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SCHMID, ANTON VON – Christian publisher of Hebrew books; born at Zwettl, Lower Austria, Jan. 23, 1765; died at Vienna June 27, 1855. His father, an employee of the convent, destined him for the clerical career, and with this view Anton received a...
SCHMIEDL, ADOLF – Austrian rabbi and scholar; born at Prossnitz, Moravia, Jan. 26, 1821. He held the office of rabbi at Gewitsch, Moravia, from 1846 to 1849, during which time he contributed to the journals "Kokebe Yiẓḥaḳ" and "Der Orient." In...
SCHNABEL, ISIDOR – Austrian physician; born at Neubidschow, Bohemia, Nov. 14, 1842. Educated at the University of Vienna (M.D. 1865), he became there assistant in the ophthalmological clinic and established himself as privat-docent. He was elected...
SCHNABEL, LOUIS – Austrian teacher and journalist; born at Prossnitz, Moravia, June 29, 1829; died at New York May 3, 1897. He was educated at various yeshibot, and, after completing his studies at the University of Vienna, he taught in the...
SCHNEIERSOHN, DOB BÄR – See Ladier, Dob Bär b. Shneor Zalman.
SCHNITZLER, JOHANN – Austrian laryngologist; born at Nagy-Kanizsa, Hungary, April 10, 1835; died at Vienna May 2, 1893. Educated at the University of Vienna (M.D. 1860), he became assistant at the general hospital (Allgemeines Krankenhaus) under...
SCHNORRER – Judæo-German term of reproach for a Jewish beggar having some pretensions to respectability. In contrast to the ordinary house-to-house beggar, whose business is known and easily recognized, the schnorrer assumes a gentlemanly...
SCHNURMANN, NESTOR IVAN – English educationist; born 1854 in Russia. He went to England about 1880, and began his career as a teacher of Russian and kindred languages to army officers, becoming examiner in Bulgarian to the civil service commissioners. He...
SCHOMBERG, SIR ALEXANDER – British naval officer; born 1716; died in Dublin March 19, 1804; younger son of Meyer Löw Schomberg. He entered the navy in Nov., 1743. In 1747 he was promoted lieutenant of the "Hornet"; in 1755 he was appointed to the...
SCHOMBERG, ISAAC – English physician; born at Cologne Aug. 14, 1714; died in London May 4, 1780; son of Meyer Löw Schomberg. He received a liberal education, and pursued his medicalstudies at Ledyen, where he took the degree of M.D. Returning to...
SCHOMBERG, MEYER LÖW – English physician; born at Fetzburg, Germany, 1690; died in London March 4, 1761. He was the eldest son of a Jewish practitioner of medicine whose original name was Löw, which he changed to Schomberg. Schomberg obtained the...
SCHOMBERG, RALPH (RAPHAEL) – English physician and author; born at Cologne, Germany, Aug. 14, 1714; died at Reading, England, June 29, 1792; twin brother of Isaac Schomberg. He was educated at Merchant Taylor's School, and studied medicine at Rotterdam,...
SCHÖNERER, GEORG VON – Austrian politician and anti-Semitic agitator; born at Vienna July 17, 1842. He devoted himself to agriculture, and in 1873 entered the Austrian Diet, where he represented the German-National party and gave his support to the...
SCHÖNFELD, BARUCH – Hungarian Hebraist; born at Szenicz 1778; died at Budapest Dec. 29, 1852. He was a teacher in several towns of Hungary and Moravia, and was the author of the following works: "Ẓeror Peraḥim" (Vienna, 1814), essays in prose and...
SCHÖNHAK, JOSEPH – Russian author; born at Tiktin 1812; died at Suwalki Dec., 10, 1870. Schönhak led a retired life, devoting his time to writing and study. He was the author of "Toledot ha-Areẓ" (Warsaw, 1841) and "Ha-Mashbir," or "'Aruk...
SCHOR, ABRAHAM ḤAYYIM BEN NAPHTALI HIRSCH – Galician rabbi; died at Belz, a small town near Lemberg, Jan. 3 (or 23), 1632; buried in Lemberg. He was rabbi in Satanow and later in Belz, and, according to Lewinstein (in "'Ir Tehillah"), in Lemberg also. He wrote: "Torat...
SCHOR, (MOSES) EPHRAIM SOLOMON (the Elder) – Polish rabbi; died in Lublin in 1633. He was the son of Naphtali Hirsch of Moravia and a descendant of the tosafist Joseph Bekor Schor. Ephraim Solomon married Hannele, the daughter of Saul Wahl of Brest-Litovsk, of which city...
SCHOR, NAPHTALI HIRSCH BEN ZALMAN – Moravian Talmudist of the sixteenth century. He was a pupil of Moses Isserles, who addressed to him many of his responsa, most of which are explanations of the "Sefer ha-Mordekai." It seems from No. 121 of these responsa that...
SCHORR, JOSHUA HESCHEL – Early Career. Galician Hebrew scholar, critic, and communal worker; born at Brody May 22, 1814; died there Sept. 2, 1895. His parents were rich, but, owing to the obscurantism which prevailed in Galicia, Schorr, received a...
SCHORR, NAPHTALI MENDEL – Galician Hebrew writer; died at Lemberg Dec. 14, 1883. He was the founder (1861) of the Hebrew weekly "Ha-'Et," of which only twenty-two numbers appeared. In 1855 he edited in Lemberg Jedaiah Bedersi's "Beḥinat ha-'Olam" and...
SCHOSSBERGER DE TORNA,. SIMON WOLF – Hungarian merchant and estate-owner; born 1796 at Sasvar (Sassin, Schossberg, Comitat Nyitra); died at Budapest March 25, 1874. Through his many commercial, industrial, and agricultural enterprises he attained wealth and honor;...
SCHOTT (SCHOTTLÄNDER), BENEDICT (BARUCH) – German educationist; born in Danzig March 11, 1763 (or 1764); died at Seesen July 21, 1846. Left an orphan at an early age, he wandered through Germany as a scholar ("baḥur"), and among other places sojourned in Glogau, Breslau,...
SCHOTTLÄNDER, JULIUS – German merchant; born at Münsterberg, Silesia, March 22, 1835; educated at the public schools of his native town and at Breslau. He established himself as a wool- and grain-merchant in Münsterberg; but in 1859 removed his...