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The Ghost Of Sidney Lumet Lives!
statuskuo3 December 2017
For a split second there, you are watching "Q&A" or any of the other political dramas Sidney Lumet was famous for. Despite what reviewers have said here, this is mature movie that exists in a different time. And it is tragic that it is lost in the dummies of 2017 society.

The story is of a lawyer whose past convictions of social injustices get called to task when his partner suffers a heart attack. Roman is thrust into reality of facing the people who he left a long time ago to be the shadow autistic man content to vomit all sorts of facts without a shred of...personality tolerable to anyone. Everyone who has worked in an office knows this guy. He's aggravating because he only understands a brand of logic that lacks...spirit. He laughs at the wrong moments. And when put in social situations...he will anger you. However, he possesses massive commitment to a social cause. There's a line in the movie where an admirer defends Roman as "we stand on his shoulders." In other words, despite his annoyance...he has contributed to the cause. What cause is the question. The answer? It doesn't matter. The cause is ambiguous other than Black crime and rights. Which isn't the point it's trying to make. I would guess, it means to be anything we have convictions of and lose sight of will ultimately destroy us. Is that a digestible concept. Not to this world. In all honesty, when Roman starts to slip, we are actually much more comfortable. Because we all sell out when times get rough. This is a wonderful film that will be discovered years later. Much like a Sidney Lumet film (can you even name one). I will say, people will watch it and feel shame they didn't seek it out later. Denzel Washington should get nominated here.
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Interesting story, told poorly but acted by Denzel brilliantly.
Top_Dawg_Critic2 February 2018
This film was Dan Gilroy's second directorial debut, and although his forte of experience is writing, he failed that department, and did better in his directing (camera work, but not his choice of editing).

The problem with the writing is the dragged out mumbo-jumbo Denzel Washington had to say to express his savant mentality, most of it not making any sense or philosophically unnecessary, and it extended into 2+ hours of doing so. Denzel carried his role so exceptionally well, that had this film been edited down to 80 or 90 mins by getting rid of the convoluted and unnecessary dialogue, it would have been dramatized much better.

Then there's the premise to the film; standing all this time for a cause, then slipping to the other side, then going back. What was the point? What was the message?

This film is nothing extraordinary, but nevertheless, Denzel and Colin Farrell's great acting were the only reason this film has as high (6.3) of a rating as it does, and would have been much lower with any sub-A list actors, or higher with better writing.

It's a generous 7/10 from me
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A Character Study, but Not Much Else
fletcherc2122 November 2017
Denzel Washington stars as Roman J. Israel, Esq. a mildly savant criminal defense attorney whose life is turned upside down when his longtime law partner passes away. Suddenly the passionate civil rights attorney who thanks to his fiery demeanor should stay far away from an actual courtroom, is left looking for a job. He is forced to settle for working for George Pierce (Colin Farrell) a successful defense attorney, whom Roman views as a profiteer who doesn't care about his clients. The entire ordeal breaks Roman, who sells out his ideals and loses sight of who he was.

Denzel gives a good performance as the extremely passionate and slightly eccentric Roman J. Israel Esq., but Roman's penchant for long rambling speeches made for tedious viewing. Colin Farrell's Pierce develops into a much deeper character than he originally appears to be and is utilized well. However, while Roman's struggle to find his identity is the core of the film it never really is able to captivate. Ultimately the film settles in as an interesting character study that struggles to come together as anything more than that. While many would be content with that, it is a disappointing follow up for Dan Gilroy after his excellent debut with Nightcrawler.
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Keep on Truckin'
ferguson-621 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Greetings again from the darkness. Denzel Washington is one of our most iconic actors and he's put together a remarkable career, including 8 Oscar nominations and two wins. He's had his Al Pacino SCARFACE comparable with TRAINING DAY, his Robert DeNiro GOODFELLAS comparable with American GANGSTER, and here he gets his Dustin Hoffman RAIN MAN as he plays the titular Roman J. Israel, Esquire. It's a role that lacks Denzel's usual cool factor, but it's one in which he dives head first.

'Esquire' rates "above gentleman, but below Knight" as described by Roman. He has spent more than 30 years as the wizard behind the curtain of a two man law firm run by his mentor and partner William "Bulldog" Jackson. We never really meet Mr. Jackson, as circumstances force the closing of the firm and shove an uncomfortable-with-change Roman into the high profile and high dollar firm run by George Pierce. Mr. Pierce is played by a strutting Colin Farrell – and no actor peacocks better than he.

It's here we must note that Roman appears to have a touch of Asperger's and/or be some type of legal Savant. He's kind of a Dr. Gregory House for the legal profession – remarkable on the details, while lacking in the delivery. His long held idealism and belief system were in fine form while he was the back office guy, but Pierce forces him into the front lines and it's a bumpy transition with sometimes comic and sometimes tragic results.

