Stephen Leckie, chief executive of the Crieff Hydro Group of Hotels, would like to invest around £30m into his portfolio, but says he can't currently take the risk.

"We're still investing in efficiency improvements, but as for more risky, potentially profit-making ventures, I don't want to borrow more in this economic climate," he told Insider.

"Revenue for us is kind of fine, but not quite enough to offset the significant rise in costs - that's not just energy bills, but insurance, the new national living wage [which he claims is costing around £750,000], food and drink inflation.

"It’s tough, so if you’re not making enough profit, you can’t reinvest as much as we’d like."

The group hasn't paid dividends for several years, with no plans to change that policy, and prices to stay at its hotels have had to rise in line with inflation.

"We’ve had to put our prices up, but customers want to see that their money has been spent visibly - so that's been a challenge, to convince people we are reinvesting."

The group has a rolling schedule of room redevelopments, which Stephen's wife Fiona oversees as head of projects and interiors, which aims to freshen up around 50 rooms each year.

"Other than that it's spending on outdoor and indoor facilities, especially at Crieff Hydro, so things for people to do when the weather’s not so good," Leckie explained. "We managed to get 20,000 people through last year's Winter Wonderland at Crieff, which is good as there have been less party nights than we used to do, I suppose because there's been less people in offices since the pandemic."

In December, the group's accounts for the year ending 28 February 2023 showed revenue up 11% to £36m, although higher costs saw earnings before tax drop from £3.8m to £3.6m using the same comparison. This was up for from £2m underlying earnings in the previous year.

Gross margins were maintained, but the costs of maintenance, utilities and insurance alone grew by nearly £2m.

The aforementioned efficiency investments have been mostly focused on sustainability and saving money on energy, with gradual upgrades to air source heat pumps, solar panels, wind power and biomass heating. The group also spends about £50,000 a year on a project to install double glazing across the many thousands of windows in its seven hotels.

"On the IT front, payroll is becoming more expensive, so want to make systems as efficient as possible," Leckie added. "For more regular guests, we're trying to check people in beforehand, as opposed to using the reception, and we're investing in the website - we no longer have a call centre for instance, as the vast majority of bookings come through the site and search engines."

As for what this year holds, Leckie is confident about capacity at the group's west coast properties.

"Last summer was booming again, we were back to 100% capacity with big room rate spend coming from Europe and the US - and this year looks like it will be as popular.

"Over on the east, Crieff and Peebles bring in more domestic visitors and couples, which means things are slightly tougher due to cost of living pressures and mortgage rate increases, which will hit discretionary spend.

"But we're fortunate with VisitScotland giving great marketing, with a focus on persuading the English and Europeans back here," he added.

Stephen Leckie is also the current president of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce

Leckie is also president of the Scottish Chamber of Commerce and chair of the Scottish Tourism Alliance, and has used these positions to call for Scottish Government support for the sectors.

Among the most pressing issues for members of these industry groups are the personal taxation disparity between Scotland and England, and key labour shortages across hospitality.

"Fundamentally, where are the employees coming from? Every single sector is not OK for staff, so I've been making pleas to help get more people working, and into the country to work," Leckie stated.

"Businesses can’t fulfil their order books, I hear that a lot, or restaurants are running restricted opening hours or menus because they can’t get the staff or are having trouble with relevant skills training.

"We need the UK Government to release more working visas, allowing more people to come over - I know from experience how expensive it can be to bring over staff."

Another persistent problem exposed by surveys of the Scottish Chambers membership is reluctance to invest.

"There's nervousness about political landscape which is holding back investment, most companies have ambitions to grow, but they also have concerns about committing too much, as they don’t know what will be round the corner.

"Most of us are still in survival mode, with the majority of smaller firms across Scotland still struggling due to the increased costs of doing business."

Stephen Leckie - brief bio

Stephen Leckie is the fifth generation of his family to run the Crieff Hydro Hotel and Estate, since it became Scotland's maiden hydropathic establishment in 1868. It is now the nation's oldest trading registered company.

He was born and brought up in Perthshire, educated at Morrisons Academy and Strathallan School. Since taking the helm in 1994, Stephen has marshalled more than £60m of investment to transform the property into a leisure resort.

In October 2019, Stephen opened the company’s own 1881 Gin Distillery and School in the Peebles Hydro hotel, with its own water and botanicals.

A £6m refurbishment of Peebles Hydro was also completed in 2019, together with £4m spent on the Park Hotel, Isles of Glencoe and Ballachulish Hotels.

The family has expanded its group to own or manage seven hotels - Crieff Hydro, Peebles Hydro, Murraypark, Park Hotel, Isles of Glencoe Hotel, Ballachulish Hotel and Kingshouse Hotel - along with the The Peel Café at Glentress Forest, Peebles and Highland Safaris in Aberfeldy.

Stephen is president of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce, chair of the Scottish Tourism Alliance, past president of the Perthshire Chamber of Commerce, and a member of the UK Hospitality Association.

He is also a director and joint owner with his brother of Strathearn Engineering, a Land Rover specialist based in Auchterarder.

Stephen was appointed a Deputy Lieutenant for Perth and Kinross in 2012 and Lord-Lieutenant in July 2019.

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