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Assassin's Creed: Origins (Video Game 2017) Poster

(2017 Video Game)

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Well done ubisoft with a different gameplay
nirzak11 April 2020
If you like Assassin's creed franchise and want a different gameplay then you can go on. You'll like it. But Yes may be this game will not give you the old feel of Assassin's Creed but yes it will give you much adventure.
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ndicarro21 April 2018
This game is not only amazing, it saved the series as a whole.
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A perfect example of why more studios should take more time with their franchises
Vivuta15 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Origins is the product of what almost became a dead end series, retold stories with unfinished and unpolished engines, broken game mechanics and headline worthy mess of game launches.

Ubisoft is easily a company known best for their failures rather than their achievements, but this almost certainly turns that around.

Origins is completely redone from the ground-up, abandoning most everything that made up what the franchise was before it, embracing completely new RPG mechanics and mythological themes. Combat is about stat damage and space-boxes, rather than button mashes and sword-dancing.

While most everything redone is absolutely for the better, it is not completely without fault. The story of Origins should have been one of the most interesting, and honestly, it ranks among the series' worst. The actual story itself is interesting, but how it is told and how you as the player move it along is rarely entertaining. Thankfully, the story unravels without the franchise's tedious sequence system, and instead gives you a number of targets and quests to start your investigations on their whereabouts.

At times, the story does take you to interesting places, most notably for me, the main character, Bayek, buried to his neck in desert sand by one of his targets who had poisoned him in the cutscene before. All around him, you see skulls of the victims before you, heat waves that manipulate the environment outside of 10 feet from the camera, and it felt genuinely claustrophobic and unnerving.

These moments are rare, however. Most times, it's waypoint to waypoint, talk to someone, murder someone, quest over.

There is so much more going on in Origins outside of that though, and that's the most important part for me here. The environments of the desert, the ruins and towns you travel to are immensely detailed, and builds a world unlike most any I've played.

Trekking across the desert is a highlight for me, scouting out the area with Senu, Bayek's loyal eagle, to find the best, or most scenic route to a new province I had yet to discover was unlike most anything I've experienced in a game before. Often times, I'd be riding my horse across a vast oasis and suddenly over a hill find strange ruins, or giant mountains, or even deep structures hidden under the sand, which is one of the scariest things I've found exploring an open world, btw.

The side quests are also a highlight, a lot of them are about Bayek and the things he had done before you first take control of him, and I really enjoyed that. Coming across a character I had never seen before, and both that person and Bayek reacting to eachother and reminisce over an event I haven't seen, and what Bayek had done during said event was super interesting to me. Stories would be told over multiple side quests and built Bayek as a character in a new way, and it felt fulfilling to realize that the whole arc was completely optional.

Origins breathes life into a series I almost gave up on, and one I had previously fell in love with, and all it took was what most franchises cannot seem to do: move on. Origins moves on from it's stale combat that was once seen as enjoyable in a time before now, combat systems have changed and origins moved with it.

This is easily a must-play, it's stale story is a small hump in an otherwise perfect comeback, and it's experiences far outweigh any gripe I could've had with it.
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tdharris-2662523 March 2018
If you're a fan of Assassins Creed, the Witcher gameplay and combat and Egyptian history and mythology, this you're in heaven!!! One of the best games ever made.
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Revolution in AC franchise
ravikrishhnan29 March 2018
After Ezio series; AC 2, Brotherhood (the best) and Revelations ( a perfect ending) the ones that followed were pretty mediocre. Black flag was good. This Game blows away the idea of open world game. Origins has a massive world.Maybe bigger than GTA V and Red Dead Redemption. Factors that puts AC: Origins ahead (some might frown) over GTA V and RDR is the immersive game play. Hunting, Climbing, Interaction with envt, weapons, Combat, Enemies, Soundtrack are to name a few.

Combat is pretty challenging. I suggest play in HARD mode. Every enemy has a difficulty level. If they are 1 or two levels above you, then combat is tough, if further above, you'll be killed like a mosquito. One death per hour is more or less certain. Even the same goes with animals.

