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Tormented by An Illusion?
pehr-509387 April 2016
This movie was a bit of a chameleon for me. Initially I found this story of Paul Dedalus's recollections of his youth disappointing. The story of Paul's broken family life was short and cryptic. The story of intrigue in Russia was interesting and begins to tell us something about Paul. The main focus, the recollection of his relationship with Esther, did not draw me in. Yes they were beautiful, but almost too much so, and their interactions did not seem authentic.

My thoughts evolved on further consideration. Paul is recalling the peak experiences from his youth, but how accurate are his memories? Were he and Esther really that beautiful? As another reviewer pointed out, his appearance at that age seems inconsistent with his younger and older selves - an accident of casting? Was he madly in love with her? His actions and decisions suggest otherwise. Did he fail to appreciate the importance of this relationship because of his youth and inexperience? Maybe, but consider the start of the movie.
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Those familiar with French tragic romances will find little new here.
Amari-Sali31 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
One event in which Paul allows a Russian person a forged identity, which essentially is his, to go to Israel brings up old thoughts as he is stopped, decades later, at an airport. Old thoughts of perhaps the only girl consistently in Paul's life who was both mesmerizing and infuriating. Yet over 10 years they broke up and got back together. Cheated on one another with strangers, and in her case with his friends and family, yet though too volatile to stay together, they were too drawn to one another to stay apart. This tale is their slightly twisted love story featuring what often kept Paul away from being where Esther wanted him.


American romance films are often simple. Girl meets boy, girl usually is there to help the boy become a better person, boy doesn't appreciate it till it is almost too late, then he does a grand gesture for a happy ending. This, to me, is the norm. Making it so when movies like 500 Days of Summer come out, they become cult hits. With French cinema, though, it seems the opposite is done. Happy endings are few and far between and while usually the focus is on the male and him learning and growing still, things are drastically more complicated.

You see, despite the French being considered the romantics, there is a line drawn between words of love and acts of passion. The words are what we believe are their culture. Things said which makes you swoon and flutter your eyes like a fool. However, the passion is often anything but romantic. The fights, the betrayals! Oh, there is nothing simple about romance in French films. In this movie, Esther is the girl who supposedly all the girls hate and all the boys either wanna be with or sleep with. She seems so assured of herself to the point of arrogance. A trait Paul quite admires as he approaches her with seemingly no romantic experience. Yet, somehow, he turns this lioness into a sheep. One who needs him desperately to the point it is surprising the only damage she does to herself is sleeping around with people and not drinking and drugging herself into oblivion. But, despite her being open with her transgressions, and he to her, it is weirdly accepted because often there is a distance between them.

Their back and forth is often wild and confusing. Especially with her sleeping with those who are his friends and family. Those who should be supporting Paul's relationship with her are the ones taking advantage of his absence. Yet there is so much forgiveness for reasons you can never understand why.

Yes, Paul and Esther are cute together, but her clinginess and aversion to being social makes them seem like an odd couple when they are outside seclusion of a bedroom, rooted in a private intimacy. Though perhaps the real odd thing about this film is how this all starts with Paul being stopped at the airport for it is believe his passport is fraudulent and then us going into issues he has had with his parents and this one spy-like mission he did in Russia. To say the least, while this film is primarily focused on Esther and Paul's relationship, it creates so many arguments as to why they could never be that you sometimes wonder what the movie wants you to learn, see, or understand.

Review Summary


You have to admire how in French cinema there often doesn't feel like a tried and true way to go. There doesn't seem to be a formula. It is just two people feeling each other out, often clashing, yet melting into one another after their shields are broken, walls were torn down, and there is nothing left but the softness of skin left to protect them.

Low Points

Perhaps what bothered me the most about this film is that Esther was never allowed to become more than a love interest. It is noted she went to school, perhaps didn't have the best relationship with people, especially her parents, but she was just a mess with little explanation as to why. The time spent on the Russian story, meeting Paul's siblings, who basically disappear halfway through the film, and then this airport thing, a lot of that time, I felt, could have been dedicated to building up Esther. Though, for what I know, perhaps there is a place for Esther like characters. Women who are but love interest and that's it. Maybe it is just some political correctness planted in my head which leads me to believe both leads deserve equal backgrounds.

