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Politically incorrect and hilarious
hayes-76-78013710 August 2014
Didn't have any expectations for this show. Only knew that it was a comedy about a black Jesus. So, in need of good laugh, I watched and was happily entertained. Love Jesus' interaction with the folks in the hood. Aaron Mcgruder's jokes are hysterical and quick. One right on top of another. I had to "rewind" a couple of times to catch some of the jokes because I was laughing so hard. I love how McGruder has taken the sensitive subjects of race, religion and economics and managed to fold them into a comedy. All of this and social commentaries.

I'm looking forward to future episodes and will definitely recommend to others.
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Nothing to get upset about
braceyclint0113 August 2014
Black Jesus is nothing to be upset about, and yet Hardcore Religious Freaks will.

The show is funny, and I got a good few laughs out of it. It's humor isn't for everyone, but you can tell unlike some Live Action Adult Swim Shows, this one has effort in the writing, the casting, and uses the Location to it's fullest. It was a good Pilot that made me want to see more.

It's a good way to show that it's OK to laugh at certain things, especially Religion. Black Jesus is Harmless, and I will continue to watch it. I think if Jesus Christ were here, he'd learn to take a good rib at himself, so other people should too. People will still complain and say negative things, but I will just take it as what it is, something that can be enjoyed, laughed at, and not taken in a harmful way. It's not a show meant to attack religions, it's not a show meant for Children clearly, so in the end, it's just harmless fun to me.

Smoke, Drink, Chill, and don't get so worked up over it. Black Jesus is a Comedy I can't wait to see more of.
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That's what i'm talking about
aborup-563-8654549 August 2014
Just been watching first episode, and this is good. The humor is a bit too cultural in my taste (I am white), but i think that's part of the good - getting challenge in my daily experience. If Jesus did return, i think he would get along with this Jesus, just fine... I really think that the personality of Jesus is misunderstood. He had bad day's and good day's, he got angry and made mistakes. Said stupid things, and did stupid things. I don't know about the miracles, but he's ability to forgive and love, was/is what differs him from all other people. Black Jesus catches that - spot on, with beautiful humor. By the way, Jesus WAS black(ish)... And anyhow - i forgive you.
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I love 'Black Jesus'
agonist6 September 2014
'Black Jesus' is funny and has a good heart. Even though Christians might fear the worst from a TV show about a Jesus of color leading disciples in Compton, the show is in fact a tribute to the Gospels and in its own way spreads the Good News.

One of the keys to this show's success is its excellent cast, all of whom are funny and believable, with none more so than 'Black Jesus' himself. Miscasting the title role could easily have led this show to disaster, but the producers got it right. Maybe God Himself had a hand in picking Gerald Johnson because he brings a warmth and sincerity along with a streetwise credibility which makes 'Black Jesus' believable.

'Black Jesus' solves all his problems the way Real Jesus did, by praying, preaching, and practicing love and forgiveness, and in this way is a faithful tribute to the Gospels. What might offend some viewers is that 'Black Jesus' occasionally swears and smokes 'herb'.

I would counter this by saying two things. First, Jesus was a man of the people who spoke the language of the people, so swearing a bit doesn't seem unreasonable. Second, weed is a plant created by God that has a long, mostly harmless history, and since this is just a TV show, viewers should really just relax.

