A group of staff in conversation at a staff network event

Staff Networks

The DPS Lunch is an informal termly meeting primarily for Directors of Postgraduate Studies (PGR).  However, staff who are involved with supporting the PGR experience are also welcome to attend.   

The Agenda for DPS lunch meetings is set by its membership but also driven by the Graduate School as a means to share important updates with the community and to consult DPSs with respect to new PGR policy, guidance and procedures.    

Speakers are also most welcome.  If you would like to speak at an upcoming Lunch, or join - the lunch meetings, please contact Laura Lane {[email protected]).   

The Senior Tutor (PG) Forum has been created to support all Senior Tutors PGT and PGR at College.  The Forum: 

  1. Creates a community which connects and supports Senior Tutors (PG) in their role and helps to promote the visibility of the role to students.   
  2. Enables opportunity for Senior Tutors to share best practice and learn from each others’ experiences. 
  3. Provides collaborative support for troubleshooting, addressing challenges and generating solution-based actions. 
  4. Identifies where there are gaps in support provision offered centrally by the College, which could be explored further by the Graduate School and/or other Student Support teams. 
  5. Receives updates from College Support Services and the Graduate School on activities which support the wellbeing of PGT and PGR students. 

 The Forum meets termly and is Chaired by Jenny Husbands, Senior Tutor (PGT & PGR), School of Public Health.  There is also a dedicated Teams Group. 

If you are a Senior Tutor (PG) and would like to join the Forum please get in touch with Laura Lane ([email protected]).  Alternatively, if you would like to attend the Forum and/or to present a topic for discussion, please also contact Laura Lane. 

he PGR Admin Network is for any member of professional services who is involved with supporting PGR students at the College.  This can be professional services staff working within academic Departments, staff supporting CDTS or DTPs, the Research Office and staff within academic services, such as the Registry, Library and Centre for Academic English.   

 The Network meets termly and the agenda it set by its membership.  Importantly, the Network aims to facilitate sharing of best practice across Departments, enable staff to learn from others’ experiences and to keep the PGR staff community informed of PGR activities and developments at a College-level.   

 If you would like to join the Network, please contact Laura Lane ([email protected]).  Alternatively, if you would like to talk to the Network, speakers are most welcome – again, please do get in touch! 

The Research Computing and Data Science Expert Group brings together the Graduate School’s Research Computing and Data Science Programme staff and senior academics with extensive experience in the field of scientific computing, programming, software development and data analytics. The objective is to scope and shape the College’s strategic priorities for the development of research computing and data science education for postgraduate students and the wider College community.   

We welcome staff who are working within the fields of research computing education, data science, software development and practice.  If you would like to join the group, please contact Katerina Michalickova ([email protected]