On The Fence

The tender moments, usually when in a bedroom alone together, are when you can understand Paul and Esther's relationship always being rekindled. There is a softness to her which seemingly is only available when naked. Otherwise, insecurities, arrogance, and an inability to compromise rage in her to the point she seems less like a person and more like someone whose world revolves around Paul. A 2D depiction of someone's ex placed into a script. Which seemed a tad unbelievable considering how cool and independent she was initially shown as. Though, I guess, the argument could be that once the infatuation phase was over we got to see the real Esther.
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Being young, having a beautiful girlfriend and other things that had done!
Reno-Rangan4 December 2016
They say its a prequel to the 1996 film 'My Sex Life' that I haven't seen, but this looked good and its not. I'm not sure how much one has to be familiar with the original film, though it does not matter much I think since it is a prequel. Because everything starts here and follows there. So I saw it, and I wanted to like it, but not fully impressed. The story was told in chapters. The opening was like some kind of a spy thriller, but soon when the episode 'Esther' begins, it turned into a romance drama.

A man who has been investigated when another person with the same identity was found. So he reveals his school day's events, followed by his first girlfriend and complication surrounding it he had faced. That, how he had won her over the older boys and about his close friend, till leaving them behind to work in the central Asia. Mostly it is a love story with some twists in the affair, but how it all ends still remains mystery even after the narration ended.

The issue is it is not detailing anything, just reveals events of a youngster's romance life. Particularly the end was not good. So I think that's why I need to see the first film, resuming the narration could continue from where this one concluded. I leave (_b_l_a_n_k__s_p_a_c_e_) till I saw that and update this review, if I change my stance over this one. Even if I didn't like, still I would update it.

Meanwhile back to the review; it is like a French version of 'Flashbacks of a Fool'. Technically, there's no fault in this, only the screenplay did not convince me. The actors were so good, no doubt its a well made film that some people would enjoy it and I hope you are one of those.

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French fare
anil-kulkarni-108-8566325 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those genres that can be likened to a literary referential term - buildingsroman.

Starting with a French foreign affairs diplomat who is returning from Tajikistan after a decade.

On being intercepted at the Airport customs by an intelligence officer seeking to understand his double life.

That triggers a series of flashbacks that take us through his life from a child to a teenager and into adulthood.

The script runs us through his dysfunctional family and his troubled relationship with his father adn mother.

His siblings and his inevitable love affair with a slighly off kilter girl well into their adulthood.

It is slightly underwhelming after a decent build up.

The cast is predictably pretty (aah the french!) but while interesting eventually it doesnt amount to much.
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It's a common love story, but it was an interesting telling of the story
subxerogravity22 March 2016
It is one of the better told love stories I've seen on the screen.

It's one of those movies that's about a relationship running it's course from beginning to end. Very similar to movies like 9 Songs and Love 3D, but no where near as sexually graphic.

Maybe because the movie is about a now forty five year old Paul reminiscing about when he was nineteen and had an on again off again relationship with sixteen year old, Ester. As the film title suggest, Paul looks back with found (and little obsessive) memories of her.

I thought the main characters as well as the supporting cast were people really interesting to look at. though the movie has a nice look to it that adds to the feel, I never fully embraced the period piece this film is, and surprising the Hip hop score did not help one bit.

But overall I like it a lot.
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"Why must I feel like that? Why must I chase the cat? Nothin' but the dog in me!" - George Clinton, "Atomic Dog"
The_late_Buddy_Ryan14 January 2018
"My Golden Days" came out in 2015 as a late-breaking prequel to Desplechin's mid-90s classic "My Sex Life... or How I Got Into an Argument," which may be the best film since "Lucky Jim" about life on the lower rungs of the academic ladder. Once again, Mathieu Amalric plays Paul Dédalus, now returning to France after a decade or so doing ethnographic fieldwork in the former Soviet Union; a farewell tryst with his gorgeous Russian girlfriend (Dinara Drukarova) unleashes a cascade of memories:

In a brief prologue, 10-year-old Paul flees his mentally unstable mother and takes refuge with his great-aunt and her Russian lover. Next, he recounts a daring high-school exploit to an urbane French spook, who wonders why he (and his passport) have doppelgangers in Australia (long story!), and in the longest, most significant episode, he relives an intense love affair with a classmate of his younger sister's, Esther, a clever, soulful, sexy, needy, neurotic young woman (she grows up to be Emmanuelle Devos in "My Sex Life"; here she's played brilliantly by Lou Roy-Lecollinet).

Trigger warning: Paul and Esther communicate in improvised love lyrics (as befits two alumni of the Lycée Baudelaire); Esther's pouty histrionics may evoke bittersweet memories of post-adolescent romance, or may just seem too precious to be endured. Your call!

