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Warm Bodies (2013)
A Revenant Zombie film that appeals to the romantics who can laugh at absurdity
2 June 2013
Look up "Revenant Zombie." "While conceptually very old, and the prototype from which many other undead derive, this trope has fallen out of favor for more modern breeds of zombie, and for the bloodsucking vampire." This is not the first zombie movie to show talking/reasoning zombies (Return of the Living Dead, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Wreck it Ralph, Day of The Dead, Land of The Dead). This is not the first romantic zombie film (Fido, Bride of Frankenstein, "Fear Itself" New Year's Day, My Boyfriend's Back). This is not Twilight (Twilight and its 3 sequels are Twilight, and we don't have to fear it's gonna get us. Don't worry, there will still always be dark and gruesome horror films. And for Twilight fans, there will always be darkly romantic films for you. No need to fight.) I have seen around 100 zombie films, and this is by far not even close to some of the crappier zombie films, though it was pretty unique and sweet and funny.

You have to have a soft spot for romance to enjoy this and you have to notice that it is a commentary on society without love. Life without love is no life at all. That's the message and I think it's powerful enough to resonate with those who don't require the usual cliché zombie film. We have plenty of zombie films that are just about surviving, but we have far less about living.

If you want to watch a realistically dark zombie film, maybe this isn't for you. If you want a very violent and gory zombie film, maybe this isn't for you. But if you don't hate films just for being different or appealing to romantics, you might just enjoy this. It's not Oscar material, but I genuinely prefer the quirky stuff that isn't widely accepted. That's where you find films that speak to you directly, as we are all different.
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a Touching Look into these Girl's Lives
22 May 2013
First, I want to say, I am not an adoptive parent, nor am I adopted myself. I have met someone who has adopted a girl from China, and am aware of the issues that the one child rule raises for girls in China.

Before this I saw a documentary, "National Geographic: China's Lost Girls" which I think is a great film to start with for understanding the situation, before you become so involved in these personal stories.

I don't believe only a certain type of person can enjoy this film, but I can see how it would help. I personally prefer dramatic social documentaries instead of fictional dramas, because I feel like I am really getting to know someone and what they have been through. When I cry, I am not crying because of a plausible emotional situation, but I am crying tears for another person.

This film is incredibly moving. You hear what it is like to be an American, raised by white parents as a Chinese born girl. You get to hear some of their tales of facing racism, and feeling like an outsider, as well as how glad they are to have the loving family and opportunities they have as middle class adopted Americans.

You get to see one disabled girl get an opportunity to be adopted, as well as the filmmaker's video of when they adopted their daughter. You can see how terrifying it is to be a Chinese girl handed over to white parents, while at the same time seeing how much love these parents have for their new little girls.

One girl wished to find her birth family, and was lucky enough to do so. It is an extremely moving situation when you get a glimpse of how much her birth family truly loves her.

This film raises questions that all adopted people have to ask themselves, about whether they want to learn their heritage and what that means to them. Certainly, everyone has to choose their own path and what is important to them in life.

This film encapsulates what it is to be an American to me. It doesn't matter what you look like, or your language or where you were born. It matters that either you or your family or whomever made a choice for you to be a part of a culture that has no rules or boundaries. Where we embrace our similarities and differences as people of this world. It's truly a beautiful idea, this nation, where we can come together and see where we came from and know wherever we go, we take this journey together.
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a promising idea that is never properly communicated
15 May 2013
The good things about this movie:

-some of the shots were very stylized which results in some moments worthy of screen shots. -It had some funny moments, and the acting wasn't half bad. -It did at times remind me of other films in that satirical way, which was amusing.

The bad parts:

-The explanation of how the events went down doesn't make sense and felt forced as if the writer had ideas for how the story would go, but couldn't really make it fit together in a realistic or intelligent way. -The ending half haphazardly tries to put all the ducks in a row, and didn't match the pace of the rest of the film. -The ghost scares were completely ridiculous in a 70s cartoony sorta way, that once again felt out of nowhere in how absurd they were. -There were poorly done CGI cockroaches all through out the film, which are never explained, which could have helped explain some of the unbelievable moments if they were.

I'd typically give a film like this a 5/10, but since I spent so much time analyzing it, I feel like I should give it a 6. But then again, a 6 means I can recommended it to at least some people for a one time watch, and I'm unsure if I could go that far since it's such a sloppy teen film. I guess I recommend it to people who don't require a cohesive storyline.