The film bookends with Roman crafting a legal brief, that while somewhat convoluted, is actually more of a confession, with himself as both plaintiff and defendant. Much of the film focuses on Roman's idealism and revolutionary beliefs, and what happens when that crumbles. There is an odd quasi-love interest with Maya, played by Carmen Ejogo (SELMA). We never really grasp why she is so taken by him, other than his seemingly solid belief system reminds her that a mission of goodness and justice is always worth fighting for.

Writer/director Dan Gilroy is one of the quiet secret weapons in Hollywood these days. His last project was the terrific NIGHTCRAWLER, and he's also written the screenplays for this year's KONG: SKULL ISLAND, and one of my favorites from 2006, THE FALL. Here he teams with Oscar winning cinematographer Robert Elswit (THERE WILL BE BLOOD) to deliver a stylish look that feels unique to the story and characters … the frumpy look of Roman, the ultra-slick look of Pierce, and the various textures of the city. It's really something to behold – especially when accompanied by Roman's ringtone of Eddie Kendrick's "Keep on Truckin'". A couple of cast members worth mentioning: for you NBA fans, Sedale Threat Jr (son of the long time player), and simply for catching my eye in the closing credits, an actor named Just N. Time. There is plenty to discuss after this one, but mostly it's a chance to watch Denzel chew scenery.
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Its good
thegreenarrow-2818414 January 2022
It was a good movie, but a tad confusing. DW is just as good as ever, it's worth watching. The movie was a little slow, but still not bad. If your a Hard core DW fan its worth a watch, but for a casual movie fan id say you can pass on it.
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No drama. No fun. No action. No suspense. Still it is very intelligent and fascinating.
imseeg20 April 2018
What we have here is a portrait of an idealistic lawyer with autism, played by Denzel Washington. The lawyer loses his sheltered job and is now forced to take care of himself despite his huge autism handicap. Will he survive or will he break down?

"Roman J. Israel" is a thoughtful, intelligent and fascinating movie. But not suited for those without patience and understanding of people with autism. It is acted very well, but is unlike any other Denzel Washington movie I have ever seen. If you were only interested in Denzel's actionmovies before, then I strongly advise you to walk away, because this is a slowburner. Nothing much happens. Slow tempo.The dynamic of this movie mimics autistic characteristics: the movie itself becomes void of big emotions, just like the main autistic character played by Denzel Washington. The story meanders a bit, which can be confusing. But then again Denzels life as a lawyer is confusing and chaotic as well. The story follows the characters mindset, which is all over the place. Had difficulty understanding WHAT kind of film this was, because I didnt knew beforehand that Denzel played a lawyer with autistic tendencies.

Is it still any good? Yes, but it is probably only suited for a smaller arthouse audience, with an open mind for people with mental disabilities. Puzzling, intelligent portrait of an idealistic lawyer with autism, with an ending that comes close to feel good, but with some questions left open. I have never been so puzzled before by any Denzel movie as with this one...

At an end note: Mind you, look at the poster, what do you see? He looks away, you dont see his face. That's unheard of. But done deliberatedly. Autistic people fear communication with others. They look away. Avoid (eye) contact. Misinterpret other people's meanings. That is what this movie is about. And it is also about the positvie characteristics. It is also about idealism and the typical characteristics that make autistic people special and admirable. Very delicate and confusing movie. Fascinating nonetheless...
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one bad turn
SnoopyStyle2 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Roman J. Israel, Esq. (Denzel Washington) is socially awkward and an idealistic legal savant. He works behind the scene while his well-known work partner William Jackson excels in the courtroom. When William falls into a coma, the two-man practice falls into hands of George Pierce (Colin Farrell). George is a capitalist lawyer more concerned about the money than anything else. Roman tries to find another job but non-profit organizer Maya Alston only has volunteer positions although she very much admires the old school social justice warrior. He grows tired of the struggle against the world and decides to indulge in the corruption.

I appreciate the first hour. While Roman is not an appealing person, I do appreciate Denzel's character work and his idiosyncratic mannerisms. He's the underdog. It's sad but he's worth rooting for. I was expecting a depressing descend but I was not expecting this. His character does an 180. He's doing something completely out of character with the money. I get the turn to get the dirty money but I don't get the turn to use the money that way. That lawsuit is his legacy. Once he has his money, I expect him to use it to fund his lawsuit. It's a wrong turn in the script. I understand the instinct to have the protagonist sin and then pay for his sin. The story would still have his criminal act and his sin remains intact. It's his personality that I don't want to destroy. Without that turn, this would have been an epic in character study.
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Piercing the Soft Underbelly of the American Legal System
kckidjoseph-119 January 2018
In "Roman J. Israel, Esq.," a drama written and directed by Dan Gilroy with Denzel Washington in the title role, the American legal system and the people who must somehow operate within its confines are exposed for what they are: an uneven mix of good and bad, with the tilt toward one or the other dependent as much or more so on the moral compass and grit of the individual as on circumstance, no matter how imposing or seemingly impossible they might be.

