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SOLOMON, ABRAHAM – English artist; born in London May, 1824; died at Biarritz in 1862. At the age of eighteen he was admitted as a student to the school of the Royal Academy, where he gained a medal for drawing from the antique. From 1843 to the...
SOLOMON BEN ABRAHAM IBN DAUD – Physician and translator. According to Kaufmann and Gross, Solomon belonged to the family of the Spanish translator Abraham ben David ha-Levi of Toledo. Solomon translated, under the title of "Miklol," Averroes' medical work...
SOLOMON BEN ABRAHAM BEN JEHIEL – Italian rabbi; flourished at Rome in the eleventh century; nephew of Nathan b. Jehiel, the author of the "'Aruk." About a quarter of a century after Nathan's death Solomon was a member of the rabbinate of Rome, of which he was...
SOLOMON BEN ABRAHAM HA-KOHEN OF SERES (MaHaRShaḲ) – Oriental Talmudist; lived at Salonica in the second half of the sixteenth century. His teacher was Joseph Firman. He was the author of "She'elot u-Teshubot," divided into three parts. The first part of the work contains 197...
SOLOMON BEN ABRAHAM BEN SAMUEL – French Talmudist of the first half of the thirteenth century. He was rabbi at Montpellier, and leader of the movement against Maimonides. When Ibn Tibbon's translation of the "Moreh Nebukim" became known in southern France, it...
SOLOMON COHEN OF LISSA – See Cohen, Solomon ben Eliezer Lipmann of Lissa.
SOLOMON, EDWARD – English musician and composer; born in London 1856; died there Jan. 22, 1895. Solomon, who was largely a self-taught musician, gained considerable reputation as a composer of light opera; he possessed the gift of creating...
SOLOMON, EDWARD S – American soldier and jurist; born at Sleswick, Sleswick-Holstein, Dec. 25, 1836. On completing his education at the high school of his native town he emigrated to the United States and settled in Chicago, where he was elected...
SOLOMON THE EGYPTIAN – Physician in ordinary to the Byzantine emperor Emanuel Comnenus; lived at Constantinople in the second half of the twelfth century. According to Benjamin of Tudela, who visited that city in 1176, Solomon was highly esteemed by...
SOLOMON BEN ELIEZER HA-LEVI – Turkish Talmudist of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries; brother of Abraham b. Eliezer ha-Levi, who quotes him in his "Ma'amar ha-Yiḥud." Solomon was the author of "Moreh Ẓedeḳ," or "'Abodat ha-Lewi" (published perhaps at...
SOLOMON BEN ELIJAH SHARBIṬ HA-ZAHAB – Oriental astronomer, poet, and grammarian; lived at Salonica and later at Ephesus, in the second half of the fourteenth century. Steinschneider supposes that the name "Sharbiṭ ha-Zahab" is the Hebrew equivalent of the Greek name...
SOLOMON BEN ENOCH AL-ḲUSṬANṬINI – Spanish exegete of the first half of the fourteenth century. Grätz believes that Solomon belonged to the Al-Ḳusṭanṭini family of Saragossa, several members of which took a prominent part in the controversy over Maimonides'...
SOLOMON THE EXILARCH – 1. Eldest son of the exilarch Ḥasdai; ruled from 730 to 761. In consequence of a dearth of teachers, he found it necessary to install as head of the Academy of Sura a scholar from Pumbedita, though this was contrary to...
SOLOMON, HENRY NAPHTALI – English Hebraist and educationist; born in London 1796; died there Nov. 12, 1881. He was a son of R. Moses Eliezer Solomon, who kept a school at Brixton, where Henry Solomon received his education. Solomon was head master of the...
SOLOMON BEN ISAAC OF ORLEANS – French tosafist of the twelfth century; elder colleague of the tosafist Joseph ben Isaac of Orleans, together with whom he signed responsa ("Sefer ha-Yashar," pp.70-71, Vienna, 1810). Eliezer ben Joel ha-Levi, who quotes a...
SOLOMON BEN JEROHAM – Karaite exegete and controversialist; flourished at Jerusalem between 940 and 960. He was considered one of the greatest authorities among the Karaites, by whom he is called "the Wise" ("ha-Hakam"), and who mention him after...
SOLOMON BEN JOSEPH – French liturgist of Avallon; lived apparently in the thirteenth century. He composed the following piyyuṭim: "Abbi'ah Pil'i," a "yoẓer" for Purim; "Abbi'ah miḳreh," a "seliḥah" commemorating the massacre of Anjou in 1236, and...
SOLOMON BEN JOSEPH IBN AYYUB OF GRANADA – Spanish physician; lived at Béziers in the middle of the thirteenth century. He translated into Hebrew from the Arabic, at the request of some notables of Béziers, the following works; the "Sefer ha-Miẓwot" of Maimonides...
SOLOMON BEN JUDAH HA-BABLI – Liturgist of the tenth century. In spite of the epithet "ha-Babli," given him by Rashi (commentary on Ex. xxvi. 15; "Ha-Pardes," p. 43d) and others, he was not a native of any Mohammedan country. Rapoport ("Teshubot ha-Geonim,"...
SOLOMON BEN JUDAH OF CHÂTEAULANDON – French Talmudist of the end of the thirteenth century. He carried on a learned discussion with Samson of Chinon and Eliezer ben Joseph of Chinon regarding a document that had been antedated—a question which was laid before...
SOLOMON BEN JUDAH OF DREUX – French tosafist and Bible commentator of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. He was a disciple of Isaac ben Samuel the Elder of Dampierre, and presided over the school of Dreux during the first quarter of the thirteenth...