Just don't expect anything of value besides something to argue over with your easily amused friends who loved it. And some tits... don't forgot stereotypical straight male horror fans, there are tits. I know you don't think it's a good horror film without some girl degrading herself for your amusement. I suggest porn, but hey, the film industry keeps giving you guys what you want. Hope you're happy, because even as someone who is attracted to women, I don't require "whores to be punished" in all my horror film favorites, as films like Cabin in The Woods satires.

I have also posted an explanation of the ending for people who couldn't follow the jumbled wrap up, in the forum thread "Ending Spoilers Wanted." I try to explain it as best I can, but in the end, much is left for the audience to try to figure-out/argue-over until it's sequel is released. And who knows if that will give a decent explanation for what happened or if it will just make it even more absurd.
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Evil Dead (2013)
a Gorier and more disturbing, yet thoughtful, take on a tale told 4 times
15 April 2013
I think it's a little sad when a poor publicity run with misleading critics quotes ruins a film for people. I never go in thinking this is going to scare the hell out of me. Out of every ten horror movies I watch... maybe 1 scares me, if that.

Most horror movies are more disturbing than scary, and this succeeded at being heavily disturbing. I think it was a great metaphor for addiction and withdrawal, and I saw that metaphor about rape killing you inside and leaving you a shell, that can be filled with anything. The original couldn't throw those metaphors into the mix and relied far more on being disturbing and gory and quirky. I think this was far more gory and disturbing than it was before, Plus it actually had a message, and had great acting and cinematography. You could pull 100 stills from this film and have amazing images. Blood pouring. Arm hanging. Face licking. Images you may never forget.

Sure, it lost some of the humor, but I frankly never found the first Evil Dead as very funny. I found this 2013 rendition's setting extremely dark and hopeless, and that's what addiction really feels like. Since this is the 3rd time Within The Woods was re told... I think it finally came to a point where it's more than a horror movie. It's something that deserves dissection and thoughtful discussion. Unfortunately, far too many horror fans just want the tits, blood, and violence or the nostalgia of something other people aren't cool enough to enjoy. I personally can enjoy the 52nd adaption of Alice in Wonderland, as well as the 8th, or the 20th, and I don't have a problem with admitting it. Good story telling never gets old and no adaption is perfect.

This film may not be in your top 5 scariest films list, but it sure works. Beware though, it's something that will sit with you, whether you like it or not.
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Room 237 (I) (2012)
Ramblings by People You'd Ignore Normally
30 March 2013
To me this is like watching a movie made by those crazy people on internet forums who say, "How can you be so blind? this is all about ________!" Obviously there was a message about Native Americans in the film, because they outright state that it was built on an ancient Indian Burial Ground, and there is Native American art everywhere in the hotel, but beyond that there is very little to go on besides continuity errors for most of the other theories.

The worse part of the whole documentary was when they decided to play the film backwards and forwards at the same time, and were amazed that the ending and the beginning will appear the same way... well that's because you play both the ending and the beginning at the same time, and it eventually gets to the beginning and the ending by the end of this little experiment. What else would happen? They use this little experiment to justify why characters are really behaving the way they are.

Another commentator gives her kid credit for explaining a moment in the movie, a movie he never even watched and wasn't even commenting on.

There were a couple interesting things like the significance of showing a Red VW Beetle being smashed up and the apparent lie used to change the Room 217 to 237, but once again, beyond that it's mostly just ramblings by people who have no connection to the film saying a chair missing in a shot is note worthy instead of a error. These people think Stanley Kubrick and everyone he worked with to create all his films never make mistakes. I for one, don't think Kubrick is a perfect God with full control of every tiny little thing on his sets.

I don't suggest this to anyone, because you can find out the significance of any "clue" online easily, and you don't need to waste your time hearing all these conspiracy theories, some of which are so ridiculous, it's infuriating.
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Two Types of Horror Films-- and this Failure
22 March 2013
I know horror. And there are two type of horror films. Films that terrify you-- make you jump, make you scream and make you curl up your feet so the big bads can't get at them.

And horror films that merely disgust you and make you uneasy. Think Human Centipede, The Woman, and Hostel.

I can can go for either, while I prefer actual scary films, like Shutter for example. But something that has depth while being disturbing has it's value because it still make your life better by comparison and often has a message worth hearing. Truly, horror films can make everything crappy in your life not seem that bad.