When someone asks criminal defense lawyer Roman what the "esq." on his business card is for, he replies _ proudly, with a wry grin: "A little above gentlemen and a little below knight." He might have added, a little below knight in white shining armor and a lot above an uncaring, fee-collecting robot.

Roman has spent his life fighting small injustices on behalf of the disenfranchised, a fight for which he has never been given credit while giving it everything he has, including sacrificing any kind of personal life to do it. He's been the real brains behind a small two-partner law firm he's formed with his former professor, and while tackling unglamorous cases he also has been assembling a brief that will change the class action portions of the justice system forever.

When his partner, in no small way the front man, has a heart attack and is incapacitated, Roman learns that the firm is in fact broke and has been much less altruistic than he was aware, something his former professor kept secret from him.

Roman subsequently applies for a job with slick young attorney George Pierce (Colin Farrell), whom his partner put in charge if something were to happen to him. it's an uneasy fit from the beginning, and Roman finds himself almost immediately morally and ethically challenged, not only in his interpersonal approach to clients and cases but in who he can defend and why.

When he tackles the case of a young African-American man arrested and charged with murder during a convenience store holdup, he begins to question everything he is and has done.

What Roman decides to do, and the consequences of his actions, are the core of a story that reflects scores of small real-life dramas playing out across the country well off the front pages, but significant in how they shape our beliefs and culture.

This may be Washington's finest work yet, a quiet if somewhat klutzy Everyman whose legal genius has both separated him from the norm while thrusting him into its very heart and soul.

This also may be Farrell's best film turn to date, an understated performance that stabs at the soft underbelly of our legal system.

The rest of the supporting cast _ including Carmen Ejogo, Amari Cheatom, DeRon Horton, Amanda Warren, Nazneen Contractor, Shelly Hennig, Joseph David-Jones and Andre T. Lee _ are uniformly excellent in their restrained intensity.

At once uplifting and disturbing, "Roman J. Israel, Esq." is outstanding on all counts.
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To See, or Not To see.... That is the Question.
rgkarim23 November 2017
The legendary Denzel Washington is associated with so many legendary roles that will forever live in the hearts of millions. And like many people, when I see he a movie of his about to release, I get excited I'm in store for another masterpiece. Enter Roman J. Israel Esq, a movie that from the trailers, held potential to be an interesting biography of a powerful legal, pro- action character that was certain to stir up trouble. Will it be powerfully emotional to fill your eyes to the brim with tears, or something else? Robbie K here to give you some insight into yet another movie this holiday season, let's get started.


The Message: Never say that a Denzel movie doesn't deliver a powerful punch in the emotional level. Roman J. Israel Esq, is another visual tribute to the topic of truth, honor, and the moral obligations of justice. The whole movie portrays the struggle of holding on to your beliefs vs. diving into the acceptable flow the public/society deems normal. We all have breaking points that push us into new areas and test our fortitude, the question is where does one cross the line and how far do they leap over it. Roman's tale shows the challenge quite well and more so what can happen when pushes the boundaries too far. It will get you thinking and perhaps question your own philosophies, assuming you can get past the other parts of this movie.

The Acting…kind of: Denzel still has his acting skills down pat. He portrays the awkward character quite well, capturing the serious thoughts, the quirky mannerisms, and even the speech patterns necessary for portraying the mind within. Even more impressive though, is how well he acts out the struggles of the high stakes choices that bear heavy on his mind. At times, one can feel the weight of the decisions bearing down on them, the anxiety of making the wrong choice radiating out in the sequences. His supporting cast helps open up more dilemmas to tax him, but can't say they have the most involvement in the town.

The Music: The soundtrack is not the most toe tapping number, but one can appreciate the soul behind the songs selected for this movie. There selections were choice representations of the tone of the scene, sort of artistically symbolizing Rowan's mood and his answer to the current obstacles that plague him. It's a dynamic track list that constantly changes between genres, and fits so well into much of the movie, while perhaps bringing back some nostalgia for other fans.