You can climb pretty much anything. Yes!! Anything. Now you don't need to take a long route to reach atop of a mountain. Simply can climb vertically.

SENU the Eagle is what we always wanted in Assassins Creed. In origins we do not have eagle vision, bur actual EAGLE's Vision. Use Senu to track, follow, set markers, even fast travel (if senu is within 300mts)

A.I is absolutely amazing, for instance: In a side quest when an NPC is asked to go home after the quest, the NPC actually runs home, rather than just disappear. You can follow the character with SENU (the EAGLE) and can even listen to his post quest conversation with another character.

Bayek is always on running mode. No need to press any other keys (AC fans will notice the difference).

How to play: Ideally play all the side quests, explore areas, loot transporting, hunt and reach higher levels.

I reached level 8 before leaving the first area (SIWA). Even at level 8 there are two places in SIWA that you cannot approach. Enemies have SKULL over them (Too high for Bayek)

I played almost 8 hours (in detail, solving puzzles, upgrading,dying- a lot) before "Leaving SIWA".

This game is Massive. Awesome. Challenging. Accurate to a great extent (even the interiors of Pyramid of GIZA

To use DELUXE CODE-> In game, go to store and enter the code and you get 1. A Legendary Sword, Spear and a Shield, Desert Cobra outfit and A bad ass horse. A Naval Mission

I can go on writing, but i suggest buy it to experience it. ************************************************************* After 103 hours, i have earned all trophies. This is the first game for which i have put in so much time to earn all trophies. Totally worth it !!
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scousershere30 March 2018
Magnificent, for those of us that queue for COD to play the entire game in 6 hours....56 hours with assassins creed and still it goes on, huge maps, stunning detail....can't fault it, simply breathtaking
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Best of 2017- Bayek of siwa.
ajayvasanthrock7 November 2017
I play video games for story background or for stunning Graphics. It's very rare to see a game with both combined. And this game is one of this kind.

Very important:-Don't read any kinda summery before playing OK!. This games story is vivid beautiful and complex with many nightmares from history books :). All I ever wanted in my life that at least once I should get a chance to see Egypt but believe me this game made me slide from pyramids, chops some Egyptian bastards ,And I never expected monstrous gigantic villains in an Assassin Creed game. Nearly forgot to mention the sound track is splendid. This soundtrack nearly drove me into Egypt and the main theme when bayek. ...oh spoilers....ok fine.

Details :-This proves what a industry can do if they are given time. It took them almost 4 years to bring this gem to the earth.You can visually see the wonders of the Egyptian cultures and even minutes details like sand flying from our feet flowing in winds direction,mirages of the desert, And many.

Hippo aka Hippopotamus its really nice to hunt some bujji bujji hippos in the water ;)

The ending of the game is not like games but like movies.

Anyways don't listen to some dumba$$ who only played vegetables chopping games and complains about combats vulgarity.

This games will be your best game to spend time. Cheers!!!!!
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The best Assassins Creed Game by far
mateodeangarcia21 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So when the game released I did not think so fond about since the last game was not so good(Syndicate)but it was on sale at one point so I bought it and let me tell you it was so fun, emotional and adventurous and you get so tied into the character and kinda of relate to him which is great. In the beginning you learn your son dies by a mysterious group called the order of ancients and you hunt all of them down but while you're doing that you explore so much and learn new things about Egypt. You can do side quests that are fun, funny and emotional. The game is so long but in a good way because the excitement never stops like you can discover tooms or take town enemy camps and bases. It's also super realistic, it also has an amazing view so when you synchronoze admire the view but. But my favourite part is how at the end you really piece together everything and you know how all of it began....And if you finished the game you might not have all skill points and stoped at level 40 but they have 2 DLC's for you which are just fantastic.
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Probably my favorite of them all
8512223 April 2020
Greetings from Lithuania.

