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ROSENTHAL, DAVID AUGUSTUS – German physician and author; born at Neisse, in Silesia, in the year 1812; died at Breslau March 29, 1875. He was educated at the University of Breslau, whence he was graduated M.D. In 1851 he embraced Roman Catholicism, and set...
ROSENTHAL, EDUARD – German jurist; born Sept. 6, 1853, at Würzburg. He studied at Würzburg, Heidelberg, and Berlin (LL.D., Würzburg, 1878). In 1880 he established himself as privat-docent at the University of Jena, where he was appointed assistant...
ROSENTHAL, ELIEZER (LAZAR) – German bibliographer and owner of a famous collection of books at Hanover; born April 13, 1794, at Nasielsk, in the government of Plock, Russia; died Aug. 7, 1868, at Hanover. His library became known in Germany as early as the...
ROSENTHAL, FERDINAND – German rabbi; born at Kenese, Hungary, Nov. 10, 1839; educated at several Talmud Torahs, the gymnasium at Vienna, and the universities of Leipsic and Berlin (Ph. D. and Rabbi 1866). In 1867 he became rabbi at Beuthen, Upper...
ROSENTHAL, HARRY LOUIS – English exegete; born about 1860 at Vladislavov (Neustadt-Schirwindt), Poland. In 1869 he accompanied his mother and sisters to Manchester, England, where he was educated. Returning to Vladislavov in 1878, he studied Hebrew, and...
ROSENTHAL, HERMAN – American author, editor, and librarian; born at Friedrichstadt, province of Courland, Russia, Oct. 6, 1843; educated at Bauske and Jacobstadt, graduating in 1859. In this year he translated into German several of Nekrassov's...
ROSENTHAL, ISIDOR – German physiologist; born at Labischin, near Bromberg, Posen, July 16, 1836; died in 1904. Graduating as M.D. from the University of Berlin in 1859, he became assistant in the physiological institute and received the "venia...
ROSENTHAL, JACOB – Polish physician; born at Warsaw; son of David Rosenthal; studied medicine at Berlin and Warsaw. In 1870 he became physician in ordinary to the Jewish Hospital, Warsaw, devoting himself to gynecology. Owing to his efforts a...
ROSENTHAL, JOSEPH – Russo-Jewish scholar; born at Suwalki, in the government of the same name in Russian Poland, Feb. 14, 1844. He began the study of the Talmud and commentaries at an early age without the aid of a teacher, and at the same time...
ROSENTHAL, JULIUS – American lawyer; born in Liedolsheim, grand duchy of Baden, Germany, Sept. 17, 1828. He was educated at the lyceum at Rastadt and the universities of Heidelberg and Freiburg. In 1854 he emigrated to the United States and settled...
ROSENTHAL, LEON (JUDAH LÖB B. MOSES HA-LEVI) – Russian financier, philanthropist, and communal worker; born in Wilna Nov. 16, 1817; died in Locarno, Switzerland, June 19, 1887. His father was a progressive, scholarly merchant whose house was one of the rallying-points of the...
ROSENTHAL, MARKUS – See Rózsavölgyi (Rosenthal), Markus.
ROSENTHAL, MAX – American painter and engraver; born at Turek, near Kalisz, Russian Poland, Nov. 23, 1833. He studied at Berlin under Karl Harnisch, and at Paris under Martin Thurwanger, whom he accompanied to the United States in 1849. Settling...
ROSENTHAL, MORITZ – Austrian physician; born at Grosswardein, Hungary, 1833; died in Vienna Dec. 30, 1889. Educated at the University of Vienna (M.D. 1858), he became in 1863 privatdocent and in 1875 assistant professor of neurology.Besides about...
ROSENTHAL, MORITZ – Austrian pianist; born at Lemberg 1862; studied successively under Galath, Mikuli, and Raphael Joseffy. In 1875 the family removed to Vienna, where at the age of fourteen Rosenthal gave his first public concert, the program...
ROSENTHAL, SAMUEL – Chess - master; born 1838 in Suwalki, Russian Poland; died in Paris Sept. 25, 1902. After the last Polish revolution he fled to Paris (1864), where he devoted himself to a study of the game, and became so rapidly proficient in...
ROSENTHAL, SOLOMON – Hungarian scholar; born in Moór, Hungary, June 13, 1764; died at Pesth April 8, 1845. His father, Naphtali Rosenthal, was a personal friend of Moses Mendelssohn in his youth. Rosenthal's teachers were Mordecai Benet, later chief...
ROSENTHAL, TOBY EDWARD – American artist; born at New Haven, Conn., March 15, 1848. He received a public-school education at San Francisco, whither his family had removed in 1855, and studied art under Fortunato Arviola in the same city in 1864. In 1865...
ROSENTHAL-BONIN, HUGO – German author; born at Berlin Oct. 14, 1840; died at Stuttgart April 7, 1897. After having studied natural science at the universities of Berlin and Paris, he traveled through the south of Europe, the United States of America,...
ROSENZWEIG, ADOLF – German rabbi; born Oct. 20, 1850, at Turdossin, Hungary. He studied at the gymnasium at Budapest and at the rabbinical seminary of Presburg. After graduation he went to Berlin, where he studied philosophy and Oriental languages...
ROSENZWEIG, GERSON – Russian-American editor, author, and poet; born at Byelostok, Russia, April, 1861. He received his education in the Jewish schools of Berlin, Cracow, and in Byelostok and other cities of Russia, and conducted a Hebrew school in...
ROSEWALD, JULIE EICHBERG – American prima donna; fourth daughter of Moritz Eichberg, cantor in Stuttgart; born in that city March 7, 1847. After finishing the course of instruction at the Stuttgart Conservatorium, Julie joined her sister, Mrs. Weiller, in...
ROSEWATER, ANDREW – American engineer; born in Bohemia Oct. 31, 1848. When very young he removed with his family to the United States, settling in Cleveland, where he was educated at the public schools. In 1864 he joined the engineer corps of the...
ROSEWATER, EDWARD – American editor and newspaper proprietor; born at Bukovan, in Bohemia, in 1841. He was educated at the high school of Prague, where he remained until he attained his thirteenth year, when he emigrated to the United States and...
ROSEWATER, VICTOR – American editor and economist; born in Omaha, Neb., 1871; son of Edward Rosewater; educated in Columbia University, New York (A.M. 1892; Ph.D. 1893). Rose-water was fellow in political science at Columbia University during the...