The weaker character moments: Despite all the quarks Denzel got, his character isn't the most engaging or magical of the roles he has played. Past the morals he boasts, Roman just doesn't have a lot to him. He was a fairly flat character, with disinterest seeming to ooze from Denzel during much of the performance, almost like he had to really push himself to play the part. I had a hard time caring about him, the potential the trailers building failing to live up as Roman continued to just shrug more and more of the qualities I looked for. A redeeming moment at the end got the steam going, but by then it was too late and the movie was over. It also doesn't help that the supporting character actors don't seem too excited in their roles, and are just as mundane as some of Roman's personality. The characters just aren't engaged in the tale, and many aren't utilized to their full potential.

Boring: The emotional trials are strong, the food for thought even more of a rewarding experience, but did the movie have to be so dull? While I never expected this film to be an action packed, guns blazing tale, I certainly didn't expect the movie to lack so much suspense. The plot didn't have enough edge, there wasn't enough action or peaceful protest, and the absence of any real villain just led to a very lackluster tale. I had to fight sleep a couple of times in this movie, though it could be due to the long work day, but a Denzel Movie is usually more charged than what I was presented. Which brings me to my next dislike…

Ambiguous: The movie's biggest problem for me was how aimless the plot was. The writers didn't seem to figure out which way they wanted to take the film, is a piece about being an activist, is it a biography, is it a crime/drama? I couldn't quite figure out the myself, but they settled on a little bit of everything, but didn't hit the high-quality components of the genres. The film could have used more crime/mystery to add the suspense, perhaps with a theme surrounding the hot political issues they try to cover, all showing the skills of the whomever Roman represented. I don't fell many will enjoy the approach they took, and the ambiguous story telling that was just stale and sad than anything else.


It held such potential, but Roman Israel Esq, just couldn't find its ground in the grand scheme of things. Denzel tried to do the heavy lifting, and accomplishes the messages of balancing morals, but outside of that lacks any big sustenance to him. In addition, the boring pace, weaker character interactions, and ambiguous plots, the movie just fails to provide the very justice it wanted to serve. Sad to see the legendary actor have a weaker film, but this reviewer encourages you to skip this movie and focus on the treasures that have already come out for your theater viewing pleasure, all while hoping Denzel will have another Oscar worthy film in the future.

My scores:

Crime/Drama: 6.0 Movie Overall: 5.0
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Breaking the code
Prismark109 November 2018
Roman J Israel, Esq has a tour de force performance from Denzel Washington. He was Oscar nominated in playing an idealistic social rights lawyer who is great in doing the background stuff but terrible in dealing with people, advocating at court and doing things like plea bargaining. In fact Roman might have a great brain, almost a savant but his people skills in a modern world holds him back.

Roman was the quiet partner in his failing law firm with a salary of $500 a week. When his better known partner William Jackson who was the face of the firm and who did the advocacy has a heart attack, his practice gets taken over by George Pierce (Colin Farrell) a smooth operator who puts profit before people.

Pierce recognises that he can make use of Roman's legal skills, but Roman makes a big ethical mistake when dealing with a client who has information on a murderer.

The film is bogged down by a clunky story that is flatly directed. I found both Roman and Pierce to be unbelievable characters. I can understand Pierce wanting to profit from Roman's immense legal memory but not in Pierce's sudden zeal to be involved in social justice. I also could not buy Roman gaining a materialistic outlook which came out of the blue.
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Be true to thine Self
bramaniblue27 November 2017
I found this to be some of the best work Denzel has done. I thought he hit the nail on the head in terms of helping his viewers feel empathy for the character. I have to be honest here. I strongly believe that if you are in your sixties and of African-American heritage this may really hit home on many levels. In general it is a film about holding on to our core values, then forgetting them to join the rest of societal madness only to realize that you were not alone in your view of the world. Restoring your original core only to pay the price of deserting it in the first place. Everyday we see people forfeit family,love and life for materialistic gains and other power trips. This is also about the change of values from one generation to another in today's world. This is a film with a message that has and will go over a lot of heads judging by some of the bad reviews I've read. Awesome sound track consisting of 60's and 70's soul and rock. Excellent character portrayals by all bar none.
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Surprisingly flat.
planktonrules25 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Back in 2014, Dan Gilroy made his first full-length film, NIGHTCRAWLER. For a freshman effort, it's truly amazing as it was one of the best films of the year and was a deeply disturbing but rewarding film to watch. Because of this, I was excited to see a preview showing of "Roman J. Israel Esquire" as the Philadelphia Film Festival. Plus, many were excited because Gilroy managed to get the services of Denzell Washington to star in this film. Sadly, the film was a bit of a disappointment.

