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GLOGAUER, ABIGDOR BEN SIMḤAH HA-LEVI – German Hebrew scholar of the eighteenth century. He published "Dabar Ṭob," an elementary Hebrew grammar with paradigms, printed with Moses ibn Ḥabib's "Marpe Lashon" (Prague, 1783); "Iggerot," Mendelssohn's letters (Vienna,...
GLOGAUER, JUDAH BEN ḤANINA SELIG – German Talmudist of the beginning of the eighteenth century. He was the author of a work entitled "Ḳol Yehudah," a collection of notes on the Talmud by various rabbis of his time, with some remarks of his own. (Amsterdam, 1729,...
GLOGAUER, MEïR BEN EZEKIEL – Bohemian Talmudist; died at Prague in 1829. He wrote: "Dibre Meir," novellæ, on the Talmudic treatises Giṭṭin, Shabbat, Rosh ha-Shanah, and Baba Meẓi'a (Prague, 1810); "Sbemen ha-Ma'or," commentary on the Shulḥan 'Aruk, Oraḥ...
GLOGAUER, MOSES BEN ẒEBI HIRSCH – German scholar; lived at Hamburg in the eighteenth century. He was the author of a work entitled "Ḥebel le-Haḥayot," a collection of ethical essays, puzzles, and charades (Altona, 1803).Bibliography: Fürst, Bibl. Jud. i. 336.D....
GLORY OF GOD – See Shekinah.
GLOSS – A foreign word or sentence, in Hebrew characters, inserted in Hebrew writings. In order to convey to the reader the exact meaning of a Biblical or Talmudical word or sentence not easily explained in Hebrew, some commentators...
GLOUCESTER – Large town in the west of England, dating back to Roman times. The earliest date mentioned in connection with the Jews of Gloucester is 1168, when an alleged ritual murder of a boy named Harold was charged against them ("Hist....
GLÜCK, ELIZABETH – See Paoli Betti.
GLÜCKSMANN, HEINRICH – Austrian author; born at Rackschitz, Mähren, July 7, 1864. He began his literary career at sixteen, one of his first productions being "Aufsätze über Frauensitten und Unsitten," which appeared in the "Wiener Hausfrauen-Zeitung"...
GLUGE, GOTTLIEB (THÉOPHILE) – Physician; born at Brakel in Westphalia June 18, 1812; died Dec. 22, 1898, at Nizza. He studied medicine at the Berlin University (M.D. in 1835). Two years before his graduation he wrote "Die Influenza oder Grippe, nach den...
GLUSKER MAGGID – The evidence that Abba Glusk Leczeka really existed and was not,as Kayserling holds ("Moses Mendelssohn," p. 431, Leipsic, 1888), "a poetical presentation of Solomon Maimon," seems to be conclusive. An anonymous writer in...
GNAT – See Fly; Insects.
GNESEN – See Posen.
GNOSIS – See Gnosticism.
GNOSTICISM – An esoteric system of theology and philosophy. It presents one of the most obscure and complicated problems in the general history of religion. It forced itself into prominence in the first centuries of the common era, and the...
GOAT – Biblical, Data: "'Ez" is the generic name for both sexes. Special terms for the he-goat: "'attud," Gen. xxxi. 10; Ps. l. 9, etc.; "ẓafir," Ezra viii. 35; II Chron. xxix. 21; "sa'ir," Gen. xxxvii. 31; Lev. iv. 23, etc.; and...
GOD – The Supreme Being, regarded as the Creator, Author, and First Cause of the universe, the Ruler of the world and of the affairs of men, the Supreme Judge and Father, tempering justice with mercy, working out His purposes through...
GOD, CHILDREN OF – The "sons of God" are mentioned in Genesis, in a chapter (vi. 2) which reflects preprophetic, mythological, and polytheistic conceptions. They are represented as taking, at their fancy, wives from among the daughters of men. For...
GOD, NAMES OF – See Names of God.
GOD, SON OF – See Son of God.
GODEFROI, MICHAEL H. – Dutch jurist and minister of justice; born at Amsterdam Jan. 13, 1814; died at Würzburg June 27, 1882. He devoted himself to the study of jurisprudence, and at a very early age secured employment under the state. When but...
GODFATHER – Primarily, one who assists in the performance of the rite of circumcision by holding the child upon his knees; secondarily, one who in a measure takes the place of the father, interesting himself in the lad's welfare. In the...
GÖDING – Town of Moravia, Austria; it has a population of about 10,000 (1900), of whom over 1,000 are Jews. The Jewish community there is one of the oldest in the province. As appears from the records of the old ḥebra ḳaddisha of Göding,...
GODLINESS – The quality of being godly, i.e., godlike, manifested in character and conduct expressive of the conscious recognition and realization of man's divine origin and destiny, and in the discharge of the duties therein involved....
GODOWSKY, LEOPOLD – Russian pianist and composer; born at Wilna Feb. 13, 1870. At a very early age he showed remarkable talent for music, and when nine years old was taken upon the road as a child wonder, traveling in Russia and Germany. In 1882 he...