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DLUGOSZ – Biblical commentator and poet of the seventeenth century; born in Grodno, Lithuania. He edited the Prophets and the Hagiographa in the Judæo-German translation of the Bible, "Ha-Maggid," to which he added a commentary on the...
DOB BAER B. JUDAH LOEB – See Treves, Dob Baer b. Judah Loeb.
DOB BAER B. LOEB – Polish rabbi; died in Lemberg 1779. In 1745 he was rabbi at Koznitz in the government of Lublin; in 1754, rabbi of Kroshnik, about which time he went to Yaroslav to meet the rabbis who defended the cause of Jonathan Eybeschütz...
DOBRITZ – Town in Bulgaria, twenty-six miles north of Varna. It contains about 200 Jews in a total population of 14,000. This little community, which was founded in 1870, is administered by three of the leading Jews. It has a synagogue,...
DOBROJE – See Mohilev Government.
DOBRUSKA, MOSES – Austrian writer and poet; born July 12, 1753, in Brünn, Moravia; guillotined April 5, 1793, at Paris. The son of a wealthy Jew, Dobruska was originally destined for the career of a rabbi, and accordingly received a careful...
DOBSEWITCH (DOBSEVAGE), ABRAHAM BAER B. JOSEPH EZRA – Russian Hebraist and exegete; born in Pinsk Oct. 17, 1843; died in New York Jan. 14, 1900. At the age of thirteen he had written a commentary to the Canticles. In 1861 he went to Yekaterinoslav, where he settled as teacher of...
DÓCZY (DUX), LUDWIG – Hungarian poet; born at Sopron [Oedenburg], Hungary, Nov. 30, 1845. After finishing his preliminary education he studied law in Vienna, joining at the same time the staff of the "Presse." His political articles, which advocated...
DODAI (DUDAI) BEN NAḤMAN – Babylonian scholar of the eighth century and gaon of the academy at Pumbedita (761-764). Little is known of his life. He was a brother of the famous Judah b. Naḥman, gaon at Sura (759-762), and with him was instrumental in...
DODANIM – Name of sons of Javan, brothers to Elishah, Tarshish, and the Kittim, in the ethnographic table in Genesis (x. 4). The ancestor being Javan (= Ionian), the Dodanim must represent also a Greek clan. This can not be Dodona in the...
DODAVAH – The father of Eliezer of Mareshah (II Chron. xx. 37). The latter preached against the alliance between Jehoshaphat and Ahaziah, and saw in the wreck of the ships sent out by Jehoshaphat divine punishment for the alliance. The...
DODO – 1. The father of Eleazar, "one of the three mighty men with David, when they defiedthe Philistines that were there gathered together to battle" (II Sam. xxiii. 9; R. V. "Dodai"). I Chron. xi. 12 reads "Dodo, the Ahohite," while...
DOEG – Biblical Data: An Edomite; chief of the herdsmen of Saul. When David, warned by Jonathan, fled from Saul to the priest Abimelech at Nob, he found Doeg there. On pretense of being on the king's service, David was hospitably...
DOG – Term of Contempt. —Biblical Data: The dog referred to in the Bible is the semisavage species seen throughout the East, held in contempt for its fierce, unsympathetic habits, and not yet recognized for his nobler qualities as the...
DOHM, CHRISTIAN WILHELM VON – German historian and political writer; advocate of the Jews, and friend of Moses Mendelssohn; born in Lemgo Dec. 11, 1751; died on his estate near Nordhausen May 29, 1820. Dohm, who was deeply moved by the humanitarian ideals of...
DOKSHITZY – Town in the government of Minsk, Russia. The census of 1897 shows a population of 3,647 (other authorities place it at 5,720), of whom more than 3,000 are Jews; in 1860, according to Semenov, "Slovar Rossiskoi Imperii," there...
DOLAN BELLAN – French physician; lived at Carcassonne in the fourteenth century. He was a contemporary of the physician Jacob de Lunel, who removed from Carcassonne to Tarascon, where he practised in 1424. Dolan Bellan is probably identical...
DOLARO, SELINA – Anglo-American actress and singer; born at London in 1852; died in New York city Jan. 23, 1889. She studied music at the Paris Conservatoire under Auber, and made her début Jan. 20, 1870, as the Spanish princess in "Chilperic"...
DOLITZKI, MENAHEM MENDEL – Russian Hebrew poet; born in Byelostok April 3, 1856. He began to compose poetry and prose very early, often supplementing and spicing the quarrels of his schoolmates with lampoons in Biblical Hebrew. In 1880 Dolitzki left...
DOMAIN, PUBLIC – As distinguished from private domain ( ), public domain is prominent in many branches of rabbinic lore, especially in the law of Sabbath observance; for on the Sabbath it is forbidden to carry anything but one's clothing and...
DOMBROVA – See Grodno.
DOMBROVITZA – Town in the government of Volhynia, Russia. It has a total population of about 25,000, including 6,000 Jews, about 1,000 of whom are artisans. The most general occupations are tailoring and shoemaking, each employing about 195...
DOMEIER, ESTHER – See Bernard, Esther.
DOMICIL – Place of abode; dwelling; the place where a man has his true, fixed, permanent home and principal establishment, and to which, whenever he is absent, he has the intention of returning.The place in which a man establishes himself...