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A failure of attitude
paul2001sw-124 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The truth of the infamous Rochdale "child grooming" case is not well served by its name. This was actually a story of child rape and prostitution on a massive scale, whose perpetrators bribed, bullied and threatened very young girls to take part. But part of the reason these activities reached the terrible level they did was due to the failure of many authorities, which variously saw the girls as having loose morals (the treatment of one of the victims as a madam, because she was victimised first and then introduced her friends is the most jaw-dropping moment), or acted as jobsworths. 'Three Girls' is a brilliant, believable, painful reconstruction of the crimes, their botched investigation, and the eventual prosecution: it also asserts (worryingly) that those who were most upset by the numerous institutional failures were never properly listened to after the events were over. The final failure of attitude is the failure to fully admit that anything went wrong.
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Three Girls - A really challenging, though utterly riveting TV mini-series
michaeljkillen18 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I've just finished watching the final episode of "Three Girls", having previously become gripped by the earlier two parts of this compelling documentary-drama mini-series aired on BBC1.

It is based upon real events which actually happened in Rochdale, Yorkshire and which I think it to be fair to say, surprised and shocked all of Britain. See Wikipedia.

This mini-series is not at all easy to watch. It is heart-breaking. There's lots of swearing and bad language, but it is all entirely appropriate to the context of the situations presented. It's also an uncomfortable watch, dealing as it does with the grooming, sexual exploitation and abuse of mainly juvenile white girls by adult men predominately of British Pakistani heritage. The Police and Social Services in Rochdale were so clearly attuned to potential accusations of racism to such an extent that they actively tried to "sweep it all under the carpet". Such tactics rarely, if ever, are effective. As in this case,they merely postponed the eventual day of reckoning.

Incredibly high quality acting from Maxine Peake as the sexual health worker who tried for years to get the Police and Social Services authorities to take action and also from Ria Zmitrowicz, Molly Windsor and Liv Hill who all took the parts of the sexually abused girls. I suspect that this production was emotionally difficult for them to take part in. All credit to them for the quality of their performances.

I'm normally grudging in awarding plaudits, but for this mini-series I make an exception. It is both difficult and excellent to watch. A rare combination.
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Outstanding account of a national scandal
Vindelander11 August 2019
Brilliantly researched account of this ongoing case which is presented by a superb cast. You can only feel admiration for those girls who had the guts to put themselves through this and for the sexual health team who first tried to bring it to the police.

Extremely moving if harrowing and the lessons still have to be learned nationally as this is not just about grooming in the north of England. It's far more widespread.
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Very hard to watch, But please do
bellann27 May 2017
This was an extremely difficult and scary mini-series to watch. It was so unflinchingly true. We get so caught up in television series like "Law & Order: SVU" where the positive outcome of the many aspects of sexual crimes are dealt with. But in reality, the justice system is much more unforgiving and I'm certain that child sexual grooming is not just going on in the United Kingdom but of course, the British have tackled the problem first. I had to give this series a "10" the pace, the writing, acting, directing was superb. I hope many eyes will be opened.
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Harrowing story, but a really excellent production - and some great acting
alangmcw-850-64196318 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched this 3 part series on BBC1 over the past three evenings, and feel that I must pass some comment here. It has been a documentary drama based on the real life story of prolonged grooming and abuse of young girls in Rochdale - by adult men who are predominantly British men of Pakistani origin.

The story has received much publicity in recent years, as have too many similar cases in a variety of towns and cities around the UK (almost exclusively in England so far). These are true horror stories, with the young victims at the centre – but with a complex range of other people involved – the social workers and sexual health workers who tried to help (and probably some who didn't try very hard), the police, the CPS, the community at large, the parents. I won't attempt to re-tell it here.

I thought that this three-part series did a really excellent job of telling the story. It was quite harrowing to watch on many occasions, but this is a really excellent piece of TV production with wonderful acting by all concerned. Our deepest sympathies are of course with the victims and their families, as well as with the officials whose determination sees this particular case come to a successful prosecution. But I congratulate too those Asian actors who played their parts in this production.

