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ETUG (Exam Timetabling User Group) is made up of key stakeholders involved in the timetabling of examinations at the College.

Members reflect each of the academic departments as well as central services representatives.

Broadly, the goals of this group are to:

  • Share best practice
  • Manage College exam space against all requirements during the main College exam periods
  • Advocate for further space (establishing minimum standards for exam spaces)
  • Establish and maintain exam standards in accordance with the Exam Timetabling policy
  • Contribute to Exam Timetabling Policy development
  • Advocate for tools and solutions
  • Conduct supplier demos

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ETUG members or their nominated deputy/alternative will be available to attend all regular ETUG meetings (schedule published annually in September).


Attendance is reported to the Faculty Operating Officers after each ETUG meeting in order to ensure that all departments are engaged with the wider community and are well placed to influence exams at the College.


Membership is reviewed annually in September by either the Faculty Operating Officers or, for non-faculty groups, the appropriate Head/Director of Centre/Unit


Members should be responsible for timetabling and/or room booking within their respective departments/centres, either at a management or operational level.


Key Responsibilities lists the responsibilities of the group.  However, each ETUG member should:

  • represent their respective department/centre at the ETUG meetings, bringing any issues or queries raised by their colleagues; 
  • feedback to their respective department/centre regarding any decisions or updates, through such means as may be at their disposal;
  • act as a point of contact between CTSO/ICT and their respective departments/centres throughout the year;

Whilst not exhaustive, the group will undertake the following responsibilities: 

  • Progress updates and plans;
  • To review software development progress and plans/timescales for the coming periods;
  • Software surgery: To discuss queries and issues raised, and then solutions/workarounds;
  • Software improvements and prioritisation: To review proposed software enhancements and prioritise the order and when they are required;
  • System terminology: To discuss and agree common terminology (including field names) which will then be used across the system;
  • Timetabling website feedback: To provide feedback to the Central Timetabling Support Office on content for the Timetabling information web pages and other collaborative resources;
  • To identify and disseminate best practice;
  • To discuss changes to policy and procedure;
  • To represent the views and interests of respective departmental colleagues;
  • To feedback relevant information to respective departments and centres.

The Chairperson will be a member of faculty staff with a responsibility for timetabling. Members are invited to volunteer on an annual basis.

The Chair will attend each ETUG as well as a short pre-ETUG meeting beforehand. It will additionally be the responsibility of the incoming Chairperson to review the terms of reference and membership.

Current Chair: Helena Smith, Director of Central Timetabling


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