obvious that this is a cheaply made movie. And did they even think straight that they used the Titanic victims as the monsters that haunt the ship. That is just so rude to insult them like that.

People died on that ship and the company thinks it would be a good idea to make something completely insulting and making it a total cash grab. This is just not it for me. This movie is just as insulting as Clive Palmers Titanic replica when they both disrespect one of the most tragic events in history. Don't bother watching this.

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MissCherylA22 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is Carrie on the high seas. This story makes no sense. Wouldn't the ghost kill the people with their stuff? The ghost costumes don't even match the time. She's a devil worshipper so why would the ghost show up for her an evil doer.
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If James Cameron made a Titanic sequel, this would be it...
ezgolucky20 April 2022
Not really. I expected a worse movie. The effects were decent and acting was not too bad. Overall, not too bad of a watch. Of course, it's not great but I expected alot worse...
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Corny & Disrespectful
MissJedahdyah22 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I shouldn't have wasted my time. I only watched it ask a request from my 30 year old son who loves anyting horror.

But this movie was corny w the all too common storyline. The acting was not very good. Annalynne McCord is too old for these ditsy female roles.

And now for a spoiler...Having the passangers who died on the titanic come back to claim their items taken from the wreckage in the sea brought on by an evil spell placed by some sort of witch or demon worshiper in the storage is HIGHLY DISRESPECTFUL!!
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The Asylum brings back Titanic and then some...
paul_haakonsen3 May 2022
Right, well first of all the title of this movie wasn't really sending off any vibes of this being a particularly great movie. I mean, "Titanic 666", it just seems rather tacky, doesn't it?

And then there was the fact that this was a movie from The Asylum. That just doesn't really slap on a seal of approval either, now does it? But then again, in all fairness, then The Asylum actually does have some fair movies out there that transcends their usual rubbish mockbusters.

So I opted to sit down and watch "Titanic 666" from director Nick Lyon. Needless to say that my expectations were none here. Truth be told, I was expecting it to be yet another of those cheesy and campy movies that The Asylum are known for and have been spewing out for years.

While the storyline in "Titanic 666", as written by Jacob Cooney and Jason White, wasn't exactly rocket science. Nay, it was actually a rather stupid storyline. If you imagine the tragedy of the RMS Titanic and grind it through whatever writing genius was at work at The Asylum, then you have "Titanic 666". Someone had rebuilt the Titanic and named it Titanic III; wait, so was this movie actually a sequel to the 2010 movie "Titanic II", or what was going on here?

Regardless, then this was a movie about recapturing the voyage of the Titanic in a new state of the art replica of the original steam liner, but wait, it gets better, because this movie has black magic, frozen apparitions returning to wreck havoc and seek vengeance. Yeah, that was about the magnitude of the writing and concept idea of Jacob Cooney and Jason White. Can we get a round of applause for these guys?

The acting performances in "Titanic 666" were fair enough. Sure, this movie wasn't boasting any major names, nor any particularly familiar faces. Of all the cast members here in the movie, I was familiar only with Joseph Gatt. Needless to say that you're not in an evening of Shakespearian theater here.

Now, the visual presentation of "Titanic 666" has to be brought into the light. Color me impressed. The Asylum really have upped their game here with this 2022 movie and brought out the big wallet. The special effects, the sets, props, and such really were good. It looked rather authentic, and the CGI was good. And believe you me, the visuals really made the movie float - pardon the pun - and made the movie all the more watchable. I was really impressed with this improvement in a movie from The Asylum.

All in all, then "Titanic 666" was every bit as cheesy, corny, ridiculous and stupid as I had expected and anticipated. But director Nick Lyon actually managed to make the movie into something of a watchable guilty pleasure. The movie was actually better than expected. Not grand cinema here, for sure, but watchable for the campy feature it was.

My rating of "Titanic 666" lands on a five out of ten stars.
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Awful acting and the worse special effects ever.
nreale-4506925 April 2022
The captain has to be the worst actress ever. She looks like she's lost, doesn't even have a full captain's outfit. She looks like she is just walking through the movie. Even in an emergency she's just walking around very calm. Secondly, the bridge looks like a cardboard set with a crew that also can't act. Where did they get these actors ?

The ghosts can act more than the crew. The couple live streaming were the funniest. At least their played up their parts. Avoid unless you want to view the worst movie of the year so far.
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mijn_ikke3 June 2022
This is a c movie bad acting dumb storyline and respectless to all who died on the Titanic in 1912. We watched it and had great laughs seeing the b actors perform trying to be actors but failed.
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ritayuzhang18 April 2022
Woke trash.

Honestly couldn't really expect much in the way of quality from American film in recent years, but this is beyond bad.

Suggest watching a game of cricket instead, would be more exciting... better yet, watching paint dry.
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Titanic 666
godzillatropical29 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie almost 1 year ago with my father & it was a nice experience. For me, this movie exceeded my expectations, because it showed an excellent production quality, considering the usual The Asylum movies. The plot was something already seen in other ship movies, but this one is saved by the good CGI (Except for scene with ghosts, which are rare) and some other performances.

It's recommended, but of course, only if you're bored and looking to watch something that doesn't make you think too much. Remember: It's a movie by The Asylum & TUBI. At least the movie beats Titanic 2 (2010)...
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not that bad....for an asylum movie
moonnight07216 April 2022
I waswhen i saw in the intro it was made from the asylum,i was like.. oh damn its another bad one. But turn out was not that bad.maybe because they didnt go as bit with the FX on this one compare their other movie but was passable.
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Apart from the premise & former ghost crew, its just awful.
ctufan2429 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
HUGE lack of facts & realism throughout the film. Right off the bat there was a moment that wasn't historically accurate to the actual sinkage of the Titanic: FALSE: the film shows the ship sinking completely intact down to the ocean floor... FACT: The ship lost one of its smokestacks while sinking & split in 2 before impacting the ocean bed. This film for some reason has some obsession with "influencers"... the ship & captain treating 1 coupe that are "influencers" like some sort of elitists. The acting was over the time many times and certain moments where characters do complete one-eighties a second later.... just awful. The writing was obviously poor; Times where common sense & logic goes out the window. Some of the things constantly bugging me thoughout the film: #1 A ship that size wouldn't have that minimal amount of passengers & staff (wouldn't be profitable). #2 Artifacts from the actual Titanic would be in museums & possibly auctions... you wouldn't see them in a "retail" setting nor have an individual wearing the high value objects like everyday wear... on top of the fact that most materials would have deteriorated over time in the ocean (rust, bacteria, water damage) so the guy wearing that former ship captains ring wouldn't be in pristine condition. #3 Random passengers wouldn't be able to access the boiler rooms or the command deck. #4 All cruise ships go through an emergency drill with passengers at their designated life raft area before leaving port... so having that Asian chick at the end telling the captain "I don't know where to go" wouldn't be realistic. #5 The ships captain wouldn't be wearing something so down dressed revealing half her cleavage in that professional capacity... Is she suppose to be a ship captain or just playing dress up sexy one for Halloween??? #6 The ship was issuing mayday they wouldn't just rely on phones... just like the actual Titanic they would shoot flares & morse code. #7 The ghost of the former ship captain using the controls to crash Titanic III is completely unrealistic.. he should be absolutely clueless considering the fact that the computers shown/software would of been post-millennium.
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fredmtera83025 June 2022
It's bad and unrealistic pure calligraphy. Low budgeted exhibitors with hilarious moves .. we recommend a bring back of the real titanic thriller word to the movie industry and the directors.
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