I am grateful to the BBC for producing this series, and I consider it a good use of my licence fee. My sympathies go out to all victims of this kind of trafficking and abuse, and I hope that the series might help give some courage to other such victims.
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anitapink20 May 2017
This was one of the best shows I have watched, the acting was great well done. The way these girls were treated was a disgrace, they are very brave and i am very proud of them. Words fail me on how Sara was treated, i take my hat of to her. While watching the show i was moved to tears for them I was also angry at the way they were treated.
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Grim, Powerful and Frustrating
ThreePointFive19 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This three part mini-series was shown over three nights, and it knocked me for six for each of those three nights. The subject matter is grim, but it would be since it is the real-life story of the Rochdale child sex abuse ring. There is enough impact in the stories of the three girls at the centre of it all, but the performances of those involved make sure that it smacks you between the eyes. Maxine Peake is phenomenal as the frustrated NHS sexual health worker who nobody will take seriously. Paul Kaye is superb as the helpless father of one of the girls. Lisa Riley is brilliant as the mother of the other two girls. Lesley Sharpe is fantastic as the copper struggling with her own doubts about the system. And of course the girls playing Holly, Amber and Ruby are all unbelievable in their ability to be believable. If you watch this and aren't emotionally drained after each episode, there is something seriously wrong with you.

If you didn't watch it, find it. This really is how you do it. Awesome. Incredible. Sad. Disgusting.
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Auntie BEEB at her best
gibbs-1817214 February 2020
This needed to be scripted and played so strongly and correctly and I think they hit the mark. Maybe we need more, the amount of young women who have come forward in the last 10 is shocking and heartbreaking. But more than that it makes me angry that I live around the area and we were blind to it.

This should be a warning to us all that tippy toeing around because we might cause offence does not and should never come before the welfare of our children.

Sad thing about this series is that one community will get tarred with the brush, which is unfair but more must have known what was going on even if they opposed it.

Some great performances, my favourite was from maxine Peak, superb.

Watch it, be careful if you have teen children
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Jarring but phenomenal
triqa21 April 2020
As hard and difficult this was to watch because of its realistic undertones, it is amazing in that and every other sense. This mini-series is so brutally on-point and straightforward in showing the dark reality of child sex abuse, human trafficking and grooming (not to mention how deadly accurate it is to the particular cases it is directly referring to), that it still haunts me to this day. The screenplay, sublime acting, pace, direction, everything was perfect. I'd recommend this to anyone who are willing to eat up their optimistic hopes and gulp the reality of this world. Because this really will do just that and set the scene. We've needed this and we've got it.
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Prismark1025 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Three Girls looked at the Rochdale child sexual abuse scandal that saw nine men of a Pakistani background convicted of child abuse offences in 2012.

The drama focuses on rebellious Holly arrived in Rochdale, she has being having arguments with her parents and befriends naive but rebellious sisters, Amber and Ruby.

Through them they encounter a group of Asian men in takeaways where they get free food, fags and booze but in reality are getting groomed to be sexually abused by them.

Maxine Peake plays sexual health worker Sara Rowbotham who sees these young girls and keeps track of who they are seeing and going out with. To her this grooming thing is nothing new and has happened previously. Warning the police has done little. No one believes the girls who are just seen as troublemakers and promiscuous.

Eventually it takes a policewoman such as DC Oliver (Lesley Sharpe) who felt that the system let the girls down and head prosecutor Nazir Ali (Ace Bhatti) who believed the girls were telling the truth and saw a case for the prosecution.

The final episode concentrates on the court case as each men have their own defence team cross examining the girls.

The aftermath of the court case is anger between the white communities, who thought their young girls were being exploited and the Asian communities who felt they were being tarred with the same brush over the action of a few.

In 2012 the late ex-Rochdale MP Cyril Smith was being investigated for sexually abusing boys many decades earlier. It really does seem sexual exploitation is less to do with race but more of a system that lets down the victims.

