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GUARDIAN AND WARD – Appointment. Page from the First Edition of David Ḳimḥi's Commentary on the Prophets, Printed by Solomon ibn AlḲabiẓ at Guadalajara, 1482.The Biblical , or "nursing-father" (Isa. xlix. 23; Esth. ii. 7), is unknown to the...
GUASTALLA, ENRICO – Enrico Guastalla.Italian soldier; born at Guastalla 1828; died at Milan Sept. 28, 1903. Though brought up to a commercial life, he joined the army as a volunteer in 1848. He took part in the defense of Rome, and for his bravery...
GUATEMALA – See South and Central America.
GÜDEMANN, MORITZ – Austrian rabbi; born at Hildesheim, Germany, Feb. 19, 1835. He was educated at Breslau (Ph.D. 1858), and took his rabbinical diploma (1862) at the Jewish Theological Seminary of that city. In the latter year he was called to the...
GUENÉE, ANTOINE – French priest and Christian apologist; born at Etampes 1717; died 1803. He wrote, besides various apologetic works, "Lettres de Quelques Juifs Portugais, Allemands et Polonais, à M. de Voltaire," Paris, 1769, often reprinted and...
GUERON, YAKIR (PRECIADO) – Turkish rabbi; born in 1813; died at Jerusalem Feb. 4, 1874. He was the sixth rabbi of Adrianople descended from the Gueron family. He became rabbi in 1835, and eleven years later met Sultan 'Abd al-Majid, whom he induced to...
GUESTS – See Hospitality.
GUETERBOCK, KARL EDUARD – German jurist; born at Königsberg, East Prussia, April 18, 1830. He studied history, later law, at the universities of Königsberg, Bonn, Munich, and Berlin, graduating in 1851. He was admitted to the bar in 1859, and became a...
GUETTA, ISAAC – Talmudic scholar and promoter of Jewish learning, whose ancestors went to the Orient from Huete, Spain; born June 5, 1777; lived for several years in Triest. In his old age he went to Safed, where, as in Tiberias, he founded...
GUGGENHEIM, MEYER – American merchant and mining magnate; born in Langenau, Switzerland, 1828. In 1847 he went to America with his father, who settled at Philadelphia; there Guggenheim began business life in the humblest way, dealing, as a...
GUGGENHEIMER, RANDOLPH – American lawyer; born at Lynchburg, Va., July 20, 1846. His family originally settled in Virginia, where his father was engaged in the cultivation of tobacco. Guggenheimer removed to New York city in 1865, and entered the law...
GUGLIELMO, BENJAMIN – Italian dancing-master; flourished in the fifteenth century at Pesaro. His master was Domenico di Ferrara, in whose "Liber Ballorum" (1460) he is mentioned. Guglielmo himself wrote a treatise on dancing, "Trattato dell' Arte del...
GUHRAUER, GOTTSCHALK EDUARD – German philologist and writer; born at Bojanowo, Prussian Poland, 1809; died at Breslau Jan. 5, 1854. He studied philology and philosophy at Breslau and Berlin; and in 1837 passed his examination and became a teacher at the...
GUIDACERIUS, AGATHIUS – Italian Christian Hebraist; born at Rocca-Coragio, Calabria, in the second half of the fifteenth century. Having studied Hebrew under a Portuguese rabbi at Rome, he was appointed teacher of that language at the university. In...
GUIDE, THE – See Periodicals.
GUILLAUME OF AUVERGNE – French scholastic; bishop of Paris from 1228 to 1249. He was one of the originators of Christian scholasticism in the thirteenth century. In his writings he displayed an extensive knowledge of Hebrew literature; and, although he...
GUILT-OFFERING – See Atonement.
GUIMARÃES – City of Portugal. In the fourteenth century it had a wealthy Jewish community, whose quarter was located on the site of the present fish-market, "praça do peixe," and extended to the Holy Ghost street. A few years previous to...
GUIZOLFI (GIEXULFIS), ZACHARIAS DE – Prince and ruler, in the fifteenth century, of the Taman peninsula on the east coast of the Black Sea; descendant of Simeone de Guizolfi, a Genoese Jew, who, by marriage with Princess Bikhakhanim and under the protection of the...
GUMPERZ, AARON SOLOMON – German scholar and physician; born Dec. 10, 1723; died 1769. In March, 1751, Gumperz graduated as M.D. from the University of Frankfort-on-the-Oder, his dissertation being "Ueber die Temperamente." He was the first Prussian Jew...
GUMPLIN – German satirical poet of unknown date. The only poem of his that has been preserved is a satire of seven strophes, ending with a refrain in which he very wittily criticizes the inhabitants of the Rhine province. Although his...
GUMPLOWICZ, LUDWIG – Christian historian and jurist; born at Cracow March 9, 1838; studied at the universities of Cracow and Vienna, and practised law at Cracow. In 1876 he was appointed docent, in 1882 assistant professor, and in 1893 professor, at...
GUMURJINA – Town in European Turkey, west of Adrianople. It has a population of 26,000, including 1,200 Jews. The Jewish community possesses separate schools for boys and girls with a roll of 200 children, a synagogue, and five charitable...
GUNI – 1. A son of Naphtali (Gen. xlvi. 24; I Chron. vii. 13), and founder of the family of the Gunites (Num. xxvi. 48). In Hebrew, "Guni" is used for the individual and for the family. 2. A descendant of Gad, and the father of Abdiel,...