I am writing this review after the airing of episode five, so I can only hope – and pray – that 'Black Jesus' will continue to spread both laughter and the Good News for a long time to come.
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Surpringly tamed and good natured.
decoren458 August 2014
Aaron McGruder's Black Jesus pilot doesn't completely deliver on its hype, but its admittedly good natured and charming. It's a standard pilot, introduction of important characters and letting us know a piece of their person lives and problems. I do feel that the show would better benefit from a 45 - and an 1hr time slot. At 22 minutes the show felt a little rushed, but i suppose in time I will get used to it.Some might complain of the stereotypes portrayed here, but none of them are completely unbelievable or "cartoonish" or even insulting in nature. What we have here is a show that obviously means well and doesn't even disrespect its "source material" if you can call it that. Of course, Black Jesus does curse like a sailor...which is one of the shows charms. Knowing McGruder's past work I can confidently say that this show is in good hands and i predict nothing but greatness before the end of the first season.
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TheEtherWalk10 August 2014
Aaron Macgruder (The Boondocks) and Mike Clattenburg (Trailer Park Boys) team up to bring you what could be one of the freshest new comedy series in years. The basic premise of Black Jesus is as follows: An African- American male has apparently proclaimed himself to be Jesus and appears to perform miracles to his friends and neighborhood, such as turning water into Cognac. Most people around him accept that he is Jesus, but it's not clear if he really is or if he's a fraud, at least in the pilot episode. And it's not explained how Jesus came to be a typical black man living in South Central LA. And a typical black man he is. Beyond his constant attempts to help people and be a good person, preaching love and forgiveness, he's really a complete jackass to everyone and is totally oblivious to this fact. He uses typical urban slang like calling his bros pimps and catcalling women, he smokes all his friends weed, wastes their money, leeches off of people and generally he's just a lazy homeless bum. And this is why I think this show is brilliant. It gives his character a lot of room to develop, while providing an interesting commentary on both religion and racial stereotypes. And there's something uniquely hilarious about seeing a guy callously wasting his friend's mother's tax return money and then shrugging it off by saying that his friend still has the love grace and forgiveness of our Lord and Saviour. It's not really important whether he's actually Jesus or not because he's not supposed to be the hero. It's more of a cautionary tale. What they're trying to do with this show is try to tell us how to use religion and love, and power to be better people and make our world a better place, not use it for our own selfish ends like is so easy to do. I think our hero will eventually learn how to really be like Jesus, but it's more fun to watch him completely mess it up for a while. Lastly for all of the people calling this show blasphemous, I really don't think the creators intended this as an actual portrayal of Jesus, and I refer back to my theory that the character is actually a fraud. I'm sure they never meant it as an attack on Christianity or against the black community. It's a satire, so lighten up people!
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love the series aadult win sucks for cancelled it
warlordforever124 April 2021
The seies was so fun and i loved slick as jesus adult swim should gave it a sendoff.
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Not for the uptight.
Twcreconv214 August 2014
This show is hilarious. Regardless of the uptight people who've been criticizing the bold and the funny since GTA was a top down game, this show is a hit. I honestly can't figure out what they're more offended by considering many shows have made fun of Jesus and in this case I believe the race-card may be justified. This show is hilarious and has a great cast. What if Jesus smoked hemp and was Black? We don't know and in this day and age it's not uncommon for satire to be made from this. Regardless of what he does, Black Jesus still teaches love. Adult swim rarely gets live-action shows that I like, this one I enjoy thoroughly. If you cant handle the fact the television "goes there" nowadays turn the set off.
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An open mind is suggested
xophr21 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
No real spoilers, except one case were explained one scene in the series. Nonetheless I marked the spoilers box to avoid being banned.

When I first heard about this show I thought it would be an unfunny typical stereotypical show, so I didn't even watch the first episode.

I finally decided to give it a chance and I must say it IS quite stereotypical, but somehow at the same time it's pretty well written and funny. Hearing Black Jesus quote Bible versus but laced with profanity is weird but funny. Being raised by a religious mother and grandparents I must say it feels a little awkward laughing at some of this stuff, but I'm old enough to make my own decisions and while I do consider myself a Christian and I believe in a higher power I'm also open minded and not wound up so tight that I can't enjoy some light hearted fun.

Though some of the things Black Jesus does go against what we were generally taught Jesus would NOT do. (profanity, drugs, lying, that he does turn to truth by performing a miracle), he does somehow follow the overall message of the bible. He encourages free will, loving everyone, and tries to steer his followers away from sin like vanity. In one episode he injures a gang member by hitting him with a stone from a sling shot, but then turns around and heals him which was absolutely hilarious.

This cast is also well done. Charlie Murphy has a major role as the overbearing landlord. I find Charlie to be naturally funny because of his mannerisms and facial expressions so he is perfect for this show. Clarence Witherspoon (bang bang guy), plays a convincing role as a smart mouthed conniving homeless man. There are other familiar faces as well.

As expected many Christian groups are offended by this show claiming it attacks Christians, and some are even offended of the idea of Jesus being black. To this point, I pose this question, If you were truly a Christian then what difference does it make what race he was?