The drama was well acted, harrowing, it did not flinch from the racial angle.
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It's grim up north
peterrichboy17 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Just lately film and TV hasn't been kind to the north of England. I Daniel Blake, Little Boy Blue and Moorside. The last two based on true stories as is Three girls. All are extremely hard watches but all very good and superbly acted and made. Three girls is the story of how middle aged Asian men groom vulnerable young teenage girls for sexual purposes. What is so shocking about this is not the story itself but for the number of years these terrible crimes went unpunished. All the performances are top draw as you would expect from Maxine Peake, Lesley Sharp and Jill Halfpenny but I would like to give a special mention to Lisa Riley who is totally convincing as the mother of the abused girls.
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Interesting and important but poorly written
bs56226 March 2019
A very interesting and important study of the events which unfolded in Manchester. Important viewing, however in my opinion there was a lack of detail about how the girls were groomed which meant it was difficult to understand the full extent of psychological trauma on the girls. The episodes were disjointed and moved through time with no explanation or connection as to how events got to where they did (ie episode 1 left the police not pressing charges then episode 2 is an all guns blazing investigation). Well acted and important but lacking a lot of substantial detail. 3 parts clearly was not sufficient for that.
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An attempt to address a controversial cover-up, by covering-up...
randomaccess-7864717 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Disappointing, and it begs the question why the BBC even made this? It offers limited justice to the 1000's of girls victim to these crimes, families, and even extends to actual racism as a scapegoat. It is a falsified, white-washed portrayal of the Rotherham child grooming cover-up, white-washed in the name of political correctness, ironically the exact same reason these children were ignored for years in the first place.

Rather than illustrate and portray the cultural and ideological differences that were the root cause of these sickening crimes, the drama makers would rather - very subtlety - give the impression that 'race' was the cause, effectively demonising the entire Asian community in the process. This was nothing to do with White Vs Asian or 'Paki' (sic) and even the writers sources (Easy Meat) give clear indication of this. In fact many people know this, and for those many, it's almost infuriating to watch. For those who don't, it's simply misleading.

In terms of storytelling, the fact that diversion and omission from reality is core, leaves little story left to 'tell', so there is literally no solid explanation as to why the police decided to cover-up etc, relying solely on other factors - such as the girls were scared to tell the truth due to fear (as seen often in abuse) instead. That doesn't fit the story. Additionally, there is very little portrayal of the nature of the crimes committed, or the rationale behind them, with the main, tiring, focus being on the 'drama' between the various public service workers which is also I suspect, inaccurate. If you were to be asked to explain what 'grooming' was in the context of this drama, you wouldn't be able to. Moreover, the scale of these crimes is hugely downplayed; you'd think only one or two rapes occurred with three girls? Not true, this was industrial scale exploitation, trafficking, and abuse, on a national scale.

The huge elephant in the room however is using 'Asians' Vs Whites as a scapegoat to avoid the real issue. This is consistent throughout out the drama and is nothing short of a lie, the same way as it was 'reluctantly' used by the media at the time. It was nothing to do with race.

It's the cultural issue, the way in which fundamentalist religious ideology - which has been indoctrinated to the perpetrators and thus carried out, as per cultural relativism - that was the cause. And its this controversial issue we would expect to be addressed - the truth. This shouldn't have been ignored by the writers, it's the central issue, and in the same realm as religious extremism, something the public aren't shy of or ready for.

The disparity between story and reality is no more so evident than in the court scene. The prosecution have an unexplained motive to blame the girls rather than the defendants. This is nonsense. In reality, the judges concluded it had everything to do with the cultural background of the perpetrators. Other props are also used throughout to skirt around the issue.

Despite this major flaw, the acting and cinematography is actually very good, as is the music. It grabs your emotions and empathy like a magnet, appealing to the viewer - what a shame about the misinformation.

The BBC made a big step challenging something as controversial as this, however it's an engine that doesn't start, the political correctness applied to the story telling via omission, is the same exact thing that allowed this abuse to take place in the first place, oh the irony! And oh, how insulting to both the victims and the entire Asian community of many different cultures who now must take the blame.
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nikkicattrell6 October 2018
Very good documentary style based in real life people and situations. Harrowing to watch and scarily, still under reported and even in Rochdale still going on. One my daughter gets a bit older its something i want her to watch as a warning.
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Factually extremely accurate and respectful about portraying the facts. Also entertaining to watch as production values are high and good performances
mickman91-129 March 2022
I'm not usually one for true crime documentaries, I tend to find they take liberties for entertainment and are cliched and exploitative. However, this is such a jaw-dropping story and I am a social worker so have particular interest in this case that I thought it was worth trying. And it was exceptionally good. Mostly because it clearly has an attention to detail and respect for representing the facts that you don't normally trust as much in other works of this kind. For instance, the lines that were spoken during the court case were taken from transcripts from the real court cases. So, factually it is very impressive. But it is also very well made with excellent production and believable performances from the young actors. Naturally, I would have liked to have seen it go into more detail about the minutiae of the procedural failings, particularly in regards to Children's Service. As well as explore the deeper questions a little more. But I accept that this was made for the Joe public and not for professional social workers. It should be noted that doesn't say much about social services at all, it is mostly a look at the Police procedure and the judicial system.
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If you think trafficking is not in your city...think again
lolly6714 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really appreciated this film in showing how easily vulnerable, impressionable young people can be led in to harm's way and not recognize it straight away. It was a tough subject to broach, but the tenacity, strength and courage for those girls to fight the predators (that includes the police) I hope will show other people of any age or gender the first warning signs. My hat is off to the real life suffers of human trafficking everywhere....even in Norfolk, Va, US.
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Disturbing, but worth it.
foxielaydie6 September 2021
This is perhaps the most harrowing show I have ever watched. I'm fact, I could only manage it in twenty minute segments. However, it is absolutely incredible. The story it tells, the acting is unbelievable, the questions it raises, it really is a fabulous piece of television. Well done to everyone involved in the making of this.
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Excellent mini series but tough subject matter
cimorellisteve6 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand how 13 year old girls having sex with middle age men isn't automatically rape?? Anyone with a brain knows they were groomed, they can't give consent at that age. The police doing the initial investigation should not be doing that job. Being from the US, I guess the laws are different, it was pretty obvious what happened , these girls were underaged, and had children & an aborted fetus-pretty sure there's your proof!!
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Disturbing but brilliant
samtimoney-797589 June 2019
Well acted and scary, to think it really happened, Lesley sharpe amazing as ever and the girls actors brilliant, not for the light hearted
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Rochdale is not in Yorkshire!!
littlehev21 May 2022
Realistically portrayed - sad- infuriating - those men are the scum of the earth!!

However some reviewers are confused as to where Rochdale is ....... Rochdale is a large town in Greater Manchester, England, at the foothills of the South Pennines in the dale on the River Roch, 5.3 miles northwest of Oldham and 9.8 miles northeast of Manchester.

Greater Manchester is not in Yorkshire!
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Good docudrama
qui_j21 August 2018
This appears to be a meticulously researched docudrama about the trafficking of young girls in the Yorkshire region. It did make the headlines but seemed to have dragged on for ages. It's still difficult to understand how the girls could have fallen into the trap but with the chaotic home lives, I guess it was understandable. Inaction, often taking the path of least resistance by the authorities, police and social services, was not helpful and one can only hope that this event lead to better monitoring to prevent situations like this from occurring in the future.
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Too long
uni-404-2636525 April 2023
Though an important story, left mid first part. Too long. Beginning good but getting into police part and investigation know outcome and details became uninteresting.!that parents and society let this happen to their young daughters where was the expected supervision. It is very difficult also because the bad guys are Pakistanis and the victims are White British so it has to get around ant racism implication. I stopped watching at point police finally got involved because then all that should have happened with just e years before, happened. Worth watching but not enough for me to go back. That it is a true story is simply a horror if a Justice system that lacks Justice and when years later they come back without sufficient apologies to the girls ...I did not stay to watch the self righteous.
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darlingjane2 May 2018
Brillant mini series. I balled my eyes out for these poor girls. It has left me worried for children who are enslaved as sex slaves around the world.
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Extraordinary acting and reflects reality!
anacruzfaria20 August 2021
I cried watching this and I am amazed on how truthfully represents reality, also - great acting! It is very important for people to understand that sexual abuse is always happening, and most of the victims are groomed into thinking they deserve it, and end up being silenced. It is outrageous when people outside of the situation judges and thinks they should have told the police earlier or something. Sometimes they are afraid - I would say most times. Brainwashing and manipulation is real. These man know how to do that very well. Also, it is outrageous how society keeps blaming girls, especially British, for wearing mini skirts or being "too provocative" - This is NOT AN EXCUSE FOR ABUSE.
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Absolutely Brilliant
gemmalsharman2 June 2019
This was performed absolutely brilliant, they took a massive risk producing this series but I'm glad they did. The story was absolutely breath-taking and the actresses were astonishing, especially Maxine Peak. It was a very hard story to tell and show the world with so much to go by and so little you can only use. However, they have done a fantastic job with the way they told the story and the way they performed the characters was just heart breaking.
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