Azizov Hamza



Captain  Azizov  Hamza

Head of the investigation department of the Salyan Police Department

On 13 January 2020, the Sabayil District Court of Baku City found Zamin Salayev guilty of committing an administrative offence under the Article 535.1 (disobedience to the policeman’s legal request) of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Azerbaijan Republic, and sentenced him to 1 month of administrative arrest.

Zamin Salayev was held in  the 8th police department of  the Sabail district of Baku, where he was subjected to cruel torture and inhuman and degrading treatment. According to the testimony of Salayev himself, in the 8th police department, he was severely beaten by 10-15 policemen, the beatings were led by captain  Hamza Azizov.               

As a result of the beating, he suffered a burst hernia on his abdomen. And the policemen had to call for doctors from the Ministry of Interior Hospital, who stated the necessity of the operation, but the policemen did not authorize them to do it.

On 24 January 2020, the staff of the Ombudsman’s Office visited Z. Salayev. However, they declared that there were no signs of torture on Zamin Salayev’s body.

On 25 January 2020, Ehsan Zahidov, the Chief of the Press Service of the Ministry of Interior, was interviewed saying that all Zamin Salayev’s accusations against the police captain Hamza Azizov “have no legal grounds” and “Z. Salayev’s statements about torture are fictitious as well”.