
Welcome to the waste directory  - Aerosols

What can be recycled?

The main part of an aerosol is the can. The majority of these are made from tinplated steel and the rest from aluminium. Both of these metals are recyclable. Aerosols also contain some small plastic and rubber components including the lid, valve and dip tube.

What is included?





Waste hierarchy

What happens to this waste stream?

0% reused
100% recycled
0% recovered
0% incinerated
0% landfilled

Aerosols waste stream

Where do I put Aerosols?

  • Aerosols should be depleted (sprayed until empty) before disposal.
  • Aerosols should be placed in the green-topped dry mixed recycling bin.

Who removes them?

  • The cleaning team will empty the bins on a regular basis.
  • Sacks are colour-coded and will generally be transported to a compounded area via a trolley.
  • Sacks are tipped into the appropriate Eurocart (usually located in a locked compound).

What happens then?

  • Dry mixed recycling is sent to a Materials Recovery Facility where the materials are segregated. They can then be recycled.

How green is this waste stream?

  • Bins and carts are re-used.
  • Everything that you recycle is put to good use. By recycling we reduce our need for raw materials, reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and reduce our carbon footprint. You are helping to protect and improve the environment.


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