Tenured Jewish Professor Says She’s Been Fired for Pro-Palestinian Speech

Pennsylvania’s Muhlenberg College may have become the first institution since Oct. 7 to oust a tenured faculty member for such statements, though the professor is appealing the decision and still receiving a salary.

Taking the ‘College’ Out of College Counseling

High school counselors are no longer primarily focused on getting students into college, according to a new survey. Are they failing students—or finally seeing them?

Survey: Supporting URM Students in Dual Enrollment

Dual enrollment can help support college attendance and completion, but current practices aren’t equitable for all learners. Interviews with Black, Hispanic and low-income students highlight additional needs among dual-enrollment participants.

Cost of Course Materials Impacts Student Success

Data from Bay View Analytics found the price of textbooks and other class materials has negatively impacted many students’ ability to enroll in courses or resulted in a nonpassing grade.

Quick Takes



Marx Redux

Scott McLemee interviews Paul Reitter, translator of a new English edition of Marx’s Capital.

Sending the Wrong Message to Students on AI

A new student guide to AI is emblematic of an approach that prioritizes career advantage over deeper questions, George Cusack writes.


Food for Thought

Food in history, literature and politics.

Stanford Creative Writing Determined to Do the Wrong Thing

Now, I try to be amused, but it’s not working.

Career Advice

The Pros and Cons of Ceding Control

Something’s to be said for students seeing a professor step out from behind the lectern and face uncertainty with a sense of calmness and confidence, writes Mike Land.

Overcoming the Digital Divide With No Digital

Carrie Rogers-Whitehead shares the challenges faculty members can encounter teaching classes in prisons that have few, if any, basic technological tools.


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The Confusion and Chaos of Title IX Reform

President Biden, when he was elected in 2020, promised to immediately overturn Trump-era Title IX reforms. But the bold changes he introduced to the federal government’s gender equality law have hit a series of regulatory and political roadblocks causing chaos and confusion among compliance officers, university leaders and students. Judges have temporarily blocked enforcement in nearly half the country, leaving the future of Biden’s reforms hanging in the balance. Get up to speed with Inside Higher Ed’s coverage of the key developments.