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KNOXVILLE – See Tennessee.
KOBER, GUSTAV – Austrian actor; born at Vienna April 21, 1849. He was trained for the stage by Emilie Dorr in that city and made his début at the Elysiumtheater, Stettin, in 1868. He then appeared at the following theaters: Budapest and Linz...
KÖBNER, HEINRICH – German physician; born at Breslau Dec. 2, 1838. He studied medicine at Berlin and Breslau (M.D. 1859), taking post-graduate courses at Vienna and Paris in 1860 and 1861. Establishing himself as a physician in Breslau (1861), he...
KOBO – See Covo.
KÓBOR, TAMÁS – See Bermann, Adolf.
KOBRYN – District town in the government of Grodno, Russia; situated on the Muchavetz and Kobrynka rivers. In 1902 it contained more than 8,000 Jews in a total population of about 10,000. A Jewish congregation was in existence there at...
KOBRYN, BEZALEL B. SOLOMON – See Bezalel b. Solomon of Kobryn.
KOBURG – See Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.
KÖCHER, HERMANN FRIEDRICH – German Christian Hebraist; born at Osnabrück in 1747; died April 2, 1792. He was the author of "Specimen Observationum Philologicarum in I Sam. ii." Jena, 1772; "Comm. Sistens Explicationem Vocum et Gen. i. 3, 5, de Deo...
ḲODASHIM – Position in Mishnah. Name of the fifth of the six orders ("sedarim") of the Mishnah, so called because all the treatises belonging to it contain regulations and laws concerning sacrifices, priestly contributions, and other...
ḲODESH HA-ḲODASHIM – See Holy of Holies.
KOENEN, HENDRIK JACOB – Dutch historian of the Jews; born at Amsterdam Jan. 11, 1809; died at Buitenrust, near Haarlem, Oct. 13, 1874. He was educated for the bar, and received his degree of doctor of law in 1831. For many years he was a member of the...
ḲOF – Nineteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet; for its form see Alphabet. The meaning ofthe name is uncertain. It corresponds in form to the Greek "koppa" and the English "q," and is distinguished in pronunciation from Kaf in that it...
KOHATH (V07p529001.jpg); KOHATHITES – Kohath was the second son of Levi (Gen. xlvi. 11; Ex. vi. 16; Num. iii. 17; I Chron. vi. 1) and progenitor of the Levitical division of the Kohathites. Born in the land of Canaan, he was one of those who went with Jacob to Egypt...
ḲOHELET MUSAR – Hebrew weekly; founded at Berlin in 1750 by Moses Mendelssohn (at that time he was not more than twenty-one) and T. Bock. Only two issues appeared; these contained philosophical and moral reflections of the Leibnitz-Wolff...
ḲOHELET (ECCLESIASTES) RABBAH – Haggadic commentary on Ecclesiastes, included in the collection of the Rabbot. It follows the Biblical book verse by verse, only a few verses remaining without comment. In the list of the old sedarim for the Bible four sedarim...
KOHEN (KOHANIM) – See Cohen.
KOHEN ẒEDEḲ, ABRAHAM – See Abraham ben Elijah ha-Kohen.
KOHEN ẒEDEḲ, JOSEPH – See ẒedeḲ, Joseph Kohen.
KOHEN ẒEDEḲ II. KAHANA BEN JOSEPH – Gaon of Pumbedita from 917 to 935. Immediately after his appointment he took measures to change the existing system in the division of the revenues between the two schools of Sura and Pumbedita. Hitherto Sura had taken...
KOHLER, KAUFMANN – Rabbi and theologian; born in Fürth, Bavaria, May 10, 1843; a descendant of a family of rabbis. He received his rabbinical training at Hassfurt, Höchberg near Würzburg, Mayence, Altona, and at Frankfort-on-the-Main (under Samson...
KOHLER, MAX J. – American lawyer; born at Detroit, Mich., May 22, 1871; son of Kaufmann Kohler; educated at the College of the City of New York (B.S. 1890) and at Columbia Law School (M.A. 1891, and LL.B. 1893). From 1894 to 1898 he was...
KOHN, ABRAHAM – Austrian rabbi; born Jan. 1, 1807, at Zaluzan, Bohemia; died at Lemberg, Galicia, Sept. 7, 1848. In 1828 he entered theUniversity of Prague, where he applied himself to philosophy, while devoting his spare time to rabbinical...
KOHN (KAHANA), DAVID – Russian archeologist and Hebrew writer; born at Odessa in 1838. He received a rabbinic education; but at the age of fourteen he took up the study of medieval literature and modern languages, and soon afterward, history and...
KOHN (PAP), DAVID – Hungarian political economist; born Dec. 2, 1868, at Csecse, Hungary; studied law in Budapest. In 1890 he attracted general attention by his essay "Gabona Határidöüzlet," on buying grain on margin, which was crowned by the...