Exchange Programme Co-ordinators

European Exchanges - Professor Demetrios Papageorgiou - [email protected]

MIT Exchange  - Dr Sheehan Olver - [email protected]


Erasmus Program

The Year in Europe. Sciences and Languages at Imperial College

Employers are increasingly interested in graduates with international experience, language and transferable skills that living and studying abroad can provide. Recognising the benefits of global understanding, the Department encourages students to seek out international opportunities. 

MSci Mathematics with a Year Abroad

The G104 Mathematics with a Year Abroad is a four year Honours degree programme leading to an MSci qualification.  Three years are spent in the Department of Mathematics at Imperial College and one year (the Third Year) at a host institution.

More information about the can be read on the admissions pages.

Visiting Students

Students from select partner institutions may join Imperial's Undergraduate Mathematics Programmes for a set period of time through the visiting student programme.

International Research Opportunities Programme (IROP)

Students in the past have been able to take part in summer International Research Opportunities Programme (IROP) supported by the College.

Find out more about College-wide IROPs 

More information

Mathematics students presenting their work

Current Host Institutions for the Year Abroad

Suitable arrangements will be anticipated for the year away when a student is first accepted onto the course and more detailed planning will proceed at the completion of the First Year programme. Every effort will be made to send a student to their country of choice for those going to Europe, but a particular host institution cannot be guaranteed. 

The Department currently also has an exchange programme with MIT: MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA. However, space on this programme is very limited and students interested go through a separate selection process in Year 2. If you are only interested in the study abroad option at MIT, not the European options, you should initially apply into the G103 programme or one of the 3-year programmes and then transfer onto the G104 Mathematics with a Year Abroad programme in Year 2 if selected to go to MIT.


Rob, G104 Programme

"Best thing about Imperial?  There are several aspects.  The like-minded friends I've met must be one of the biggest pluses.  I've made friends for life with people who've come from all over the world.

I was on the G104 degree programme at Imperial, and spent my third year in Madrid, Spain. Madrid is an incredible city.  Vibrant, exciting and with so much to offer, it was without a doubt one of the best years of my life.  I chose the G104 programme to get a sense of perspective really; a chance to experience university life elsewhere as opposed to that what most people would experience, only ever attending one.  I studied Spanish at A-level and so had some knowledge of the language, so Madrid was an obvious choice. 

I'd advise anyone contemplating this option to develop some proficiency in the language, but the maths studies at Imperial prepare you extremely well for the academic challenge at the Spanish university.  Maths is, in a sense, a language in itself, so don't be put off by your speaking ability.  And, of course, you quickly pick it up after living there for a month or two.

I cannot stress enough how much fun the Year in Europe programme can be.  There were hundreds of other Erasmus students there from all corners of the world, and I was able to make such an interesting and diverse range of friends along the way."