The film begins with Israel learning that his law partner has had a massive heart attack. This is a problem because they are the only two in the practice and Israel only works behind the scenes and the partner is the man who tries the cases in court. Apparently, Robert Israel is something like a person with Asperger' he has minimal people skills and looks like he's still living in 1975. At first, he seems nerdy and weird but good-hearted. Eventually, you come to realize he's a jerk-face...and that is where the film lost me. Having the lead be a total jerk down deep makes for hard viewing. A mildly interesting film at best and a huge disappointment.
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Never gets to a boil
joanne-ca8 December 2017
Denzel Washington can carry a movie and that is the only reason that seeing this movie isn't a complete disappointment. As a Canadian I wondered if the movie never seemed to get out of the gate because I missed Los Angeles cultural nuances that for the conversant made it filled with purpose. I found that the characters had a lot about themselves and their lives that could have been developed, but only the surface was skimmed. Background was in staccato snippets that left a lot on the table in terms of building depth, drawing me in, or giving me a good reason to keep watching. Not all occurrences in the movie were plausible, which is problematic as the movie aims to be realistic. The character of George was unexpectedly interesting, so that added a star to my bottom line.
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The trailers don't do justice to this film
justin-fencsak23 May 2018
This film is so underrated. Denzel Washington plays the main character of the movie, a criminal defense lawyer. When the film premiered, some footage was cut for timing reasons, which can be seen on the dvd. It didn't do well at the box office due to minimal promotion yet it's finding new life on home media. Go see it.
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Great Acting But Boring Subject Matter!
martimusross10 October 2020
Roman J Israel esq

The acting was first rate hardly surprising considering the fabulous cast. This movie was as dry as dust, basically an in depth study of the daily pressures of lawyers and the problems with the plea bargain system. However come about 1 hour 15 min in the whole thing changed into a tense thriller, well I wasn't expecting that.

Overall I enjoyed it but it was dry dry dry.
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In a time of systemic prejudice, the problem isn't the prejudice but the system...
ElMaruecan8231 December 2022
You can already tell from a title where the story will take you. If it's the name of a character like Dan Gilroy's "Roman J. Israel, Esq" you might be in the safe side if you anticipate a character study. The eponymous protagonist, played by Denzel Washington, is a lawyer as the Esq. (abbreviation for Esquire) indicates. With his Don King-like hairdo, he looks like a man who stuck in the early 70s, a time that meant business in terms of political activism. In a way, he's an anachronistic individual but his ideals are still relevant in a prejudiced time where law procedures advocate plea bargaining for African-American defendants, because a trial wouldn't benefit them.

(On a side-note, I'm glad I watched "A Civil Action" a few months ago so I was a little familiar with all these offers and counter-offers system and I quickly figured that a man of convictions as Roman, with a certain ethos governing his action, would be a tough nut to crack on that matter, both a deal and a ball breaker)

The film makes a social commentary but never exceeds its character-centered scope, it's all about Roman, a lawyer confined in the certitude that the exercice of justice is beyond deals and bargains. He embraced activism and law like priesthood and the purity of his heart and his phenomenal memory (he can recite articles and amendments like Rain Man counts cards) makes him an outcast. He used to work on briefs with his partner, a respected professor, but after his mentor's death, he is hired by one of his former students George Pierce (Colin Farrell) and given a valuable counsellor position in a bigger law firm. George values Roman's encyclopedic knowledge and principles, although his social skills earns him a few clashes with senior partners. Despite the incident, George keeps trusting Roman.

There's another person who is in awe with Roman, Maya (Carmen Ejogo), a network activist who can see behind the lack of social skills and borderline autism that Roman isn't a brainwashed political robot but a free soul. This is a man who doesn't complain like most people of her generation, he doesn't deem the Law as unfair but dissects it in a way that makes the options of protesting and fighting not only viable but the only effective ones in the long term. There's a catch though: Roman's philosophy implies that his interlocutors should know as much about the Law as he does. We see it in the earlier scenes: Roman is focused on little technicalities that any judge would rather overrule but Roman knows it too well: the devil is in the details.

It is fair to say that this is a film whose highest point is certainly Denzel Washington who, once again, totally disappears in his role, managing to create the unlikely mix of charisma and pathos in one character, enough to make Maya venerate him but not so that the two could fall in love (a romance would have damaged the film's credibility). And Roman is such a fascinating individual indeed that I wish the plot could have provided more momentums. We see him handling a murder where the actual shooter escaped but his accomplice Derrell Ellerbee (DeRon Horton) was arrested. Roman asks him to reveal the whereabouts of Carter "CJ" Johnson (Amari Cheatom), and then make a phone call to negotiate a plea deal with the D. A. Rejecting the counter-offer because of his poor lack of judgement, he just signs Ellerbee his death warrant. Without any protective custody, he's knifed for being a snitch...and here's my main problem with the film.

This is a story that implores us to value the treasure that is Roman's knowledge of the legal system and deplore his behavior. However by making him the center around which everything is orbiting, the scope is diminished, it's not about an ideal application of the law but Roman's ideals and their theoretical applications. I wish we could have seen the crime committed or have a scene where the defendant is killed, so we could have a real glimpse on the case, one deprived of judicial considerations. When I heard his client was killed, I didn't feel any emotion, it was treated in a very casual way, only there to start Roman's descent into cynicism. It's good the film could portray him as a three-dimensional character also capable to yield to the temptation of misusing the law and make money out of it but such extreme acts needed a bigger shock value. Ultimately, when we feel sorry for Roman, it's because he starts blaming himself.

Yes, this is the mark of a great actor to carry the film alone, and watching him go through this self-questioning and indulging to an amoral choice and then be both lawyer, defendant and judge of his own plea for being disbarred, was fascinating. But for all the intellect mobilized to approach him, for all his great monologues and speeches, it all comes down to a rather thin script; Roman makes a mistake, he loses his ideals and does something bad, and then redeems himself. When you have such unpredictable characters, it's a pity to have them used in plots whose conclusion can be seen miles away. As logical as the ending was, there was something too 'obvious' about it.

I still enjoyed the film and I absolutely loved that scene where he started a political speech about activism only to be berated by two girls who didn't like the patronizing way he asked two men to give them their seats. The way his gallantry was perceived as patriarcal is certainly one of the films that best captures how 'irrelevant' he's become for a generation that also sees the devil in details, but not the right ones.

This is a moment where I could relate to Roman and I wish there were more moments like this. Most of the times, Roman is too inaccessible to warm up to him.
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Idealism and turmoil
TheLittleSongbird9 March 2018
Being on a roll watching and reviewing as many 2017-2018 films as possible, especially those that garnered award nominations and wins, 'Roman J. Israel, Esq.' was another film on my to see list as part of those quests. Part of me was intrigued in seeing it, liking Denzel Washington as an actor, but the trailer/advertising didn't grab me and some of the lukewarm/mixed reviews made me slightly apprehensive.

Am actually glad about watching 'Roman J. Israel, Esq.' It is not without its flaws, and they are not small ones either, and there are far better films from the year (as well as far worse, this is somewhere around high middle). It is however a film with a lot to like and love, and it is far better than the advertising and trailers made out. They really don't do it justice and mislead the viewer in what the film is about, and while there is an agreement with a few criticisms it is better than the mixed reception too.

'Roman J. Israel Esq' could have been better. Its biggest stumbling block is the script, which tends to be rather clunky and muddled. Not always, but enough for it to distract.

While the story is absorbing and well done on the whole, there are instances where the pace could have been tighter and some plot points clearer and less confused. Am another person who also found the ending far too abrupt, it didn't feel like one and there was the sense that the writers didn't know how to end it.

However, 'Roman J. Israel, Esq.' is worth watching primarily for Washington, who is absolutely remarkable in the title role and gives some of his best work in a pretty demanding role where he completely transforms and which he fully inhabits. A slick Colin Farrell also gives one of his better performances, his best since 'In Bruges' perhaps. The rest of the cast are also strong, but it's Washington that the viewer remembers.

Luckily, in what is essentially a character-driven film, the characters are interesting. Particularly the authentic and vividly written Roman, who to me was easy to root for.

Other than Washington's performances, the other stars are the truly evocative and fantastic-looking production values, especially the cinematography and scenery, and the very soulful soundtrack that really takes one back to the period.

Storytelling is uneven, but there are many parts where it moves, inspires and intrigues, while the values are delivered with just the right amount of force without going overboard that it becomes didactic and the messaging is well-intentioned and easy to be inspired by. The direction is competent, with some clunky moments when the story is in its weaker stretches.

In summary, good film and much better than expected. Worth seeing primarily for Washington whose performance is not easy to forget. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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The Viewer Becomes The Character
tin-B16 February 2018
This is a BRILLIANT journey from the perspective of someone utterly detached from any personal connection to those around him.

The story is told and presented in such a way that you, the viewer, feel as detached as Roman is, but compelled to follow his journey to the end. For although he has difficulty with human interaction, and detached from humanity on a personal level, he feels a strong responsibility for humanity itself.

Denzel, as Roman, is a behind the scenes lawyer, a legal savant with some mental complications (I'm no doctor) which many brilliant people, especially savants, often face.

Colin Ferrell is a successful lawyer who finds himself perplexed by Roman's behaviors while increasingly inspired to adopt Roman's mission in life as he is reminded of the reasons he went into law himself.

