Academic Misconduct

What is academic misconduct?


Academic misconduct is any form of cheating that occurs in relation to formal a academic exercise. Cases of academic misconduct are taken seriously and all students are responsible for ensuring they follow the rules; not knowing the rules or forgetting the rules is not a justification for academic misconduct. 

Examples of academic misconduct include:

  • Plagiarism - incorrect referencing and citation 
  • Self-plagiarism - reusing your own work already submitted
  • Collusion - working together when not permitted 
  • Examination offenses - cheating or failing to follow exam rules
  • Dishonest practice - purchasing work or falsifying results
Can I appeal an academic misconduct allegation?

You must submit an appeal within the stated deadline to [email protected]


What can I do if I have been accused?


You should speak to one of our Advice Caseworkers if you have been accused of academic misconduct. We can help you through the process, explain the regulations, and advocate on your behalf should you need. 


More information on academic misconduct accusations can be found on the application form.

The full Academic Misconduct Policy and Procedure can be found here.