I'm not a biggest "Assassin's Creed" fan, but played many (most) of them. I even played and completed "Odyssey". My favorite so far was part 2 - the one with Ezzio. But now i played and platinum "Assassin's Creed: Origins" (2017). This game was amazing. Graphics are jaw-dropping gorgeous. There are tons of activities in an open world, and while they are all very much similar, its still was involving to them all because of how well crafted this game is - i even liked it more then Odyssey - another good game but a bit overblown.

Overall, i liked the story and i admired the amazing craftsmanship of this game during it. I completed DLC's as well. All in all - "Assassin's Creed: Origins" just might be my favorite of them all.
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So That's How It All Started, Huh?
colorthekid31 August 2019
It's a fun game, but like, no one cares about the Animus plot-line, Ubisoft. Stop pulling me out, damn it!

7.5 Pyramids/10.
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What an amazing suprise
Surprisingly one of the greats open worlds ever, one of the best AC's with a great protagonist and amazing gameplay, the small details really make this one of the best AC's
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Completely different
richardrc-1859611 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is the first assassins creed game with the rpg type play through. And I liked it. I see others complain about it not being assassins creed. Well it is. Still similar stuff. But it is an open battle/fight type at times. Which I thought was ok but I usually did the stealth. Rather east imo even playing on hard once you figure the game out. I'd give the gameplay and stuff a 9.

Anyways, the reason this game isn't a 10 imo is because it feels like it was written by 2 different people. First, we had the revenge fueled father that wants to avenge his son and still will do anything for him. Even in death. Second, we have the strong woman who is becoming more of a leader rather than a wife and mother and even drops the baggage and title by the end of the game. Why? What is the point of making the mom the strong woman I don't need a husband or family anymore type of person? It's not realistic and completely against history. I get it, this is a game and made up. But cmon. The story with the dad avenging his son and even still showing love and missing him is phenomenal. As a dad I can relate. The final dad mission, which can be completed at any time, but I did after game, is aligning the stars. And still, his words and even feelings are so real. And yet, momma off doing her own thing. Just completely feminist anti family garbage. If the game and graphics weren't so good I'd drop it to a 5 at best.

Finally, the trophies are a joke. Ones glitching and not possible for me (krockodopolis fighting others have complained too) and you don't get one for doing all the vantage points. Also, there are wayyyyy to many locations. Good god. I gave up on that too. Take a point for that. There can only be so many camps and treasure spots.
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It killed my interest in the AC series
nodlimax30 September 2023
I've played through the AC series recently and finished the titles in the order in which they had been released. There are amazing entries (AC2, Revelations, Black Flag), decent ones (AC1, Brotherhood, Rogue, Syndicate) and some that are lackluster (AC3, Unity).

Then you have Origins which is a huge departure from the previous games. It introduced heavier RPG elements into the gameplay and changed the combat completely. Gone are counters and kill streaks with cool animations. The game has been moved closer so something like Dark Souls or Witcher in terms of fighting. The combat in Origins is more challenging compared to earlier entries in the AC series. However it is not more exciting or fun. Personally I'm not enjoying the combat in AC:Origins.

Then there is also the story which is messy and boring right from the get go. I've stopped playing Origins shortly after the prologue (about 5-6 hours in the game) and everything is so forgettable that it's even difficult to describe what kind of story the devs really wanted to tell. It's a supposed to be a revenge story but there is so little context about what is going on that I can't even pretend to care about any of the characters. The "villains" aren't standing out in any way so I'd want to kill them. They are just targets on a map.

In addition the game forces you to run long distances through the Egyptian deserts to reach and explore various locations. And due to the long distances and nothing happening in between you literally usually just call your horse, jump on it and then press a button to activate automatic walking to the target location while you go do something else.

I didn't really like this in a game like RDR and I like it even less so in AC:Origins due to the game not having an interesting story or any kind of memorable dialogue.

The game has only thing going for it and that is that it looks nice. But the art style feels strange at times and graphics alone also doesn't carry the game for me to make it to the end.

