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REGGIO, ABRAHAM (VITA) BEN AZRIEL – Italian rabbi and cabalist; born at Ferrara in 1755; died at Göritz Jan. 8, 1842. Reggio studied under Samuel Lampronti, devoting himself especially to the study of Hebrew grammar. He gave lessons in Hebrew to the children of...
REGGIO, ISAAC SAMUEL (YaSHaR) – His Acquirements. Austro-Italian scholar and rabbi; born at Göritz, Illyria, Aug. 15, 1784; died there Aug. 29, 1855. Reggio studied Hebrew and rabbinics under his father, Abraham Vita, later rabbi of Göritz, acquiring at the...
REGGIO, ISSACHAR EZEKIEL – Italian rabbi and grammarian; born at Ferrara in 1774; died in 1837, on the 1st of Elul. He was a pupil of Graziadio Neppi and Joseph David Basaano, the latter of whom made him assistant in the Talmud Torah in Ferrara. When...
REGGIO, LEONE – Italian rabbi; born at Ferrara in 1808; died there Sept. 23, 1870; son of Zaccaria Reggio, chief rabbi of Ferrara. At the age of twenty he became a teacher in the Talmud Torah there, and at the death of his father succeeded to...
REHFUSS, CARL – German educationist; born in 1792 at Altdorf-im-Breisgau; died in 1842 at Heidelberg. From 1809 to 1816 he occupied the position of teacher in schools at Gailingen, on the Lake of Constance, at Basel, and at Bühl, near Rastadt....
REHOBOAM – Biblical Data: Son of Solomon by Naamah the Ammonitess (I Kings xiv. 21), and his successor on the throne in Jerusalem. Solomon's administrative policy had fostered dangerous principles. His ambition for the magnificence and...
REḤUMAI (I.), RAB – Babylonian amora of the fifth generation; pupil of Raba b. Joseph b. Ḥama. He addressed some questions to Abaye (Pes. 39a; Nazir 13a). He died on the eve of a Day of Atonement, and the manner of his death is told as follows: He...
REḤUMAI II. – Babylonian amora of the seventh generation; pupil of Rabina I., for whom he expounded a saying of Huna b. Taḥlifa (Zeb. 77a). After Rafram II., Reḥumai II. was the head of the Academy of Pumbedita from 443 to 456, dying during...
REḤUMAI III. – One of the early saboraim; died in 505, in the month of Nisan. In 'Er. 11a he is mentioned with his contemporary R. Jose; each of them gives a different explanation of an expression used by an earlier authority (Sherira, in...
REICH (RAJK), ALADÁR – Hungarian lawyer and deputy; born at Baja June 25, 1871; educated at the gymnasium of his native city and at the universities of Budapest, Berlin, and Paris. He was admitted to the bar at Baja, which city returned him to the...
REICH, IGNAZ (EIZIG) – Hungarian teacher and author; born at Zsámbék 1821; died at Budapest April 18, 1887. He received his early instruction from his father, a Jewish communal notary, and then studied at the yeshibah of Grosswardein,going thence to...
REICH, MORITZ – German writer; born at Rokitnitz, Bohemia, April 20, 1831; died there March 26, 1857. The son of an indigent shoḥeṭ and ḥazzan, he attended the gymnasia at Reichenau and at Prague, and went in 1853 to Vienna, where he devoted...
REICHENBERG – City of Bohemia. No Jews were allowed to live there until after the law of Oct. 26, 1860, which repealed the restrictions against them in Austria. The first Jewish settlers numbered about thirty families. The need of a united...
REICHENHEIM, LEONHARD – German manufacturer and politician; born at Bernburg May 3, 1814; died at Berlin Jan. 26, 1868. At the age of fourteen he entered his father's business, which was located first at Magdeburg and then at Berlin, and which later...
REICHER, EMANUEL – Austrian actor; born July 18, 1849, at Bochnia, Austria. Reicher's theatrical life is divided into two periods: the first ending with his separation from and the subsequent death of his first wife, Hedwig Reicher-Kindermann,the...
REICHER - KINDERMANN, HEDWIG – German prima donna; born at Munich July 15, 1853; died at Triest June 2, 1883; daughter of the baritone August Kindermann. She received her early instruction on the piano from her mother, and at the age of fifteen entered the...
REICHERSON, MOSES HA-KOHEN – Hebrew grammarian; born in Wilna, Oct. 5, 1827; died in New York April 3, 1903. After studying Talmud, Hebrew, and European languages, he became teacher of Hebrew at Wilna. About 1890 he went to New York, where he became teacher...
REICHSKAMMERKNECHT – See Kammerknechtschaft.
REIF, ABRAHAM – Galician poet; born at Mosciska, Galicia, 1802; died in 1859. He came early under the influence of the school of the Me'assefim, but subsequently broke away from the movement. Tobias Feder, the author of the sarcastic work "Ḳol...
REIFMANN, JACOB – Russian author and philosopher; born April 7, 1818, at Lagow, near Opatow, Russian Poland; died at Szczebrszyn Oct. 13, 1895. Up to the age of six he received instruction in Hebrew from his father, whom circumstances had forced...
REINACH – German family which emigrated to France in the first half of the nineteenth century. As its most eminent members may be mentioned:Jacques Reinach, Baron: French financier; uncle and father-in-law of Joseph Reinach; born at...
REINES, ISAAC JACOB B. SOLOMON NAPHTALI – Russian rabbi, and founder of the "Mizraḥi," or Orthodox, branch of the Zionist organization; a descendant of Saul Wahl; born in Karlin, government of Minsk, Oct. 27, 1839. His father, a native of Wilna, who lived several years...
REINES, MOSES – Russian scholar and author; born at Lida (where his father, R. Isaac Jacob Reines, was rabbi) in 1870; died there March 7, 1891. Moses Reines was the author of: "Ruaḥ ha-Zeman," material for the history of Jewish culture in...
REINOWITZ, JACOB (REB YANKELE) – Member of the London bet din; born at Wilkowisk, Poland, in 1818; died in London May 17, 1893. At twenty-eight years of age he was appointed rabbi in his native town, and held the office for thirty years. In 1876 he accepted the...