But then there are disturbing films with no value. Apparently taking things as offensive as you can get is something some people crave and find hilarious. I am not one of those people. While I can enjoy South Park and be a dedicated watcher, I know that after they had their gross moments, there is something to take from the episode.

Feast 2 brings only shock to the screen. Do idiotic plot turns, bad acting and directing, and unlikable characters turn you off? yeah, don't watch this. Are you an animal lover? yeah, really don't watch this. If you think babies are off limits when it comes to sick scenes? You really still think you wanna watch this? Just say no.

The first film was all about those horror tropes, and it had it's moments when it came to shocking deaths, but if you are shocked by Feast 2, it's only because you expect filmmakers to have come common decency, and you learn these guys do not.

When I saw TV ads for the most offensive movie ever made and I thought, who watches this? But these filmmakers thought, derr... I can make a film like with that! Comedy can have depth and witty dialog, it doesn't have to be this.

I honestly can't think of a movie I sat through that I hated more than this. The kind of people that watch this also watch videos of guys getting their balls kicked and smashed and bitten and think that is great comedy right there. If this is you and you have 10 kids as well, then we are really getting closer to the world of Idiocracy.

Just the fact that some people are in such denial that they vote this a 10/10 just to spite those that know it is garbage, says how doomed society may be. 5.1/10? really? People who say this film is great vote it a 4, and people who say it has no plot give it a 8. Do you even know why you rate a film at all? I have to assume you are trolling and trying to screw other people out of an enjoyable evening, or you actually think a 4/10 is like a 4/5. They both got a 4 in it... DERP.
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$ellebrity (2012)
Nice look at both sides
9 March 2013
This is a fun not so little documentary about celebrities and paparazzi. There are several laughs along the way, and you can hear some of the experiences from the celebs mouths.

Other interviewed, are paparazzo, editors, readers of tabloids, and there is a little history lesson about how this all came about and how it used to be "back in the day".

To me it was all very interesting and honest in it's portrayal of how it is the walk the street or step out of your car as a celebrity. They cover people who aim to be stalked by the paparazzi as well as the children of celebs who plead for people to stop taking pictures. In that one moment, where Travis' son was asking to be left alone, it's hard not to feel bad for just witnessing what is being done to this child.

I'm one of those people who have never purchased a celebrity tabloid magazine. I do scan the covers while waiting in obnoxiously long lines at the market and I do now and then click a link about a celebrity, but I have never qu8te understood the people who buy this junk. The kind of people who talk about celebrities when you ask them how they are doing, as if that's their life. I find it a little pathetic.

At no point in the documentary do they explicitly say where the line is overall, and I don't think anybody really knows. Some say it definitely starts with the children, but people want to see little Suri. And sometimes I figure, Katie Holmes wants to show her off. It's hard to know where the line is... but for me, it's not making celebrities' daily activities a part of my daily life. They are just people, after all, and my life has to be more important to me than theirs.
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Doomsday Book (2012)
Fun Fantasy Anthology
4 March 2013
This Anthology features 3 tales, 2 of which are somewhat religious and another one dabs more on an alien Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy way. All three have to do with the fall of mankind.

Story 1: 9/10 My favorite, A Brave New World, depicts a basic zombie uprising, in the plague form, but what is different is the overall direction the story goes, and the characters development... of zombies. Rarely do zombie films give the zombie POV, but we are able to get that here. A great aspect of this story is the strong acting by the leading actor, a guy who gets bullied by those around him and is very awkward, in a nerdy way. He goes on a date with this girl, and they seem to have a great connection, but then he begins to turn, and she is scared off. What happens at the end throws in a bible element to the story, which I didn't much care for, but I understood the creators message of a new world. Overall, I thought this tale was hilarious and sweet and well acted with enough zombie chaos to intrigue hardcore zombie fans.

Story 2: 6/10 The Heavenly Creature. This story is about a Robot that becomes Buddha, or at least to the monks. When the factory finds out, they seek to destroy the machine for attempting to forget it's duty to serve man and instead attaining man's greatest goal. This is deemed a threat and an insult to mankind. While I like the message of man's jealousy over a near perfect machine, I was turned off by the Robot's final message to man. It seemed idealistic to me, and hard to swallow. Overall, it was slow paced and more of a thought provoking study on people and our desires and fears. Might be a good watch for a philosophy/Buddhist student.