If you are an uptight bible thumper that has no sense of humor whatsoever, believes that no one should buy alcohol on Sundays, or that anyone who doesn't agree with everything you believe in is going to hell, then don't even bother watching, you will be offended; probably to the point of protesting demanding the show be taken off the air (Oh wait, that has already happened). For all the rest, Atheists, Christians or any other religion, then this show is worth a look. Some episodes are better than others and while it's not the best show on television, i certainly find it entertaining.
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Embarrassing to black people
lashauna123416 September 2018
Disrespectful and an embarrassment to the lord and black folks! I'm black btw I'm not uptight I love shows like The Dave Chappelle show and The Boondocks...this show isn't funny and anyone associated with this show going to hell
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tke21013 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
If you like the Boondocks you will love Black Jesus, the jokes and dialog should make you feel right at home.

Shows is witty and shows Jesus incarnated as a regular black man living in present day America (Compton) facing real problems with real people. Jesus is face with current day decisions where every now and gain he has to tell a lie or perform a miracle to protect his "homies".

The show tries to send a positive message each time, for example trying to convert an atheist to a believer, double crossing a drug deal gone bad.

Black Jesus is not offensive to Christians, its humor ,comedy, meant to be entertainment. Its our right to free speech.
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Interesting concept, bad execution.
Amari-Sali15 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
With The Boondocks creator Aaron McGruder kicked out of his own series, and it seeming like Black Jesus was meant to be his comeback, I must say I had high hopes. For despite his Jesus having the type of wig which I'm sure only cost $20-30, and said wig featuring straight hair that didn't look woolly, I figured if Black Jesus was anything like when MLK Jr. was on The Boondocks, it could have been funny. Boy was I wrong.

Characters & Story

In the premiere episode we skip over Jesus resurrecting, much less finding his way to Compton, and we are introduced to a Ebonics speaking, cursing like there is no tomorrow, Jesus (Gerald "Slink" Johnson). Someone who seems to be highly selfish, a bit self-centered, but always willing to share the word of god, under his interpretation. Which, throughout the episode, makes you think that his would-be apostles: Boonie (Corey Holcomb), Jason (Antwon Tanner), Fish (Andra Fuller), and Maggie (Kali Hawk) are possibly smoking some of the dankest of weed since biblical Jesus vs. real negro Jesus do not coincide much at all. But, with him showing off his ability to make selfish miracles happen, and knowledge about people which rivals the NSA, he proves to possibly be the real Jesus. However, with him being the driver for a drug deal, calling people mofos, and weed only being second to his love of god, it is hard to say what happened to Jesus since his return from death that has made him like this.


When you first watch the show, it is interesting to see a 6+ foot tall Jesus walking around. Especially when he starts cursing at people one minute, then touting remixed scripture the next. And, in total, I got about 5 laughs in. Mostly due to Boonie's mother Ms. Tudi (Angela Elayne Gibbs).


But let me say this, despite not being a Christian I find this show to have wasted multiple opportunities with presenting Black Jesus. For one, him having straightened hair, which looks like a god awful wig, from the get go seemed like a wasted opportunity to at least show Jesus in a manner similar to the biblical description. Then in terms of both commentary and parody, the show just fails to really comment on anything worthwhile. Jesus is basically treated like an annoying magician who lives in the hood. There isn't much exploration when it comes to him being a church figure, there is no critique of how religion evolved since his crucifixion, and the show's first episode just feels so shallow that it makes me wonder if McGruder perhaps should be considered a one hit wonder. For if this is his next big project, I guess there might have been a good reason he wasn't in the final season of The Boondocks. Said reason being: the powers that be figured they could ruin the show less than he possibly could.

