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HILLEL OF ERFURT – Talmudic authority; lived at Erfurt in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries; a contemporary of Shalom of Neustadt, and a pupil of Meïr ben Baruch Faleri. According to A. Brüll, Hillel is identical with one "Hiller" who figures...
HILLEL BEN GAMALIEL III. – Scholar of the second amoraic generation (3d cent.), son of Gamaliel III., brother of Judah II., and probably a pupil of his grandfather Judah I. (see. B. B. 83b). Of his early history nothing is known. As illustrating his...
HILLEL BEN NAPHTALI HERZ – Lithuanian rabbi; born at Brest-Litovsk in 1615; died at Zolkiev Jan. 3, 1690. After he had studied under Hirsh Darshan, Hillel went to Wilna, where from 1650 to 1651 he was a member of the rabbinical college. He stayed at Wilna...
HILLEL BEN SAMUEL – Italian physician, philosopher, and Talmudist; born about 1220; died about 1295. He was the grandson of the Talmudic scholar Eleazar ben Samuel of Verona. He spent his youth at Barcelona, where he studied the Talmud and natural...
HILLEL B. SAMUEL B. NAḤMAN – Palestinian haggadist of the fourth century. It may be assumed that his father was his teacher; but he had other instructors also, among them being Levi b. Ḥama (Ber. 28b). According to Hillel, the merits of the teacher are, in...
HILLEL B. ẒEBI HIRSCH MILEIKOVSKY (HILLEL SALAUTER) – Russian rabbi; born in Zareche, a suburb of Wilna, 1819; died in Mstislavl, government of Moghilef, June 1, 1899. At the age of twenty-five he became rabbi of Kreve, government of Wilna, and was afterward successively rabbi of...
HILLELI – See Bible Manuscripts.
HILLER, EDUARD – German philologist; nephew of Ferdinand Hiller; born at Frankfort-on-the-Main April 14, 1844; died at Halle March 7, 1891. Educated at the universities of Bonn and Göttingen (Ph.D. 1865), he became a teacher at the Kortegarn...
HILLER, FERDINAND – German composer and musical writer; born at Frankfort-on-the-Main Oct. 24, 1811; died at Cologne May 10, 1885. He studied with Hofmann (violin), Aloys Schmitt (pianoforte), and Vollweiler (harmony and counterpoint). At the age...
HILLQUIT, MORRIS – American lawyer and socialist; born at Riga, Russia, Aug. 1, 1870, educated at the gymnasium of that town. He emigrated to the United States in 1887, studied law, and was admitted to the New York bar in 1893. In 1888 Hillquit...
ḤILLUḲIM – See Pilpul.
HIMYARITES – See Sabeans.
HIN – See Weights and Measures.
HINNOM – See Ge-hinnom.
HIPPOCRATES – Greek physician; born in Cos 460 B.C.; died at Larissa in Thessaly about 360 B.C. He studied medicine under Herodicus of Selymbria and under his father, Heraclides, and philosophy under Gorgias of Leontini and Democritus of...
HIPPOLYTUS – Christian theologian of the second and third centuries; schismatic Bishop of Rome in opposition to Calixtus I. (217); deported in 235 to Sardinia, where he died. Hippolytus was one of the most prolific writers among the Church...
HIPPOS – One of the cities of the Decapolis in Palestine, the site of which is uncertain. For the identifications of the ancient geographers see Pliny ("Hist. Naturalis," v. 14, xv. 18), Josephus ("Vita," § 65), and Eusebius...
HIRAH – An Adullamite, the friend of Judah, at whose house the latter stopped after the sale of Joseph (Gen. xxxviii. 1). Hirah accompanied Judah when he went to Timnah to superintend the shearing of his sheep (ib. verse 12). He was...
HIRAM, HURAM – 1.—Biblical Data: King of Tyre in the time of David and Solomon. After David had conquered Jerusalem, Hiram sent him cedar-wood and carpenters and masons so that he might build a house (II Sam. v. 11; I Chron. xiv. 1). Hiram was...
HIRED MEN – See Hiring and Letting; Master and Servant.
HIRING AND LETTING – Hiring is a transaction by which parties, for a compensation, contract for a definite period for (a) the use of property or (b) personal service.I. The Mishnah (B. M. 93a) distinguishes four kinds of bailees: (1) the gratuitous...
HIRSCH, ALBERT – Austrian playwright; born in Vienna June 29, 1841. He was first a public-school-teacher; then went on the stage, playing, among other places, in the variety theater in the Josefstadt; but he soon left the company and devoted...
HIRSCH, ALPHONSE – French painter; born in Paris 1843; died there July 15, 1884. He was a pupil of Meissonier and Bonnat, and began by sketching and etching. Of the latter art he has left many fine examples; but his chief merit is as a colorist....
HIRSCH, AUGUST – German physician and medico-historical writer; born at Danzig Oct. 4, 1817; died at Berlin Jan. 28, 1894. After having followed commerce for a few years, he began the study of medicine at the University of Leipsic in 1839, and...
HIRSCH, CLARA DE (Baroness de Hirsch-Gereuth) – Wife of Baron Maurice de Hirsch; born at Antwerp June 13, 1833; died in Paris April 1, 1899. Her mother was a sister of Solomon H. Goldschmidt, who for many years acted in the capacity of president of the Alliance Israélite...