As the story unfolds, you find a detached sympathy for Roman in the same way he would feel for you. How uncanny that we can be so manipulated in the acting and direction process, while some viewers leave disappointed with the movie as "flat" or bad because they couldn't get emotionally involved with Roman, silly gooses, that was supposed to happen.

Roman's emotions are absent, or sometimes buried, as in the way he continually failed to express a normal response to the health predicaments of his former legal partner, something presented from the beginning of the movie and throughout.

It's a story which moves fast but isn't an action movie, it has no needless scenes or dialogue. In addition to the story of Roman, it tells the story of one particular concern within our legal system. It certainly deserves much more than the 6.4 rating it currently has. I would give it a solid 7.5 which is quite respectable at IMDb.
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Come for Denzel, stay for...well, there's not much else to stay for.
bankofmarquis23 February 2018
Denzel Washington is one of the finest actors of his generation. A charismatic screen presence, he commands the viewer's attention whether he is performing a comedy, drama or action film. He has won 2 Oscars as a performer and has been nominated for his acting 6 other times - including (rightfully so) for his performance as the titular character in ROMAN J ISRAEL, ESQ.

And thank goodness he is in this film for I found precious little else to recommend in this movie.

ROMAN J. ISRAEL, ESQ. tells the story of...ahem...Roman J. Israel, Esq, a "savant" legal attorney (some would call him autistic) who has spent the past many, many years as the behind the scenes lawyer in a rundown 2 person law firm that specializes in defending "the little guy". When his partner unexpectedly dies, Roman is thrust into the world of big time, big business and big MONEY law and when Roman is sucked into this world he suffers a crisis of conscience and must decide between the luxuries that this new, rich life affords and the idealism that has driven him for all these many years.

In lesser hands, this character could have been maudlin or cloying - but in Washington's seasoned hands, this character jumps off the page as a quirky and different sort of person - a genius to be sure - but a troubled genius. One that is more comfortable alone, in his library with his books and legal briefs than with people. Washington threads the needle very well in his portrayal making Roman J. Israel seem like a real person and not just a character.

Also strong is Colin Farrell as the head of the Big Business Law Firm that Roman ends up working for. Farrell has grown as an actor in my eyes - and his portrayal of George Pierce shows a another real person behind the suit and not just a 2 dimensional caricature. Also along for the ride is Carmen Ejogo in an underwritten part as a young idealistic lawyer - and potential love interest for Roman - who reminds Roman of his younger self.

But, despite these performances, the film falls flat because - besides Roman's crisis of conscience - nothing else really happens.

The blame for this has to lie at the hands of screenwriter and director Dan Gilroy (the wonderful, underrated - and underseen - NIGHTCRAWLER). He is fascinated by the intricacies of Roman's world but fails to flesh it out. It's almost as if he was so interested in creating the trees, he never created a forest interesting enough for these trees to live in - or for us to visit.

So come for Denzel, but be warned, if you stay there's not much else to stay for.

Letter Grade B- (because of Denzel's performance)

6 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
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Please shoot me for watching this swill!
MadamWarden23 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is a movie about a disaster of a person and an even worse lawyer. He literally can't do anything right. He gets his young client killed because of his incompetence and foibles. He refuses to compromise on anything and yet doesn't appear to do anything of value throughout the entire film. He has an amazing memory, a Savant and a mysterious history where he was supposedly greatly successful. But he is corrupt and weak. An awful human being. Miraculously, after he should be fired and disbarred, the slick law firm rewards him after the mother of the son he got killed forgives him. She earlier warned him him sternly not to mess up. I guess getting her son killed was cool.

I have no idea what this movie intends. He is the worst "hero" of all time. Seriously?? Are we supposed to like him? Feel sympathy for him? He gets asked out by the hot younger girl. What the hell!?!?! Who wrote this plot? She finds him inspiring for his mysterious past which we are not privy to. Yet he has done nothing but disrespect her and her life.

His eternally forgiving boss, Colin Farrell, is another who seems to admire him based on the vague mystery of his past. All really really confusing. He eventually gets his just desserts, in front of his boss who tries to save him.

Oh, in the end his boss goes through his mystery papers, we are to assume they were really really great. Earth shattering. Haha!

What a load of codswallop!!

A disaster of a movie!!
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character study that punishes the doubter
OneAnjel17 March 2019
I initially wanted to condemn the film as reverse racist after the flag pin remark but I decided to give it a bit more time and ended up watching it to the end. Some say they were disappointed at a slow plodding film that misused the talented Denzel and slapped them with a crappy ending. We were not watching the same film. Here Denzel portrays a man with every possible thing against him: he's a black man with a presumed Muslim last name, who has an almost autistic nature because of his savant abilities which has repressed his ability to be financially successful because he has no real interest in money and prefers to pursue truth instead. Once scene depicts him well when he appears to be rambling and then slaps us with the conclusion bringing it all together: there is no way to retain purity. Bam. We are hit with Roman's plight.

