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4 Reviews
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Fearless Tiger (1991 Video)
20 March 2000
The film is without doubt a totally bad martial arts film wannabe. It fails miserably in its attempt. The "star", Jalil Merhi would probably be stoned to death in his native middle east if they ever show this junk there.

The plot is simple, Merhi's brother dies of drugs and he wants revenge. He tells his wealthy businessman father and his fiancee that he can't take over the family business or go through with the wedding because he wants to train in the far east. Talk about ridiculous, the bride to be is 6 foot 2 inch, Supermodel Monika Schnarre. She stands at least a solid foot and a half taller than Merhi. His father is played by Jaime Farr, Corporal Klinger from M*A*S*H. I guess those residual checks are no longer coming in. The acting is without doubt totally lousy. Collectively amateurish beyond belief, even from Jaime Farr who's antics as Max Klinger keeps me tuning in to reruns of M*A*S*H. But the worst is Merhi, his acting makes Jean Claude Van Dahm look like Sir Lawrence Olivier by comparison. The direction, the lighting, the cinematography are all laughably bad. It is as if the director was incapable of taking his camera off a tripod. Any kung fu film and blaxploitation film afficionado who sees this will probably wanna pluck their eyes out.
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Waste of money
24 February 2000
A confusing mess about a sinister government agency trying to quiet down a potential problem; a talky cab driver (Mel Gibson). Gibson plays a paranoid cabby who writes newsletters about government conspiracy, he's got 5 subscribers. He's in love with District Attorney Julia Roberts, and is stalking her. When one of his paranoid ramblings hit close to what sinister doctor Patrick Stewart and his cohorts were doing, Gibson and the subscribers to his newsletter becomes the target and must be silenced. He asked the help of Roberts and get her involved in the mess. Frankly, I think the sinister government conspiracy movies have become pretty old and this one adds nothing new. Other than great cinematography, this film have absolutely nothing to offer.
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30 January 2000
Simply one of the greatest thriller ever made. Unequaled specially by the remade from hell "The Jackal". The tension and the timing is impeccable as the director creates one exciting moment. Fred Zinneman masterfully creates tension throughout the film without resorting to special effects, stunts or pyrotechnics. Edward Fox gives a wonderful performance. He almost make you cheer for the Jackal. He was so charming and gentlemanly, not a terrifying psychopath, but a man on a mission that cannot will not allow himself to be stopped. The closest competition it has in the assassin vs. cop cat and mouse genre is "In The Line of Fire", but even that pales in comparison with this masterpiece.
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Heavy (1995)
A wonderful, sad, compelling film.
16 May 1999
Heavy is a film about sad and desperate people, all of whom seem to have nothing to look forward to. At the center of the film is Victor, played magnificently by Pruitt Taylor Vince. He's the cook at his mother's restaurant. Victor goes about his job and life almost mechanically, he rarely say a word and his movement is limited. Until a couple of major event in his environment happens. One the hiring of a beautiful young waitress named Callie(Liv Tyler) which represent to Victor something wonderful and unattainable. Yet it gives him hope for his empty existence. The second major event is tragic, yet Victor hides it from everyone around him because he wants things to stay the same. He has no sense of what else is there for him. Yet this event might give him the opportunity to go out and see what's beyond the front door of his mom's restaurant. The final reel shows that whereas the other character's lives seem to be continuing the same pattern of sadness and despair. Victor might try to move on with his. Particularly his interaction with a convenience store female clerk with whom he's never spoken to before. It's not much but it's a start.
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