Overall: Skip It

If you are expecting the spirit of The Boondock to be translated into live action, prepare to be disappointed. Black Jesus is just a wasted premise in which your ideas and expectations for the show probably will never be met. It is not Jesus doing as MLK Jr. did in the "Return of the King" episode of The Boondocks. No, this show is trying to cash in on the controversy of showing a Black, and ignorant, Jesus and seeing how long they can run with it before getting cancelled. And with the controversy more so being how tricked you feel after watching this than anything Jesus says, I can't see this being renewed. Hell, I'm unsure why this was green lit to be honest with you.
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A Hat Trick of Offensive Television
tag3029 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
INSULTING -The portrayal of Jesus as a cussing pot-smoker looking to score more drugs extremely offensive to those who claim him as their spiritual leader. And if that wasn't enough, the show also makes light of His death on the cross. RACIST -The show's portrayal of life in the Afro-American community is full of racist stereotypes and vulgar humor. COWARDLY -I seriously doubt this show's creators/producers would ever be this insulting to another spiritual leader, such as the Prophet Muhammad. Why? They know they can be insulting to Jesus and the followers of Christ will only criticize and rant. Were they to actually do this sort of thing to the founder of Islam, a bounty would be placed on their lives & they'd run the risk of having their heads cut off. They are cowards with no cojones. In summary, this show is disgusting crap.
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Even better the second time through
jessezass30 October 2020
When I first watched Black Jesus on A/S it was hit and miss, the DVR wouldn't record it sometimes and A/S didn't rerun the episodes. Now that I can watch it on Hulu I get to see the whole series and I missed a lot of great episodes. This is a great show for many reasons, great acting, relatable characters, great messages, and funny as Heaven! If you love great comedy with a good heart then Black Jesus is well worth checking out.
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too much use of the N word in this show
surfisfun21 September 2018
Jesus character is charismatic and tall. from the creator of Trailer park boys. lots of weed allusions. would have enjoyed more with a lot less use of the N word , its overwhelming and a bit detrimental for black Americans . Jokes can be funny but also not. a very great take on good Christian value(forgiveness, charity)
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Surprisingly good!!
this show is well-written, funny and actually contains some surprises. I read a few reviews claiming that it mocks Christianity and so on but believe me, those people haven't watched the show. I say that because the reviews they write complain about things that this show simply doesn't contain.

the show is about a black Jesus in Compton who hangs around a crew of failures and whilst he intends to grow weed, he holds high morals akin to the Christian Jesus.

It's a witty show not totally unlike the movie "Friday" but with a lot of heart and uplifting moments.

Not overly odd like a lot of Adult Swim stuff.

I liked it and I'd recommend watching the show before you judge it.
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And a half
Headturner126 July 2022
I watched a few episodes of this on a night a while ago that I had found this and two other shows II hadn't seen ( South Side and Your pretty face is going to hell) and I ended up just watching all seasons of the latter/ So last night I revisited this last night. I really liked season 1 and meeting all the characters. I'm no stickler or anything but for some reason it bothered me how much Jesus says the f word. I didn't think he swore at all until around the 4th episode or so when Trey was video taping them all at the garden and he tells him not to. Regardless I like it tho Loyd and Vic are getting on my nerves. I watched about 3 or 4 episodes of season 2 then went to find something lighter because I was falling asleep( was about 2am). I'll watch a bit more and see if I can handle Loyd and Vic and now they're living together I fear it may get more annoying.
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"My love for you is infinite, but **** you..."
briandfinley1 July 2020
I didn't even know this show existed until a few weeks ago...which, as fate would have it, was during the early days following George Floyd's death at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department. It showed up on Hulu, and I gave it a shot based on nothing at all; no info, no recommendation, nothin'. Just a whim.

And now, three weeks later it's just about my favorite TV show. In the interest of full disclosure,it's worth pointing out that I'm a pasty-white, irritable mid-20th century caucasian. Not a MAGA angry white guy, but I love George Jones, Lawrence of Arabia, and looking down on young people (they are just awful). You know: your basic complacent oppressor. Not The Man, exactly, but close enough...

So, I checked out "Black Jesus" with no expectations, I'm just flippin' through the streaming channels looking for something to distract me from my feelings of diminished worth and deepening angst, not expecting anything. I was not prepared.

What I discovered was a show that combined what I think might be the most naturalistic portrayal of black vernacular culture that's ever been on television, along with biting wit, social criticism and liberal doses of the philosophy of Jesus, AKA the light of this world. And a lot of weed.

Slink Johnson is brilliant as Jesus. I realize now that I've seen him in minor roles in some not-very-good movies, but he is just fantastic in this. I'm pretty much an atheist, but he makes me want to believe in a a benevolent and loving savior for mankind who smokes a lot of weed.
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Boring show that is meant to attack Christians!
justfoam10 August 2014
To see what this show was all about I tried watching it. It turned out to be just another anti-Christian attack on Jesus Christian and Christians. Basically it has a some black guy, playing Jesus Christ doing things which the actual Jesus Christ would not do. Like weed,gambling and picking up ladies. Hollywood does these attacks more in the form of comedy because people will be more vulnerable when it comes to comedy. People will think its just a joke/entertainment no big deal not realizing its meant as an brainwashing tool or attack.