Story 3: 5/10 Happy Birthday, to me this was the cheesiest of all the stories, and cute, but less thought provoking. Like the first story, it had comical moments, and was quite enjoyable at times, it also felt like a family story and not on the same level as the other stories. You could actually watch this one with your 8 year old, and they might really like it. A problem with this story to me is how things aren't really explained, especially a scene in the end. I laughed off my interpretation of it, but am unsure of the message. There is a adorable aspect of it about trusting your child and having faith in them, which was very sweet, but for me, it wasn't enough to give it a very favorable review. I would have definitely liked to have seen a different story here that didn't have such an absurd scenario... I giant 8 ball heading to earth... why would aliens have giant pool tables and websites dedicated to selling individual balls to different planets? Too silly to me.
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Garbage. Poor Garbage
6 December 2012
It's just utter garbage. It starts off similar to how infomercials run. There is this host that seems skeptical, but really he is just here to make the eccentric guy look good.

The crazy guy explains that you can see all sorts of figures in mundane pictures of the darkness. Apparently this is happening all over New Orleans.

The pictures look like they are depicting typical stuff in the dark. At one point he shows a tree with a light behind it, and insists you can see a Jesus type figure with two darker figures next to it. They are obviously just random patterns that can appear like any number of things, but are nothing more than tree branches with a street light behind it.

Most of the time I saw nothing like what he was suggesting was there, and only a couple times did I feel creeped out by the images, but really, I am only human, and I naturally see patterns too, but I need not fear that these are spiritual figures.

This is similar to a college journal department's production youtube video, and is on Netflix right now under a shorter title, "Angels, Aliens, and Ufos". It is not with your time, because it isn't even funny. It's just kinda ticks you off. I'd prefer Penn and Teller's 8v11$h!+ episodes about ghost hunters and seeing divine faces in wood doors and such.
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Maybe a Good Film for Young Christians
17 October 2012
This documentary depicts 4 college Christian boys, who struggle with their understanding of the bible and others' understanding and how Christianity feels in America. So they traveled to Europe to ask them what they think about Christianity and several topics that can relate to Christianity and living a life for Jesus. Topics included drinking, sex, money, and a few others.

These guys admitted they do many things that may get in the way of their "mission" in life. They show us a number of moments throughout their journey that really made them seem ignorant and straight out of the cast of MTV's Jackass (making an ass out of themselves in public, being rude typical American tourists, stealing each others property, and smacking each other around). But then they'd reflect on something that reminded you that these are confused guys trying to do what they think is the right thing. You gotta give them that at least.

To me the overall film was a little boring and immature and obviously preachy. That's the point of course, to preach the message of being a real Christian by behaving as a Christian and not just doing a few Christian things every now and then and call it a day. For that, I can respect their message, because there are many Christians in America that behave like that, and they make Christianity look pretty silly in many ways.

As a non Christian, and a anti-theist, I looked at their regrets and shame for not knowing what the gospel is and not following it right, as a sad existence. They love some things in life, that hurt no one, and feel such sorrow from that, just because they see it as a distraction from Jesus and spreading the gospel. Spreading the gospel, in my point of view, is self righteous and rude and infringing on other people's beliefs. I do not condone such a thing, and do not see it as a moral thing to do. So in that sense, I'm against the message of the film.

Considering though that so much of the sort of Christianity we are bombarded with on a daily basis in America is judgmental and cruel and full of hate, it is nice to see a Christian film that rejects greed. bullying and holier than though tactics that are used by many preachers to gain more followers.
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The Revenant (I) (2009)
Super meets Fido
22 September 2012
Remember how gritty and darkly funny Super was, with that message that one person really can be heroic...or just insane while taking out the bad guys? Remember how Fido with it's campy comedy made you root for the zombie... who seemed to be an overall great guy? Smash that together and you get The Revenant.

The pacing is not the best, but it has a good story with a great ending reminiscent of the Worst Case Scenario Promo Trailers (they never got enough funding to make that movie). Plus it has some very memorable moments thanks largely due to the acting of the two leads. Some of the dialog and character choices were a little cheesy and maybe unrealistic, but the rest makes up for those short comings.

Just to keep in mind, I can't really call this a zombie film, because it seems way closer to a vampire film, but it has the gross moments you'd expect from a zombie comedy and doesn't really remind me of any vampire films. There is a slightly drawn out scene that claims he is both, which I would dismiss due to the misleading "facts" provided, but I'm sure zombie fans can appreciate much of the film.
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Very Entertaining
13 September 2012
Are you not entertained? I was.