This final episode starts to drag a bit as Paul soldiers on as an unfunded grad student in Paris, sleeping in hostels, couch surfing and ménage-à-trois-ing it with a congenial older couple while Esther mopes her way through "a stupid college course" and cheats on him repeatedly. Luckily, Desplechin props up his sometimes rambling storyline with ingenious staging and cinematography: When Paul first approaches Esther, he's surrounded by a windblown swirl of fallen leaves, which is echoed in the final scene as he strides into what looks like a blizzard of torn-out pages from a book (they're both "feuilles" in French, I guess; does it mean that this chapter in his life is coming to an end?); hard to put into words but it's a lovely effect.

Finally I should mention the first-rate period soundtrack: The Specials, De La Soul, "Atomic Dog" and Run-D.M.C. It's a remarkable film, though, again, a certain tolerance for post-Truffaut coming-of-age shenanigans is required.
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Nothing new, but well worth watching nonetheless
euroGary31 October 2015
The main impression I gained about 'My Golden Days' is a bit more care could have been taken in casting the three actors who play the lead character - at least far as looks go. When we first meet him, Paul Dédalus, a French diplomat, is played by Mathieu Amalric, with his distinctive, 'lived-in' face. We then see him as a child played by Antoine Bui - who is facially so similar to Amalric they could be related. But as a young man, Paul is played by the handsome Quentin Dolmaire, who looks nothing like Amalric and Bui. If Bui didn't look so similar to Amalric this aberration wouldn't be so noticeable.

But anyway, the story: returning to France after almost a decade abroad, Paul comes to the attention of the intelligence services because someone with the same name and date of birth has been discovered in Australia. As Paul is questioned, we flashback to his childhood living with his lesbian aunt, to an eventful trip to the Soviet Union and to his student life, but most of all we examine his relationship with the captivating Esther, whom he wins over with his pseudo-intellectual gobbledy-gook.

Young Paul is that staple of French cinema, the student who spends too much time thinking. Esther is that other overly-used staple, the unhinged woman. This sort-of prequel to director Arnaud Desplechin's 1996 'My Sex Life... or how I got into an Argument' contains nothing that can't be found in hundreds of other French films. But there's good acting all around; Dolmaire and, as Esther, Lou Roy-Collinet are easy on the eye and their cast of supporting characters interesting. If I have any complaint, it's that I would have liked more - or indeed, any - explanation as to why the child Paul disliked his mother so much, and perhaps more screen time for Amalric - he appears several times in-between the flashbacks of the first third of the film, then suddenly disappears for the rest of it; it's quite noticeable. Where did he go?
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Francophiles may dig all the "passion," but others may see this as a generic tale of adolescent love lost
Turfseer27 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Arnaud Desplechin first introduced his protagonists, the young Paul Dédalus and his girlfriend Esther, way back in 1996 in his highly successful "My Sex Life... or How I Got into an Argument." Now he brings Dedalus (Mathieu Amalric) back again as an adult, just having returned from his work as an anthropologist in Tajikistan.

The film is divided into three segments, with an adult Paul reminiscing first about his childhood, chronicling an abusive father and depressed mother, who eventually commits suicide.

There's not much to the first segment but the second proves to be the most interesting. After being detained by government security forces, Paul explains why another Paul Dedalus, with origins in Russia, has turned up with his passport.

Paul is subjected to an interrogation by a security agent which allows him to explain how he gave up his passport while on a high school trip to Russia so that a Jewish teenager could use it to escape to Israel during the time of anti-Semitic persecutions of Jews in the Soviet Union during the late 80s.

But My Golden Days turns from being a suspense thriller to a more conventional coming of age story when the young college student Paul (played convincingly by Quentin Dolmaire), falls for Esther, a high school student who is the same age as Paul's sister, Delphine.

After having seen the film a few weeks ago, I had trouble recalling details about Paul and Esther's romance-- so I turned to a few critic's reviews to refresh my memory. Short on plot description, some reviews are content to provide a few amorphous descriptions of the nature of the relationship.

Kenneth Turan, writing in the L.A. Times, briefly explains, "We see them playing out the drama of attraction and insecurity, inexorably drawn to each other but having to face the problems different personalities invariably bring to relationships."

