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KOSSARSKI, JULIUS – German poet; born 1812 at Bromberg; died there July 1, 1879. He went to Berlin to take up the study of literature, afterward studying philosophy and philology at the university. Ill health induced him, however, to return shortly...
KOSSARSKI, LUDWIG – German poet and writer; brother of Julius Kossarski; born 1810 at Bromberg; died Nov. 3, 1873, at Berlin. He studied medicine at Berlin, but soon devoted himself entirely to German literature, becoming a contributor to several...
KOSTEL (PODIVIN) – Town in Moravia. Its Jewish community is said to be the oldest in Moravia. According to Cosmas of Prague (d. 1125), a Jew named Podiva founded (1067) the castle which was named after him "Podivin"; this is still the Slavic name...
KOSTELIZ (COSTELLEZ), ABIGDOR BEN SIMON – Egyptian rabbi and cabalist; born before 1572; died 1659. He studied under Moses ha-Kohen, head of the yeshibah in Egypt, one of his fellow pupils being David Conforte.Bibliography: Azulai, Shem ha-Gedolim, i. 2; Conforte, Ḳore...
KOVEL – District town in the government of Volhynia, Russia. In the beginning of the fourteenth century it was given by Gedemin to his grandson, Theodor Sangushko, and in 1518 the Magdeburg Rights were granted to it by Sigismund I....
KÖVES, JOSEPH – Hungarian painter; born at Nagy Karoly 1853. When only fourteen he left home, and, earning his living as he went, arrived two months later at Budapest, where he became a merchant. When twenty-two years of age he entered a...
KOVNER, SAVELI GRIGORYEVICH – Russian physician; born at Wilna 1837; died at Kiev Sept. 22, 1896; graduated from the University of St. Vladimir, Kiev, in 1865. He remained at the same university as a stipendiary to prepare for a professorship, but in 1867...
KOVNO – Russian fortified city in the government of the same name; situated at the junction of the Viliya and the Niemen.There is documentary evidence that Jews lived and traded in Kovno toward the end of the fifteenth century. At the...
KOWNER, ABRAHAM URI – Russian Hebrew critic; born at Wilna about 1837. He became renowned on account of a campaign which he conducted against many of the Hebrew Maskilim and which called forth violent polemics between himself and the latter. He first...
KOZZI, MOSES – See Moses b. Jacob of Coucy.
KRÄMER, MOSES BEN DAVID – Lithuanian Talmudist of the seventeenth century; died at Wilna Oct. 19, 1683. After officiating as rabbi in a number of Lithuanian cities, he in 1623 went in the same capacity to Wilna. His contemporaries, who refer to him...
KRAMSZTYK, ISAAC – Polish writer and preacher; born at Warsaw 1814; died there 1889. He graduated from the rabbinical school of Warsaw, in which he became a teacher, filling that position up to the closing of the institution in 1862. He at the...
KRAMSZTYR, STANISLAUS – Polish naturalist; born at Warsaw 1841; son of Isaac Kramsztyk; educated at the Warsaw gymnasium, and studied medicine in the Medico-Surgical Academy, and physics and mathematics in the University, whence he was graduated in...
KRANZ, JACOB – See Jacob ben Wolf Kranz of Dubno.
KRASNOPOLSKI, HORACE – Austrian jurist; born Nov. 5, 1842, at Pistyn, Galicia, where he received his earliest education in the ḥeder. From 1853 to 1861 he attended the gymnasium at Czernowitz, in the latter year entering the University of Prague,...
KRAUS, ADOLF – American lawyer; born at Blowitz, Bobemia, Feb. 26, 1850; emigrated to the United States at the age of fifteen, and worked successively on a farm, in a factory, and in a store. In 1871 he went to Chicago, Ill., and while engaged...
KRAUS, ALFRED, BARON VON – Austrian general; born 1822 at Pardubitz, Bohemia; the son of a Jewish tenant-farmer. He received his early education, which was strictly Orthodox, from his cousin Joseph Kisch, father of Heinrich and Alexander Kisch. At the age...
KRAUS, FRIEDRICH – Austrian physician; born at Bodenbach, Bohemia, May 31, 1851. He studied at the gymnasium at Prague and at the universities of that city and of Vienna, obtaining his M.D. degree in 1882. From that time until March, 1885, he was...
KRAUS, LEOPOLD GOTTLIEB – Austrian physician; born at Kolin, Bohemia, Dec. 22, 1824; died in 1901. He studied at the University of Prague, making a specialty of neurology, and obtained his degree in 1847. Kraus then became a practising physician in...
KRAUSHAR, ALEXANDER – Polish jurist and author; born 1843 at Warsaw; educated at the Royal Gymnasium in that city and at the preparatory college instituted by the marquis Wielopolski, where he devoted himself to the study of jurisprudence and...
KRAUSKOPF, JOSEPH – American rabbi and author; born in Ostrowo, Prussia, Jan. 21, 1858. He emigrated to America (New York) in July, 1872, and from New York he went to Fall River, Mass., where he found employment as clerk in a tea-store. Through the...
KRAUSS, FRIEDRICH SALOMON – Austrian folklorist; born at Pozega, Slavonia, Oct. 7, 1859. He studied classical philology at the University of Vienna (Ph.D.), and then devoted himself to South-Slavonian folk-lore, which he was the first to investigate...
KRAUSS, SAMUEL – Hungarian philologist and historian; born in Ukk, a village in the county of Szala, Hungary, Feb. 18, 1866. At the age of eleven he was sent for two years to the Talmud school of the Lo Alman Yisrael society at Jánosháza, and he...
KREFELD – Prussian manufacturing town near Düsseldorf, in the province of the Rhine. Small neighboring villages, embraced in the former electorate of Cologne, and which probably contained Jews, are mentioned in accounts of persecutions as...