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TARRASCH, SIEGBERT – German physician and chess-master; born at Breslau March 5, 1862; studied medicine at the universities of Berlin, Halle, and Nuremberg, in which last-named city he engaged in practise as a physician. Tarrasch has been one of the...
TARREGA – City of Catalonia. Jews were among its inhabitants when the counts of Barcelona took Catalonia from the Moors. They enjoyed certain privileges, which were confirmed in 1332 and later. At the special request of the king the...
TARSHISH – In the genealogical table of the Noachidæ, Tarshish is given as the second son of Javan and is followed by Kittim and Dodanim (Gen. x. 4; I Chron. i. 7). As with all these names, Tarshish denotes a country; in several instances,...
TARSUS – Turkish town in the vilayet of Adana, 12 miles from the Mediterranean, on the River Cydnus. During the Roman period it was the capital of Cilicia. It was important on account of its commerce and its textile products, and was...
TARTAK – Deity mentioned but once in the Bible (II Kings xvii. 31). His name occurs together with that of Nibhaz or Nibhan, who was a divinity of the Avites, a tribe colonized by Sargon on Israelitish soil. In the Babylonian Talmud...
TARTAN – Title of an Assyrian official; twice mentioned in the Bible. A tartan, accompanied by a "rabsaris" and a "rab-shakeh," was sent to Jerusalem by Sennacherib to command Hezekiah to surrender the city (II Kings xviii. 17); and...
TARTAS, DAVID – See Castro Tartas, David b. Abraham.
TARTAS, ISAAC DE CASTRO – See Castro Tartas, Isaac.
TARYAG MIẒWOT – See Commandments, The 613.
TASHLIK – Propitiatory rite, the name of which is derived from the passage (Micah vii. 18-20) recited at the ceremony. In illustration of the sentence "Thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea," it is customary to...
TATNAI – Governor of Cœle-Syria under Darius Hystaspes (Ezra v. 3). He was one of those who tried to prevent Zerubbabel and Jeshua from continuing the building of the Temple, and who sent to Darius asking that search be made in the royal...
TAUBE, DIE – See Periodicals.
TAUBER-BISCHOFSHEIM – See Bischofsheim-on-the-Tauber.
TAUBES, AARON MOSES B. JACOB – Rumanian rabbi and author; born in Lemberg 1787; died in Jassy 1852. He became rabbi of Sniatyn and its districts in 1820, and in 1841 was appointed rabbi of Jassy, where he remained until his death. His works are: (1) "To'afot...
TAUSIG, CARL – Polish pianist and composer; born at Warsaw [Nov. 4, 1841; died at Leipsic July 17, 1871. He received his early musical education from his father, Aloys T. Tausig (1820-85), who was a pupil of Thalberg and a composer of...
TAUSSIG, EDWARD DAVID – American naval officer; born at St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 20, 1847. Educated at the public schools of his native city, he entered the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis in 1863, graduating in 1867, since which date he has been...
TAUWITZ, EDUARD – German composer; born Jan. 21, 1812, at Glatz; died July 26, 1894, at Prague. While studying law at the University of Breslau he devoted himself to music under the direction of Wolf and Mosovius. At the same time he took charge...
TAW – The twenty-second letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Its name is connected with "taw" = "sign" ( see Alphabet). "Taw" has a twofold pronunciation: (1) a soft, lisping sound uttered with a gentle expiration, like the Greek "theta"...
TAWUS, JACOB B. JOSEPH – Persian translator of the Bible; flourished in the sixteenth century. The polyglot Pentateuch printed at Constantinople in 1546 included a Persian translation in Hebrew characters, in addition to the Targum of Onḳelos and the...
ṬAWWAH, ABRAHAM BEN JACOB IBN – Algerian Talmudist; flourished at Algiers in the sixteenth century. On his mother's side he was a grandson of Solomon b. Simeon Duran, and therefore a descendant of Naḥmanides and a great grandson of Simeon b. Ẓemaḥ Duran I., to...
TAX-GATHERERS – In Palestine Under Egyptian Rule. During the Egyptian government of Palestine the taxes of each city were annually leased to the highest bidder (Josephus, "Ant." xii. 4, § 3). The lessee paid into the royal treasury a fixed...
TAXATION – Biblical Data: The Bible gives scant information concerning the secular or political taxes of the Jews. Practically all that can be gathered is the following: Just as Abraham (Gen. xiv. 20) voluntarily gave a tenth "of all"...
TAXO – The mysterious name of "the man of the tribe of Levi" who, under a Roman governor in the time of Herod, according to the Assumptio Mosis, ix. 1-7, underwent martyrdom with his seven sons amidst the cruel persecution of the...
TAYLOR, CHARLES – English Christian Hebraist; born in London 1840; educated at King's College, London, and St. John's College, Cambridge, of which he is now master. In 1874 he published an edition of "Coheleth"; in 1877 "Sayings of the Jewish...