The people who made this clearly have a problem with Christians. But I don't think they would do the same attack Against Muslims portraying Muhammad or attack atheism. Not a surprise this is on Adult Swim they are known to be very Anti-Christian and perverted at night. And why the need to make him black was that another mockery or maybe just about race pushing?

Even if this was not about Jesus Christ it would still be a very poorly made show.

I regret watching this pathetic show. I predict that even though the show is awful. A lot of atheists will rate this show high purely because of who it's is mocking.

I guess Hollywood seems to care more about pushing their immoral agendas than entertainment. They will even sacrifice making more money for pushing their immoral stuff.
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Born and raised in the church and I'm laughing
the_remixer0819 August 2014
There is really nothing wrong with this show. It's comical and actually shows positive values and will help people young and old who don't quite know about Christ, or even going to church for that matter. Jesus is actually showing the morals and giving scripture, the only thing is he's cussing when he's doing it. Why? He's from Compton! He's in the hood. This is based off somebody's imagination, if Jesus was in the hood and could say what he wanted, how would he say it? How do people feel about Christ and what would you actually want to say to Christ? I'm born and raised in the church and I'm laughing. It's hilarious! My father who has been in the church for over 30 years was even laughing. He didn't know what it was, he just happened to sit down to see what I was watching. My point is, you really have to an open mind and not jump to conclusions so fast about what something is about until you sit down and watch it. It may not be everyone's taste, but it doesn't make it bad just because you disagree with how someone is presenting their imagination if Jesus was from Compton.
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A racist show
perce_neige14 November 2015
I don't think it's offending, yes, it's offending, but rather for the intelligence. This is simply stupid and unfunny jokes, and simply a collection of racist stereotypes, full of insanities. Every Black is lazy, a drug leader, a thief, or a junkie homeless guy, every Hispanic is violent and a mafia member, every White is tasteless and stupid, they all have only the flaws that are supposed to be linked to their skin color, and each time someone shows up, the color seems so important that each one is called by his skin color. Most racist show I ever saw. All the so called fun part is about seeing Jesus as a junkie homeless guy who like to sell weed with hippie love speeches, that's a little short to make it funny.
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Love this show
hosepwerk8 August 2014
If you love comedy. If you like new jokes If you want to have fun for 20 min This is the show to watch. The jokes + characters are epic. Balance is perfect, and i cant wait to watch episode 2. BLACK Jesus YEAAH !!! Watch the Trailers and watch the show, i think this will win some prices, at least i hope so. The show starts of with one of the funniest comedians in history and the first joke is already making you crack-up. PEACE! I think 90% of the actors i don't know but i will follow them in the future. this is just 1 A-CLASS show and this should be cause this comes from the maker of The Boondocks Rated 8.4 on IMDb. Cant wait, cant wait , but we have to wait for episode 2, until then spred the word, Jesus IS BACK + BLACK = EPIC
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The US Trailer Park Boys
alidortaj9 December 2019
Mike Clattenburg director of Trailer Park Boys involvement really helped the show. I really LOVE Charlie Murphy's role and John Witherspoons in this series they do a very good job. RIP Charlie Murphy.

The stories all have a purpose and are funny. This kind of comedy hasn't been seen since Eastbound and Down and TPB.

Highly recommend.
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Consistant Portrayal
rckircher25 November 2019
Gerald Johnson is a consummate professional in here. The role is filled with an overall joy that never fails.

Following a story line so many know in their spirit, this series gives perspective, miracles, seriousness, laughter, and most of all Love. If the message is missed by you, sure the storyline is familiar. We all live with each other, not without. Pop wants it that way. Each character shows itself well with the others, even the animals and crops, so basic that nobody is missed in this series.

I highly recommend marathoning this series, if you ever need a smile from Black Jesus. I feel Great!
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I am now am dumber for watching this show.
Sanstj12 August 2014
This has to be one of the worst shows I have ever seen. Even if you took out the offensive material, it would still be bad. The writing is idiotic and so is the cast. I guess adult swim aired this bad show because they liked how it mocked Christians.

Anyone with common sense can see that the show is meant to attack Christianity. Anyone who says it's just a joke is seriously diluted. The entertainment industry is known to have a heavy anti Christian bias. A joke should be harmless and funny this is nothing but offensive and idiotic.

I hope one day Hollywood can be respectful to Christians who are their main audience.
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