This film is a documentary about street performers. a large number of acts are shown in clips and pieces, and these people... the majority of them.... know how to keep your attention. It was almost like watching a well edited compilation video on youtube of interesting short videos, except you get to know these people and what they do and why they do it.

They also explain to the camera many aspects of their work, all aspects are not over played out, but fit well throughout the film. Mostly short bursts of different information is revealed regarding one aspect or another with good visual tie in to keep things interesting.

Things discussed were: art vs money, techniques to win over the audience, psychology of a performer, earnings, best and worst parts about the job, pan handling vs free speech, risks, stealing routines and locations, traveling, bombing an act, weather, audience participation, retiring,... etc.

If you liked the documentary "Confessions of a Superhero" or "The Reinactors" for their look at the characters of Hollywood Boulevard, then you will love this film. More exciting and with the right amount of insight into their stories. In those Hollywood Boulevard character films, you get a sense too that some of these people really shouldn't be able to bother tourists, but these performers, many of them are only there for those who enjoy their acts, and there is nothing wrong with what they do as long as they don't hurt or harass anybody. I hope to be able to enjoy these artists in real life without them being stopped by the authorities.

I say, Good Show. And please, continue.
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This is Deadtime Stories Volume ONE
13 September 2012
IMDb still hasn't fixed this listing problem, and it's a shame that people aren't even sure which film to rate when they rate their very low score.

Since the other volume is listed as the first volume, it seems to have much of the information correct for the 2nd volume, so I will be putting my review here for volume 1.

Saw this on Netflix, and I must say, wow George.. this is awful, you look like a crazy old fart introducing these stories. you don't have the stage presence of Hitchcock or Rod Serling, so don't do any more of these okay?

1. "Valley of the Shadow"- My husband and I laughed a lot at this film for having such poor acting and directing. It felt like a high school film club project. Moments that were particularly amusing were was a splashing in the water shot that seemed to last way too long; a white guy that played an indigenous tribe member, the flashback love scene, a guy looking for signs of life with a dude standing like 4 feet just to his left but he can't see him, the explorers wasting their fresh water, and a tribesman watching the leading lady sleep... for no reason.

2. Wet- I must say, this was creepier and better acted than the first story, but the ending felt off, and confusing. The supposed trick for dealing with a naught mermaid was complicated but with no sense for reason, and I don't get why it had to be so complicated. And I don't get the remaining moments of character choices. The whole thing felt off.

3. House Call- It captured my attention probably the best but I kept noticing the old fashioned directing style being a little over the top. The story was about a mother dealing with her possible vampire son and asking for help from a doctor in town. It was directed by the famous Tom Savini, and I think he too has gone a little nuts over the years like Romero because these wasn't even very creepy. He did have a twist ending though.
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A very upsetting look at what we do to our children
9 December 2009
I can very much relate to these children. If the zero tolerance policy was in effect just 2 years earlier, I would have been kicked out of my middle school for drawing a picture of a knife. I got called to the counselor's office and was interrogated, but I got to go back to class and stare down my teacher who sent me there instead of being put in handcuffs. This documentary depicts the things we do to our children. Letting K9s bark in their faces, and kicking their belongings, putting them in jail for a pushing match, expelling them for drawing a weapon, playing cops and robbers, and worse of all, we drug our children. And then we tell them not to do "drugs" and we call in the ARMY to recruit them.

I repeatedly broke down in tears, because I was drugged up as a teen for ADD and Depression ( a side effect of ADD medication aka DRUGS!)