It's really unfortunate with Origins but as I know the combat and general gameplay have remained the same in Odyssey and Valhalla I have interest in this series anymore. They'd need another major shake up on the AC franchise for me to even look at it again...
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Best game ever
thmasker9 August 2019
Absolutely no doubt about it. This is the best game ever made in my opinion. The story got me from the first time. Stunning work!
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A beautiful open fun game
generalkeknobi5 June 2020
A great change to the AC franchise, slot of fun details and features, really lives out the AC legacy
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Saved The Franchise.
johan-7310430 October 2017
This game probably saved the whole Assassin's Creed franchise. I've played all the games, and out of all of them, this one is probably the best one yet. There is so much game play, and the map is so much bigger, than in the older games. The time setting is also amazing, and Bayek is an amazing character to play as. They really outdid them self with this game, even though Assassin's Creed fell a bit behind, after some failures, i believe this game just pulled them back. Overall 10/10, and 100% recommended.
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Textbook definition of underrated
boelbol5 June 2020
This game will go down as a classic, it's fun and the open world is filled with much to do, it's on par with red dead in terms of details and graphics
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What a redemption
jacksparrow-805685 June 2020
Best AC since black flag, ambitious and fun and kept the AC style story the birth if the brotherhood
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Aged amazing
woah-244915 June 2020
A once considered bad game turns out to be one of the greatest In the franchise, the birth of the brotherhood, this puts odyssey to shame, a game worth getting, a true Egyptian experience
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Mediocre at best...
Oneirosophos2 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Hidden ones is the first dlc of AC: Origins and follows pretty much the same logic with almost every other latest AC dlc: it continues some story as an aftermath epilogue, 4 years later, to the main game.

So you have ONCE AGAIN:

~Some new stars to gaze ~Roman fortresses to eliminate ~More "Phylakes" (but they are part of the best side story) ~Bandits to kill & steal ~Animals to kill ~Treasures to retrieve

And inbetween, some new story elements that end "more" the story than the main game's campaign.

All these are in 4 new "nomes", smaller than before, but with enormous mountains. You are in the Suez terratory. Also, the enemies are by far harder, even when you are at the max level (45).

It's just a small extra map with hard challenges, a cool new assassin costume and mediocre campaign. It's just a dessert after all this desert...
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An amazing, near perfect video game that will be in the running for game of the year
y-9527930 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Set in the 1st century in ancient Egypt, players will lead Bayek in saving Egypt from a group called the order of the ancients. They will meet characters such as Cleopatra, Julius Caesar and the boy king (Ptolemy XIII). Overall an amazing experience and a perfect game for action adventure fans and fans of the AC series.
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Immersive game
Calicodreamin27 August 2020
An immersive video game that allows the character to engage in a lot off different activities. The storylines are well developed and the game play is a good mix of cut scenes/quests/free play. the researcher bit felt unnecessary.
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"RPG mechanics so hot right now" - probably someone at Ubisoft's HQ
Heartburnt_Kid27 July 2020
After the huge success RPG games have lately made Ubisoft is ready to completely disconnect new AC games from its original game structure and shove a RPG mechanics inside a game that was based on social stealth.

The difficulty of the game is heavily based on your character's level, even when being overleveled you are still matched with damage-sponge enemies. Stealth approach is completely changed, assassinations can no longer kill enemies which is ironic for a game called Assassins Creed. Map is overwhelming and its locations are repeated more than enough with the exception of few camps and tombs that are connected to side quests.

As hinted in the title the story is about the origins of AC, yet there is very little about it and its complete story is in a DLC. The main game is focused more on the main character's journey which is another typical revenge plot but for an AC game his story is actually interesting enough to follow to the very end.
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A thousand times better then odyssey
joelgm-153545 June 2020
This feels like a sequel to odyssey, it's so hard to belive this came out before odyssey,origins has ons of the best open worlds, it has so much small details that perfect the game, defenantnly reccomend, one of the best AC's
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Best game since Black Flag
ksketchley1 January 2019
I loved this game it was everything I wanted and more. I still perfer brotherhood as I find the plot stronger but overall it's a must play game that is a very high 9/10.
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