Board of Directors

  • General Director:
    Dr. Nicolae-Cristian MIHAILESCU

    Email: [email protected]
    Email: [email protected]
    Tel: +40-21-457.45.50 / 457.44.89 / int. 2901
    Fax: +40-21-457.42.43
  • Scientific Director:
    Dr. Gabriel SOCOL

    Email: [email protected]
    Email: [email protected]
    Tel: +40-21-457.45.50 / 457.44.89 / int. 2902
    Fax: +40-21-457.42.43
  • Director I.S.S - subsidiary of INFLPR:
    Dr. Alexandru DOBRIN

    Email: [email protected]
    Tel: +40-21-457.44.71
    Fax: +40-21-457.58.40
  • Scientific Secretary:
    Dr. Felix SIMA

    Email: [email protected]
    Tel: +40-21-457.45.50 / 457.44.89 / int. 2500
    Fax: +40-21-457.42.43
  • Chief accountant:
    Ec. Mihaela OSMAN

    Email: [email protected]
    Tel: +40-21-457.45.50 / 457.44.89 / int. 2800
    Fax: +40-21-457.42.43
  • Head of Human Resources and Payroll Service:
    Ec. Raluca ICHIM

    Email: [email protected]
    Tel: +40-21-457.45.50 / int. 2852
    Fax: +40-21-457.42.43
  • Head of Technical Administrative and Heritage Service:
    Ing. Cătălin RADU

    Email: [email protected]
    Tel: +40-21-457.45.50 / int. 2700
    Fax: +40-21-457.42.43
  • Head of Laser Department:
    Dr. Angela STAICU

    Email: [email protected]
    Tel: +40-21-457.45.50 / 457.44.67/ int. 2000
    Fax: +40-21-457.42.43
  • Head of Solid-State Quantum Electronics Laboratory:
    Dr. Nicolaie PAVEL

    Email: [email protected]
    Tel: +40-21-457.44.33/int. 2133
    Fax: +40-21-457.42.43
  • Head of Nuclear Fusion and Plasma Physics Laboratory:
    Dr. Eduard GRIGORE

    Email: [email protected]
    Tel: +40-21-457.44.90/ int. 2200
    Fax: +40-21-457.42.43
  • Head of Accelerators Laboratory:
    Dr. Gabriela CRACIUN

    Email: [email protected]
    Tel: +40-21-457.44.69/ int. 2307
    Fax: +40-21-457.42.43
  • Head of Low Temperature Plasma Laboratory:
    Dr. Corneliu POROSNICU

    Email: [email protected]
    Tel: +40-21-457.45.50/ int. 2626
    Fax: +40-21-457.42.43
  • Head of Center for Advanced Laser Technologies-CETAL:
    Dr. Marian ZAMFIRESCU

    Email: [email protected]
    Tel: +40-21-457.45.50/ int. 2401
    Fax: +40-21-457.42.43
  • Head of Center for Innovation in Photonics and Plasma for Advanced Materials and Technologies:

    Email: [email protected]
    Tel: +40-21-457.45.50/ int. 2009
    Fax: +40-21-457.42.43