Peter Travers in Rolling Stone feels there's something quite deep about what happens between Paul and Esther: "Memory gives the movie a formal frame, but Desplechin laces the past with such raw emotion that nothing is hemmed in. Love hurts, that's for sure. And Desplechin makes sure we feel it."

Stephanie Zacharek writing in Time Magazine provides a few more details about Paul and Esther's burgeoning romance: "It takes a long time, in this eternal nighttime, for Paul and Esther to connect. Their flirtations are stilted at first, especially since Paul feels threatened by her many suitors, and she doesn't need to lie about their numbers: Young men cluster to her, as Marlene Dietrich sang, like moths around a flame. But ultimately, it's Paul she chooses, and their liaison starts out sweet before wending its way into l'amour fou territory."

Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat writing in Spirituality & Practice believe Desplechin is on to something in what they see as a nuanced portrait of the protagonist's motives: "He reveals the delights and the dangers in our idealization of the beloved, our dizzying capacities of infatuation, the primal longings for each other, and the pain and pleasure which this state of romantic arousal engenders.

The Brussats perhaps provide the best summary of the third segment. They note that Paul puts Esther on a "pedestal" but still leaves her behind when he goes to Paris for school. There is a sub-plot emphasizing Paul's competence in his chosen field when he convinces a noted anthropology professor to accept him as a student.

Later Paul and Esther share intimacies through a series of love letters but their separation leads to the deterioration of their relationship. As the Brussats put it, Esther "begins to fall apart emotionally and he is at a loss for what to do in response." Finally Paul seeks solace with an older woman and never seems to get over Esther's decision to go out with his best friend, Kovalki, with whom Paul meets up at film's end, and is unable to contain his anger towards.

Ultimately Desplechin's portrait of a failed adolescent relationship suffers from a lack of gravitas or high stakes. I would contrast this film with Bergman's "Summer With Monika," where a femme fatale destroys the relationship an earnest young man develops with a young woman who is not what she initially appears to be.

Esther, on the other hand, is simply a spoiled neurotic and Paul's inability to shed all the misplaced anger from such an earlier time in his development marks Desplechin's narrative as decidedly inconsequential despite all his "innovative" split-screens and entertaining 80s soundtrack.

Francophiles will undoubtedly dig all the "passion," but this dyed-in-the-wool American views this more as a generic tale of adolescent loves lost.
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Nostalgic but effective look back at growing up in France in the 80s
paul-allaer30 June 2016
"My Golden Days" (2015 release from France; 123 min.; original title "Trois Souvenirs De Ma Jeunesse" or "Three Memories from My Childhood") brings (further) stories from Paul Dedalus. As the movie opens, we see Paul and his Russian (?) girlfriend lament the fact that Paul is returning to France after 8 years away. It makes him think back to his childhood, and we flash back to Paul as an 11 yr. old boy, fighting with his (mentally deranged) mother. Back to the current day, Paul is being stopped by French officials at the airport for "passport problems". At this point we are 10-15 min. into the movie, but to tell you more of the plot would spoil your viewing experience, you'll just have to see for yourself how it all plays out.

Couple of comments: when I wrote earlier that this movie brings the further stories of Paul, it is because writer-director Arnaud Desplechin made a previous film about this character, 1996's "My Sex Life... or How I Got into an Argument", with the role of Paul played by Mathieu Amalric, who reprises the role almost 20 years later. I admit I haven't seen the 1996 film, but that didn't stop me from checking this out, as I think Amalric is one of France's finer actors of this generation (check him also out in the recent "La Chambre Bleue", "The Grand Budapest Hotel", etc.). "My Golden Days" turns out to be a somewhat nostalgic look back to the 'good ol' days'. Of the "three souvenirs" referenced in the original French title, by far the longest amount of time is spent on Pauls' relationship with Esthel during Paul's university days, and set somewhere in the late 1980s. I grew up in nearby Belgium just a few years earlier (doing uni in the early 80s), and I can attest that the director captures the mood of those university years perfectly. It's probably the reason why this movie resonated with me so well, but I also want to emphasize that if you didn't grow up in Europe during those years, you'll still 'get it'. Newcomer Lou Roy-Lecollinet, in her first role on the big screen as Esthel, is simply outstanding, and surely we have not see the last of her. Last but not least, there is a bunch of great music featured in the film, both as to song placements and the original score, the latter courtesy of acclaimed French composer Grégoire Hetzel ("Incendies", "Intrusions"). A quick look around tells me that the score is available on Amazon France.

"My Golden Days" premiered at the 2015 Cannes Film Festival, to general critical acclaim. Not sure why it's take so long to play in US theaters, but this past weekend, the movie opened without any pre-release buzz or advertising at my local art-house theater here in Cincinnati, and I know what that usually means (a one week run). The Wednesday evening screening where I saw this at was attended okay but not great. That's a darn shame. Hopefully this is a movie that can find a wider audience when the DVD finally comes out. If you are in the mood for a nostalgic yet effective foreign film that looks at what it was like growing up in France in the 80s, you cannot go wrong with this. "Trois Souvenirs de Ma Jeunesse" is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
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One Leaden Movie
billmarsano23 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Now in his 50s, the jamesjoyceanly named Paul Dédalus looks back on three episodes of his unhappy and tedious life. Only one is interesting: before a teenage class trip to the USSR, Paul has agreed not only to smuggle money and letters to refuseniks (Jews forbidden to emigrate) but to give away his passport, too: taking the very real risk of being trapped in Russia. But nothing much comes of this—it's an isolated incident unrelated to the rest of his life. The other episode involve Paul's deranged mother and loving aunt, and then, at last and of course, there's the tortured love affair of the intensity and tedium (and talking!) so greatly loved by French directors. If you are up for this level of self-indulgence, you will love this movie. And it's LONG, too, so you will have plenty of time to learn to care for or about the feckless Dédalus. Many critics apparently do, so good luck to you!
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Favorite quotes
katherinereninger24 October 2017
In this film Esther and Paul write letters to each other. They often speak their mind of others, and always profess their feelings for each other. Here are my two favorite correspondences.

"I can offer you only my lightness. I admire your every smile, your every rebuff. I realize my offer is flimsy. You make me laugh. Furious, unpleasant, exquisite: you always make me laugh. I love you only with lightness, yet I'm so heavy. Gloomy, as you all said at the party. You were right. You were right. I don't want you to wait. Don't count on me. My life is too austere for that. Paul"

"Hey Paul. Don't worry. Your remorse gets in your way. I'm simpler. Simply, I'm happy when I see you."

Earlier in the movie:

"Esther, you exist so much. Like a mountain. My existence, the world around me, seems aquiver. So I'm reassured. I don't care whether you want me. Your existence proves I'm not stuck in a dream. In you, at your feet, I place my faith."
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Near Perfect
davidguyette-66615 September 2022
Actually one of the greatest films of all time, with a lead actress possibly more beautiful than Brigette Bardot, and super intelligent writing. High drama, very realistic noir cinematography, many pitch black night scenes that look as good as the day scenes. Very intense, great acting all around, the main actor is mainly the only one who may be a bit over the top for some people. The lead actress is a Ramona-esque dream girl. Theres tragedy as well as comedy, and nice ambient and orchestral music. It's a character story, and a coming of age, but many characters get a chunk of their own screen time.
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Trying to make a poetic film.
Andres-Camara27 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Starting with a sequence, if I removed it would not happen anything, since it would not interfere anything in the film, for my taste, it stays with the part of the history of this personage less interests me. The film is a simple love story of two kids.

I do not like the character of the Lou Roy-Lecollinet or, rather, its evolution. I do not understand why she draws her so submissive and dependent. Of course, she does it very well. He is also very well.

The grief of the film is that there comes a time when I do not know if you are telling me a story cinematically or you are telling me with voice-over and actors looking at camera. Personally I like to see what happens on the screen, not that a voice tells me. I know it's part of the cinema, but I do not like it. Especially when solving situations with a plane that counts nothing and voice-over.

The film, to my taste in boredom. More than anything, because I'm not interested in what you're telling me. When I discovered that the film was going to go, I thought I preferred the history of Russia, but sadly this story lasted only a few minutes in front of the love that has become eternal.

The photograph is typical of French film, white and without contributing to the story.

The address is simple. So much that it does not realize that it bores, at least to some spectators. His plans are observant, do not tell history, do not contribute. Neither are well compounds.

I imagine that less and less of cinema, but to me this type of cinema I do not like.
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tedious memories of young love
bobbie-1629 August 2021
Paul Dedalus, an anthropologist returning from Tajikistan to Paris, remembers his mother (a short, intense scene), his high school "travel abroad" trip to Minsk, USSR (an odd destination for a school trip, but very exciting), and then alas, his interminable teen romance with Esther. Unfortunately the boring third segment is very long and Esther was not a character that I "cared about."
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