I can't imagination my own children having to deal with these horrible things in school. Makes me consider homeschooling, and having them participate in community activities as a social alternative.
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When I come home from work, I turn this on which is recorded on my DVR
20 January 2009
This is nearly non stop entertainment. The only problem is that I think they repeat some clips. I adore the commentary. Sometimes I think some shows commentary is too drawn out or cheesy, but this has the best amount of cheese-- One liner puns! Now you may say, "Puns aren't funny" and I say to you, "Hey, screw you!" Every segment or chase has a smart@$$ ending about the guy getting what he deserved. Now, some of the "criminals" may be committing non serious crimes, and it puts those people in a bad light, but I assure you, that we are all criminals. There are so many laws that we don't even know about. We all do things that we are not proud of. Others do more than some, and some don't get caught! ;) This is tasteful and they don't show gruesome images that some shows will display. And if you don't like the commentary, turn on a great hardcore song and sit back and enjoy.
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The Faculty (1998)
Faculty is to Invasion Of The Body Snatchers, as Scream is to Halloween
19 December 2008
This is one of those films that you will love if you enjoy sci fi films. It is a satire of one of the best there is out there. Satires are only appreciated by a certain audience. If you didn't like "Heathers", "Scream" or "Shaun of the Dead", then don't bother watching this unless sci-fi comedies is your thing. This isn't just a comedy, it is shocking and has great twists and thrills along the ride. At times it is down right scary. Even sexy (nudity)! It is all around entertaining with some pretty good acting. My personal favorite is the couple that is always fighting, watch out for them! If you loved at least one of the FOUR film versions of "Invasion of The Body Snatchers" then you will truly enjoy the satire of this film, and how much it truly honors previous classics in the way that "Scream" did. Now some say this film is for Teenagers who don't know any better than to think this is a great sci-fi film, but the biggest fan of this film that I know is my 63 year old mother, and I am surely not a teenager anymore.

This film is a classic, and yes, it does feature teenagers as the main cast (not the actors.) But the adult characters make a great performance, and even Jon Stewart is pretty entertaining as the science teacher.

One film that you should stay for the cast credits just for Jon's appearance!
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Braindead (1992)
Very Possibly one of the most violent disgusting movies ever created!
20 March 2005
It reminded me of old movies.. like black and white films, because the acting sucked, the special effects were awful, and the directing was cheesy. If i had directed or produced this movie.. it sure as hell would be in black and white.

Oh and I got a new tagline for the movie: Brilliantly Bad

The movie is like Monty Python meets Hellraiser. Or the remake of Texas Chain-Saw Massacre. Like in Texas Chain-Saw Massacre it was only 5% of the violence in This film.. but it was more realistic. If it had even 20% of the violence in this film and was still realistic... It would have never been released.

If it had good special effects... people would have to sue for psychological damage. People would be in tears screaming throughout the movie.

And I still can't believe this is the early work of the director of Lord Of the Rings. I didn't believe it until I saw it right here on IMDb... I still don't fully believe it.

This movie almost made me puke a few times. No movie has ever done that to me, ever. This movie is sure something special... whether that is a good thing or not.. is very much in the eyes of the beholder.
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Thinner (1996)
Crypt Keeper
18 November 2004
This move reminded my of Tales from the Crypt Keeper. It has the same sort of idea of people get what they deserve. I think that's always the them in a Crypt story. The same goes for the bad acting. Very bad acting. I enjoyed the movie knowing that most people didn't like it and I wasn't expecting much. Whenever I watch a stephen King movie I don't expect much because all his movies are awful compared to the genius of his novels. I have read The Shining and Carrie and they were great books. I love how Carrie played out like it was a true story and the whole book is a bunch of reports and theories and such. It was so good. But I noticed that both of the novels were nothing like the movies. The endings were very different then the movie versions. I assume from those two novels that all of his novels are changed greatly and the endings are always cheesy. I ending of Thinner is the worst. So Cheesy. I want to read the book to find out the real ending. I suggest everyone who intends to read stephen King's novels to watch his movies before hand so that you may compare. And that way you will be greatly satisfied in the book. I intend on doing so with all his novels that were made into movies. I'm sure if they were made into movies they were real good books... and the screenplay went terribly wrong.
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Cheap But makes its point
5 November 2004
This movie was so cheap to make. The actors were mostly towns people that the director knew. At one point in the graveyard scene you can see a camera man.

