Academic Appeals

What is an appeal?

An academic appeal is a request to the College to reconsider a decision made on limited grounds. It may be in relation to marking or moderation of an assessment, a final classification, or reassessment.

You cannot use the appeals process to raise a complaint or apply for mitigating circumstances. 

What can I appeal?

There are 3 grounds for appeal:

  1. The College has not followed its own procedures in relation to assessment or academic profiling
  2. There has been an error in mitigating circumstances procedure
  3. There is evidence of procedural unfairness in mitigating circumstances procedure or assessment conduct

Challenging academic judgement, financial circumstances or living arrangements are not grounds for appeal.

How can I appeal?

The appeal must be submitted within 15 working days of the publication of results, using the approved appeal form emailed to [email protected]

What can I expect after I have submitted an appeal?

After the appeal has been received, the deadline, evidence and grounds will be checked. You will then be advised the timescale for consideration. If any of these conditions have not been met, you will be given the opportunity to update the submission with a reasonable explanation and/or supportive evidence. Without this, the appeal cannot be considered. 

Can I appeal the appeal decision?

You may request a review of your appeal decision within 15 working days of the outcome. The grounds for review are:

  1. The decision has not taken into account all the relevant information, or new information has come to light 
  2. There has been procedural irregularity in the appeals process

The full academic appeals procedure can be found here.

My request for review has been denied

If you have exhausted the College's appeals process and still remain unhappy with the outcome to your appeal, we can support you to take your case to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA).