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TENT – The usual home of nomads, who are accordingly described as dwelling in tents (Gen. iv. 20). As distinguished from the hut of boughs ("sukkah") it is a portable habitation of skin or cloth stretched over poles. The tent of the...
TE'OMIM, HEZEKIAH (FEIWEL) BEN JONAH – Rabbi at Przemysl; lived in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. He was the author of "Teḳa' be-Shofar" (Breslau, 1719), containing documents concerning the litigation between the author and the community of Przemysl,...
TE'OMIM, JONAH BEN ISAIAH – Bohemian rabbi at Prague; died at Metz April 16, 1669. After having exercised the function of rabbi at Nikolsburg and in several other Bohemian communities he was called in 1660 to the rabbinate of Metz. In 1666 he was appointed...
TE' OMIM, JONAH (ḤAYYIM) BEN JOSHUA FEIWEL – Rabbi successively at Przemysl, Zülz, and Breslau; lived in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries; son-in-law of David Oppenheim, rabbi of Prague, and later of Hirsch ben Benjamin, rabbi of Berlin. He was the author of:...
TE'OMIM, JOSEPH BEN MEÏR – Galician rabbi; born at Lemberg in 1727; died at Frankfort-on-the-Oder in 1793. While still young he succeeded his father in the position of preacher and rabbinical instructor in the yeshibah of Lemberg. Later he went to Berlin,...
TE'OMIM, JOSHUA FEIWEL BEN JONAH – Rabbi at Przemysl in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. He was the author of "Panim Masbirot," a polemical work directed against Meïr ben Isaac Eisenstadt (1715).Bibliography: Steinschneider. Cat. Bodl. col. 1564.E. C. I....
TE'OMIM (ARYEH JUDAH), LÖB BEN MOSES – Rabbi and scholar of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries; lived in Pinczow, and later in Plotzk. He was the author of the following works: "Ya'alat Ḥen" (Zolkiev, 1802), sermons on different parashiyyot; "Geṭ Meḳushshar"...
TE'OMIM, MEÏR BEN SAMEUL – Polish Talmudist of the eighteenth century; died July, 10, 1773. Meïr was a grandson of Joseph Te'omim, and was a preacher in Lemberg. He wrote: "Nofet Ẓufim" (included in his son Joseph Te'omim's "Rab Peninim";...
TE'OMIM-FRÄNKEL, BARUCH BEN DAVID – Rabbi at Wisnicz, Austrian Galicia, and at Leipnik, Moravia, during the first half of the nineteenth century; grandson of Aryeh Löb ben Joshua Feiwel Te'omim. He was famous as a Talmudist, and was the author of "Baruk Ṭa'am"...
TEPLITZ – Town in northern Bohemia, about 46 miles northwest of Prague. The earliest documentary evidence of the presence of Jews there is dated 1414; but the earliest Jewish source referring to them belongs to the end of the sixteenth...
TERAH – Father of Abraham, Nahor, and Haran (Gen. xi. 26). His original home was Ur of the Chaldees; but later he emigrated with his sons to Haran, where he died (Gen. xi. 32). According to Joshua's remarks at the assembly of the...
TERAPHIM – Plural word of unknown derivation used in the Old Testament to denote the primitive Semitic house-gods whose cult had been handed down to historical times from the earlier period of nomadic wanderings. The translation of the...
TEREBINTH – See Oak and Terebinth.
ṬEREFAH – Term signifying originally the flesh of a clean animal that had been torn or mortally wounded by beasts of prey, and had been rendered thereby unfit for food. In rabbinical literature the word came to be applied to the flesh of...
TERNI, DANIEL BEN MOSES DAVID – Italian rabbi, poet, and Biblical commentator of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries; a native of Ancona. After having taught for some time at Lugo, he was called to the rabbinate of Florence. He was the author of the...
TERNI, MATTATHIAH NISSIM BEN JACOB ISRAEL – Italian rabbi and poet; flourished in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. He was rabbi at Florence, Urbino, Pesaro, and Sinigaglia. He wrote: "Sefat Emet," halakic decisions (Leghorn, 1797); "Midbar ba-'Arabah," on the...
TERONGI, RAPHAEL BENITO – Martyr. He, his teacher Raphael Valls, and his sister Catalina Terongi were together publicly burned as "Judios impenitentes" at the auto da fé held in Palma, Majorca, May 6, 1691. As soon as the victims beheld the flames they...
TERQUEM, OLRY – French mathematician; born at Metz June 16, 1782; died at Paris May 6, 1862. In 1801 he began his studies at the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, where he became assistant professor in mathematics in 1803. In the following year,...
TERRACINO – Italian rabbinical family, of which the following members are known:David Mordecai Terracino: Rabbi at Asti in the nineteenth century.Hezekiah Terracino: Italian scholar of the seventeenth century; flourished in Lugo, where he...
TERU'AH – See Shofar.
TERUEL – City of Aragon. In the Middle Ages it possessed a prominent Jewish community, which enjoyed several privileges, and which paid in the fourteenth century a yearly tax of 300 sueldos. Its members were engaged in commerce and...
TERUMOT – Treatise in the Mishnah, Tosefta, and Palestinian Talmud. There were two kinds of heave-offerings or gifts to the priest: one was theregular heave-offering, known also as the "great heave-offering" ("terumah gedolah"), which the...
TESTAMENT – See Wills.
TESTAMENTS OF THE TWELVE PATRIARCHS – Title of twelve connected documents which purport to record the last words and exhortations of the twelve sons of Jacob. They also bear in several of the manuscripts subtitles indicating the virtues inculcated or the vices...