This was my first horror movie. My favorite part is when this one girl gets bitten from a zombie and of course the parents try to keep her safe even though she is going to later turn into a walking corpse. Sucks for them. The hero in this movie is a black man and back in the 60s that is a rare thing. He is the most intelligent person and tries to save everyone else. Supposedly the makers of this film meant for a deeper plot than zombies. I think that is easy to see. I strongly recommend this film for everyone. It's so sad when people stop watching the classics just because they are in black and white. Its very vain. This movie is so much more than most zombie movies.
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5 November 2004
This is one of those movies that get all these awards. And it has big stars in it. It also makes you feel stupid. I didn't love this movie, most of the time i was checking my watch. I did like how the whole time it kept you guessing. You had no idea if the hero is crazy or if he is caught up with the scary government who have to keep things top secret. I heard that this is based on a true story and I feel bad for the guy who actually had to go through this. I feel really bad for his wife and kid. Poor kid. The hero sort of annoyed me too. I hated how he talked. I guess it makes him more humorous but it drove me crazy.
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Labyrinth (1986)
The Bulge
5 November 2004
My god... in this movie you become hypnotized by David Bowie's Bulge!!! He plays this Goblin King that has taken Sarah's baby bother after she accidentally asks him to do so. Yeah, she isn't that bright and she is obsessed with fantasies. So the only way to get back the little brat is to go through this huge maze. This isn't any ordinary hedge maze... this thing is freaky and full of puppets! Ugly puppets, and most of them are up to no good. So the lesson in this movie is be careful what you wish for or you might have to take it back by being forced to go through a giant maze full of some messed up s*** and be forced to stare at David Bowie's bulge! It is big though....
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Saved! (2004)
Reminds me of my childhood.
3 November 2004
The principal reminds me of my old camp director. "Who's down with G. O. D.?" That always cracks me up. But this movie is great, It makes fun of Christianity when used for absurd reasons. Some people don't get this movie but if your blinded by Christianity then that may be why. I on the other hand find religion to be a huge joke and I found this movie so funny. In terms of making you think it is kinda up there with Dogma. Some may think that was a stupid movie but if You remove the pile of poo scene then it really makes you think. Question religion... I like those movies. And mandy Moore is so messed up in this movie, and she just reminds me of people I used to know.
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Awesomely Bad!!
3 November 2004
This movie was so bad! I was amazed at how bad it truly was. The viewer hates all the characters including the "heros." After a while you are just waiting for them all to die... At one point there is a big long drawn out chase after this one ugly girl and you just want them to catch her and play with her insides. Maybe I've gotten a little ahead of myself. The movie is about these 4 stupid teens who go in search of this twisted doctor who is a sick legend, and they come across these... Texas chainsaw like family. They are like the addams family except they are perverts too. They are disgusting. One of them is this whore girl who loves dolls and she beheads them. And this other guy looks like hes from Rockey Horror Picture show. The cops in this movie are stupid but that was a given since it is a horror movie and all those movies the cops are brainless. The movie is comical in how moronic it is. At one point someone is about to get shot and the camera zooms out... and this lasts for about 1 minute... and everyone in the theater was laughing and I screamed "shoot him damn it!!!" So if you want to see a movie that seemed like it was created to be a cult film, which I think thats whats wrong with it, then see this one. It's like Rob Zombie decided to create a Cult classic when no cult movies were made to be one.
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Heathers (1988)
The popular kids get whats coming to them.
1 November 2004
"Heathers" is these 3 popular girls in highschool. They rule the school. Veronica joined the clique after being promised the world. Veronica hates her friends. They are cruel and self absorbed. But one day she meets a hot rebel named Jason Dean and she is smitten. He also hates the Heathers too, and of course thats a big plus.

One night after being ridiculed at a college party veronica tells Heather #1 off. Heather explains to Veronica that she is nothing and soon the whole school will know that as well. Veronica is about to go back to kissing Heather's ass until J.D. crawls through her window and convinces her that instead she can get revenge. Little does Veronica know that J.D. isn't really playing with a full deck of cards, and his idea of revenge is more violent than hers. The best part about the movie is how stupid everyone in their town is. The whole movie is a satire of Highschool, and what its like. How parents can be so cold, how the kids can be so cruel, and the way that life can suck.
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It's like a how to seduce someone movie
1 November 2004
I've loved this movie since the first moment i saw it. It has a great soundtrack, which i bought soon after seeing it for the first time. Cruel Intentions is about these two step siblings who find pleasure in ruining others lives. Sebastian has sex with as many girls as possible, then he further humiliates them. Kathryn on the other hand is selfish and seeks revenge on those who cross her. Both of them are sex crazed, and are extremely attracted to each other, but who could blame them, they sure are hot! Sebastian cocks up his ultimate plan to steal the virginity away from a prude who wrote about waiting for love in seventeen magazine. Kathryn thinks that he doesn't have a chance in hell of doing this and so they make a bet. If she wins she gets his fancy smancy car, if he wins she will f*** his brains out. Kathryn on the other hand wants revenge on her ex, so instead of going after her ex directly, she decides to go after the innocent twit who he left her for. Her goal is to make the poor girl a slut and to ruin her reputation so that no one will ever want her. Things don't quite turn out as either of them had hoped.
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