Wood and timber

Welcome to the waste directory - wood and timber

What can be recycled?

Wood can be recycled but, as we do not generate sufficient to warrant specific collection wood is just a problematic waste stream because it is bulky and, therefore, difficult to store/dispose of.

What is included?



  • Wood


Wood & timber waste stream

How do I arrange disposal of wood?

Small volumes

  • Small volumes of flat wood (NOT whole crates etc!) may be taken to the cardboard recycling area on Ayrton Road.
  • Please leave items tidily behind the electric vehicle (which is parked next to the area).

If the item is small enough then it can be placed in one of the carts next to the waste compactors.

  • SAF
  • Blackett
  • RSM Courtyard

Larger or unflattened items

  • We can arrange for a company to collect these if you provide us with a GL code.
  • Please contact [email protected]

Who removes it?

  • The local authority will collect the waste from Ayrton Road and the carts weekly (Wednesday).

What happens then?

  • Most waste will be sent for incineration with energy recovery.

What happens to waste in this stream?

  • Reused 0%
  • Recycled 0%
  • Recovered 0%
  • Incinerated 0%
  • Landfilled 0%


[email protected]