It is these savant abilities that drive him mad in his own mind while his simplistic brilliance is overlooked and mocked. As he struggles with his predicament after losing his purpose, he makes a fatal error. But in the end we see it was really the people who looked down on him who made the error by misjudging what Roman had to offer.

In the most subtle way, the film also asks us to review how we've treated people who seem strange to us and who we have mocked for thinking or sounding different then what we believe people should sound like.

A profound character study that studies not only him impact but those who impact him.

I tried to edit my initial review but didn't see any way to do that since it wasn't published yet.
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Strange Little Movie
stevendbeard22 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I saw "Roman J. Israel, Esq.", starring Denzel Washington-The Equalizer, Deja Vu; Colin Farrell-Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Horrible Bosses; Carmen Ejogo-Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them and Tony Plana-The Fosters_tv, Ugly Betty_tv. This is a strange little movie. I really like Denzel, and he is good in this, but the movie was not that great. He plays a partner in a Los Angeles law firm. His partner is the hot shot defense attorney that tries the cases and Denzel is the facts guy-he knows everything his partner needs to know, just by memory, without having to look it up. Only problem is, his partner dies. Colin-another lawyer-comes in and scoops Denzel up for his firm, because he knows how smart Denzel is. Carmen plays a woman that runs a center that does lots of protesting for civil rights causes. She befriends Denzel-again, because of his knowledge-and he does some lectures for some of her workers, to help motivate them. Tony plays another lawyer in Colin's firm that thinks Denzel's eccentric ways are just a little too much. Like I said, Denzel is good as his character. It is a little different than most of the roles he has played before. He is real intelligent but shuffles when he walks, keeps his eyes down when someone is talking to him, likes to eat donuts on the beach and he has a gap between his two front teeth-which I read is real. He had caps put in when he was in High school and took them out for this roll. Oh yeah, I did not care for the ending-I won't give it away here, but I think they could have done better. It's rated "PG-13" for language and violence and has a running time of 2 hours & 9 minutes. It's not a bad movie but I was a little disappointed. I would not buy it on DVD. It would be alright as a rental, if you are a fan of his work-like I am-but otherwise, I would wait for it to come to cable.
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Messy and made no sense
nicholls_les21 October 2020
I watched this all the way through, hoping that at some point it would all make sense! It didn't! Although, Denzel was his usual good self, as with Tom Hanks, I have never seen him act badly, even in a bad movie. But, the main character starts off as appearing autistic, possibly a Savant, and then becomes a completely different person towards the end. The decisions made were strange and the story was very disjointed. Not one I would watch again for sure.
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Denzel Washington Gets To Act!
boblipton19 March 2020
It's not a movie that particularly needs to be seen on a big movie screen, but this movie has a fine, mannered performance by Denzell Washington as a back-room activist lawyer. He has spent more than three decades writing briefs for his courthouse partner. When that partner has a stroke, he finds himself pitched out into the assembly-line world of the law as administered in the courts and stumbles around a bit, round-shouldered and discovering that speaking truth to power just gets you into a lot of trouble. Colin Farrell recognizes him as a bit of a savant and tries to use him; Carmen Ejogo recognizes his authenticity and tries to succor him and help her maintain her own moral center, but in the end, his own human fallibility overwhelms him.

It's a nice role for Washington, who seems to be retreating from the cookie-cutter action roles and into more interesting performances recently. It won't set any houses on fire, but it will please the patient viewer.
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Another edgy, noir(ish) trip in LA with a glorious oddball
Quinoa198424 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Gilroy scores big with Denzel. It's one of his MAJOR works of the 21st century and it makes me so pleased to see a guy in his 60s who could/should be resting on his laurels with a challenging human being to nail. He does a metric-ton of work to create a completely distinctive introvert/savant person we have never seen him do before and it shows. But Gilroy needed to work more on the script; events move along far too quickly given how much does happen to/by/from Israel, and I feel mixed not so much on the very end but on the climax (spoiler: it confirms a trope raised many times on the "Denzel Washington is the Greatest Actor of All Time" podcast). So it is good, at times very good. But it's a teeny slump after the knockout of Nightcrawler, which this feels like a cousin to. I wonder now if Gilroy will create his own 'LA Mental Case' cinematic universe (one can also tell that these are very much stories of the American dream and how the system work; the TV network and Farrell's legal office are by the books and full of "normal" people, and who wants that?)
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