
Welcome to the waste directory  - batteries

What can be recycled?

  • Dry cell (low-moisture electrolyte) batteries.
  • Small amounts of Lithium Ion batteries. Please ensure all terminals are covered in tape before placing in container. Batteries must be undamaged. Please dispose of damaged or larger amounts of Lithium Ion batteries via our hazardous waste stream.
  • Wet batteries (unsealed, such as lead acid car batteries) should be disposed of through the hazardous waste stream.

What is included?



Waste hierarchy

What happens to this waste stream?

0% reused
100% recycled
0% recovered
0% incinerated
0% landfilled

Batteries waste stream

Batteries represent <1% of our total waste.

Your responsibilities:

  • There is a legal requirement to recycle batteries so these must not be placed in the general waste
    Car batteries, also, must not be disposed of as general waste.

Where do I put batteries?

  • Dry batteries should be placed in the designated black and orange bin. If batteries are leaking then they will have to be put in a leak proof container and disposed of via the hazardous waste route. 
  • See the Battery recycling locations list below.

Who empties the battery bin?

  • The Soft Services Support Team (South Kensington) or cleaning team (elsewhere) will empty the bins when required.
  • Full containers are stored in a locked compound ready for collection by a specialist recycler.

What happens then?

  • Various metals are recovered and recycled in line with regulations.

Battery recycling locations:

Battery bins are provided across the College campuses. Bins are black with orange lids and are generally sited in common areas with high footfall.

Contact [email protected] if you unsure as to the location of your nearest bin or if you wish to have a battery bin sited in your area.

How Green is this Route?

  • All batteries are recycled.
  • Bins and kegs to hold/transport the batteries are reused.
  • Batteries contain a number of heavy metals and toxic chemicals by ensuring that these are recycled we are avoiding the risk of soil contamination and water pollution
  • Before these regulations came into force most batteries were discarded into landfill. Batteries contain various hazardous metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium, zinc, manganese and lithium. It can be damaging to the environment to dispose of them through landfill and burning batteries also causes atmospheric pollution.
  • The resources that can be gained from the batteries are the very same materials being mined (at great cost) in other parts of the world. By helping to recycle batteries not only are you helping the environment but also helping to keep down the cost of new batteries.

How can I help?

  • Use rechargeable batteries wherever possible.
  • You can even buy a solar powered recharger!
  • Plug electrical equipment into the mains electricity.
  • Try to buy appliances that use renewable energy: a wind-up radio or torch, dynamo bicycle lights or a solar powered calculator.


[email protected] for emptying of battery bins.