Urgent care and emergency contacts

For urgent care and emergency contacts

Lab accidents and needlestick injuries

Opening hours
Monday to Friday 09:00 - 17:00 (excluding College closure days and UK public holidays)

Tel: 020 7594 9401
Email: [email protected]

Where to get help

We are the primary source of support for staff and students across all campuses, we also have arrangements with hospital Occupational Health Services on other campuses to provide emergency assistance for exposures to clinical materials (blood, serum, human tissue).

Please note that they do not always have a physician or Occupational Health nurse present throughout their opening hours, so please phone us first before attending

All accidents must be reported to the College Safety Department.


Emergency support for all campuses

CampusEmergency number
 South Kensington  Security: 4444 (+44 20 7589 1000)
 Hammersmith (Closed since 20th March) nearest Urgent care centre is now Charing Cross  Security: 4444 (+44 20 7589 1000)
 Charing Cross  Security: 4444 (+44 20 7589 1000)
 Royal Brompton  Security: 4444 (+44 20 7589 1000)
 Trust Areas: 3333
 St Mary's   Security: 4444 (+44 20 7589 1000)
 QEQM: 3333
 White City  Security: 4444 (+44 20 7589 1000)
 Northwick Park  Security: 3999 (+44 20 8869 3999)
 Cardiac Arrest: 2222 (+44 20 8869 2222)
 Fire: 3333 (+44 20 8869 3999)
 Silwood Park  Security: 42444 (+44 20 7594 2444)
  • Internal extension numbers are in bold
  • External numbers are in brackets (to dial from an outside line or mobile phone)
  • If the emergency phone at Silwood Park goes unanswered it is automatically redirected to South Kensington Security Control Room
Emergency support for all campuses 

Medical students

If you have a needle stick or sharps injury including blood splashes on to broken skin or into eye nose or mouth, please seek help from the hospital Occupational Health department or outside core hours from A&E. You should also report any exposures via the College online accident reporting system as well as to the Trust and School including the College Occupational Health Service.

HospitalTelephone numberOccupational Health LocationOpening hours
 Charing Cross  +44 20 3313 7010  4th Floor, West Wing  09:00 - 17:00 (limited service)
 Hammersmith  +44 20 3313 7010  2nd Floor, Hammersmith House  09:00 - 17:00
 Harefield  +44 18 9582 8721  Hill End Road  09:00 - 17:00
 Northwick Park  +44 20 8869 2580  TT Block  09:00 - 16:00
 St Mary's  +44 20 7886 6799  Basement Mary Stanford Wing  08:00 - 16:00
  • Please replace the leading +44 with 0 when dialing from inside the UK
Medical students

Feeling unwell

We are not able to provide medical help or treatment, if you are feeling unwell please seek advice from your GP or you can find further information here.

If you are a student at Imperial College, you are eligible to register with the Imperial College Health Centre which is an independent General Practice. It is accommodated in the College’s premises, but is not part of Imperial College itself. In accordance with normal NHS rules it usually treats only those patients who are registered with it under the NHS.

The College has however negotiated with the Practice for it to provide certain services for members of College staff who are not registered there.

These services include:

  • Assessment and treatment of true emergencies due to sudden illness or accidents
  • Use of the sick bay during working hours for those who are seriously unwell
  • Care of wounds and provision of necessary dressings
  • Removal of stitches following injury or operations
  • Access to and assessment by our visiting psychiatrist following a referral from Occupational Health

If the surgery is closed and you need urgent medical care you should make an appointment to see your GP or visit the nearest walk in centre Chelsea and Westminster Hospital

Alternatively, you can call NHS 111 if you need advice or medical treatment quickly, and you cannot wait for an appointment to see your doctor.

You can ring the free 111 service at any time, day or night.