What we do

We are for accountable journalism. We regulate the UK newspaper, magazine and digital news industry. We are independent of government, Parliament and publishers

An illustration of a person reading a leaflet with ticked check boxes beneath.

We protect the public and publications by raising accountability, standards, and trust. Regulation by IPSO sets regulated news media apart from other content.

Pages in this section

  • Our people

    We promote high standards of journalism and protect the rights of individuals. Our structure protects our independence

  • Who funds us?

    We are funded indirectly by the publishers we regulate through an arms-length body with no say in how the organisation is run

  • Transparency & accountability

    We aim to be clear about what we do and how we work. We want our services to be easily accessed and to be available to all

  • Harassment service

    Around the clock support is available for people concerned about press intrusion. We can issue privacy notices speedily to protect people - especially in times of grief or...

  • Monitoring

    IPSO monitors editorial standards, responding in a prompt and proportionate way when issues are identified

  • Joining IPSO

    Any organisation that publishes editorial content in the UK or targets a publication at a UK audience can apply to be regulated by IPSO. Online only and small...

  • Arbitration

    The arbitration scheme complements IPSO’s regulatory work by creating a fast, low-cost way for claimants and participating publishers to resolve suitable media law disputes, without needing to go...

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    Find answers to frequently asked questions about IPSO here. This section may be particularly useful for students, researchers and journalists writing about IPSO. If you cannot find the...

  • Independent reviews

    Read the findings and full reports of the two external, independent reviews into IPSO's operations

How we make an impact?

We process, investigate, and resolve complaints

A group sits in discussion at a table. The spire of St Brides Church can be seen through the window behind them.

We can investigate serious standards failings and can fine publishers

A group of people are sitting listening to a woman pointing to a flipchart.

We provide training, guidance and advice for journalists

Resources and guidance for journalists and editors