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TREBITSCH, ABRAHAM BEN REUBEN ḤAYYAṬ – Austrian scholar; born at Trebitsch, Moravia, about 1760; died at Nikolsburg in the first half of the nineteenth century. He attended the yeshibah of Löb Fischels at Prague in 1775 ("Ḳorot ha-'Ittim," p. 24a), and then settled...
TREBITSCH, NEHEMIAH (MENAHEM NAHUM) – Austrian rabbi; born at Prague Aug. 14, 1779; died there July 4, 1842. He was a son of Selig Trebitsch, ḥazzan at the Altneuschule, and he received a thorough Talmudical training at the yeshibah of Jacob Günsberg. Upon the...
TREE OF LIFE – Biblical Data: According to Gen. ii. 9, there stood in the midst of the Garden of Eden a "tree of life," apparently by the side of the "tree of knowledge of good and evil." Although Gen. iii. 3 seems to presuppose but one tree...
TREE-WORSHIP – Trees have been objects of worship in all parts of the world (comp. Mannhardt, "Wald- und Feldkulte," Berlin, 1875). They were worshiped among the Semites (comp. Wellhausen, "Reste Arab. Heidentums," 2d ed., 1897, pp. 101 et...
TREES, LAWS CONCERNING – Cutting down fruit-bearing and useful trees is forbidden by the Mosaic law. In time of war the fruit-trees about a besieged city may not be injured or used to build defenses; for war is waged against foes, and not against the...
TREMELLIUS, JOHN IMMANUEL – Italian Hebraist; born at Ferrara 1510; died at Sedan Oct. 9, 1580. He was educated at the University of Padua. He was converted about 1540 to the Catholic faith through Cardinal Pole, but embraced Protestantism in the following...
TRENEL, ISAAC – French rabbi; born at Metz Dec. 28, 1822; died at Paris in 1890. He studied at Marmoutier under his uncle Jacob Haguenauer, a famous Talmudist, and later at Merzig, Prussia, under the Talmudist Moïse Lévy, known also as R. Mochè...
TRENT – Oldest city of the Tyrol; a sovereign bishopric from 1027 to 1803. During the first half of the fourteenth century a small number of Jews, probably from Italy, settled in the episcopal city. During the first decades their...
TRESPASS – Injury done directly, in most cases purposely, to the person or property of another. Trespass on the person has been discussed under the head of Assault and Battery: it remains to speak of the Talmudic law of trespass on...
TREUENBURG, JACOB – See Bassevi, Jacob; Coat of Arms.
TREVES – City of Rhenish Prussia, formerly an electorate comprising upper and lower bishoprics with Treves and Coblenz as capitals (see Jew. Encyc. iv. 133). In all probability Jews lived in the city in the early centuries of the common...
TREVES – Family which derived its name from the Prussian city of Treves, famous for its prominentmen. No other family can boast such a continuous line of scholars as this one, branches of which have been known under the names Treves,...
TRÉVOUX – Principal town of the arrondissement of the same name in the department of Ain, France. Henry of Villars, Archbishop of Lyons and seignior of Trévoux, stipulated in the charter which he gave to the latter town in 1300 that no...
TRIAL – See Procedure in Civil Causes.
TRIBES, LOST TEN – According to the Bible, Tiglath-pileser (II Kings xv. 29) or Shalmaneser (ib. xvii. 6, xviii. 11), after the defeat of Israel, transported the majority of the inhabitants of the Northern Kingdom to Assyria, and placed them in...
TRIBES, THE TWELVE – The Lists. The individual tribes having been treated under their respective captions, it is proposed to discuss in the present article the theories concerning the nature, number, and origin of the tribes of Israel. The...
TRIENNIAL CYCLE – A cycle of three years, in the course of which the whole Law is read on Sabbaths and festivals. This was the practise in Palestine, whereas in Babylonia the entire Pentateuch was read in the synagogue in the course of a single...
TRIER, ERNST JOHANNES – Danish educator; born in Copenhagen Jan. 23, 1837; died at Vallekilde Dec. 29, 1893. He was graduated from the University of Copenhagen (B.D. 1863), officiated for some time as teacher at Blaagaards Seminary, and took part in...
TRIER, FREDERIK JACOB – Danish physician; born in Copenhagen June 14, 1831; died there May 17, 1898. He studied at the Metropolitan School and at the University of Copenhagen (M. D. 1860). In the following year he published several clinical essays (of...
TRIER, HERMAN – Danish educator, writer, and politician; born in Copenhagen May 10, 1845. He received his early education at the Von Westenske Institut, later attending the University of Copenhagen, where he studied jurisprudence for a few...
TRIER, SALOMON MEYER – Danish pharmacist; born in Copenhagen in 1804; died there in Dec., 1888. He was graduated from the Copenhagen College of Pharmacy in 1826, and was from 1830 to 1856 the owner of a pharmacy in Lyngby, Zealand. From 1844 to 1866...
TRIER, SELIGMANN MEYER – Danish physician; born in Copenhagen June 7, 1800; died there Dec. 20, 1863. He was the son of poor parents, who destined him for a mercantile career. His unusual brightness, however, attracted the attention of the family's...
TRIESCH – City in Moravia. Its Jewish congregation was most probably founded by exiles from Iglau shortly after 1426. In the latter city the Jews of Triesch transacted their business during the day, spending the night beyond the city...