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WISMAR – See Mecklenburg.
WISSOTZKY, KALONYMOS ZEEB WOLF – The Wissotzky Fund. Russian philanthropist; born in Zhagory, government of Kovno, July 8, 1824; died at Moscow May 24, 1904. Wissotzky, whose father was a merchant of moderate means, received the usual Jewish education. He...
WITCHCRAFT – Witchcraft" and "sorcery" are the terms used in the Bible to designate the practise of the arts of divination, which were tabooed by orthodox religious sentiment. As this orthodox sentiment was not a constant quantity, practises...
WITEBSK – See Vitebsk.
WITNESS – See Evidence.
WITTELSHöFER, LEOPOLD – Austrian physician; born at Nagy-Kanizsa, Hungary, July 14, 1818; died at Vienna Jan. 8, 1889; educated at the University of Vienna (M.D. 1841). After practising medicine for ten years in Raab, Hungary, he moved to Vienna (1851)...
WITTMANN, FRANZ – Hungarian electrician and physicist; born at Hod-Mezö-Vasarhely Jan. 16, 1860. He was educated at the university of Budapest, and continued his studies in Vienna, Berlin, Paris, Frankfort-on-the-Main, Darmstadt, and Hanover. In...
WODIANER, PHILIP – Hungarian communal worker; flourished in Szegedin during the latter part of the eighteenth and the beginning of the nineteenth century. He was president of the Jewish community there from 1793 to 1809, and presented the...
WOGUE, JULES – French author; son of Lazare Wogue; born in Paris Dec. 4, 1863; educated at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in his native city ("agrégé ès lettres," 1885). After successive professorships at the lyceums of Saint Quentin and Reims,...
WOGUE, LAZARE ELIEZER – French rabbi; born at Fontainebleau, Seine-et-Marne, July 22, 1817; died at Paris April 14, 1897; educated at the Lycée Charlemagne at Paris, and at the Collège Royal and the Ecole Centrale Rabbinique at Metz. Receiving his...
WOHLLERNER, JETTY – Galician Hebrew writer; born at Lemberg in 1813; died there in 1891. When a little girl of eight, Jetty, after having passed her examination in primary instruction, was taken by her father, Michael Kehlmann, into his office as...
WOLF – The wolf (Canis lupus) is still found in Palestine, where the animals prowl in pairs or droves about sheepfolds at night. As a type of boldness, ferocity, and bloodthirstiness, it is mentioned in Gen. xlix. 27; Isa. xi. 6, lxv....
WOLF, AARON BENJAMIN – See Aaron b. Benjamin Wolf.
WOLF, ABRAHAM NATHAN – German scholar; born at Dessau in 1751; died there in 1784. On account of his liberal views he was highly esteemed by Moses Mendelssohn, but when he endeavored to harmonize the usual Jewish system of training with modern...
WOLF, ADOLPH GRANT – American jurist; born at Washington, D. C., Jan. 11, 1869; educated at Johns Hopkins University (A.B. 1890) and at the George Washington (formerly Columbian) University of Washington, D. C. (LL.B. 1892; LL.M. 1893). He was...
WOLF, EMMA – American authoress; born June 15, 1865, in San Francisco, Cal., to which city her parents had migrated from France, and where she received her education. In addition to several short stories, which appeared in various American...
WOLF, GEORGE GARCIA – South-African merchant, and member of the Cape Parliament; born at Great Yarmouth 1838; died in London March 18, 1899. He commenced business as an apprentice in Manchester, but soon emigrated to Montreal, where he became a...
WOLF, GERSON – Austrian historian and educator; born at Holleschau, Moravia, July 16, 1823; died in Vienna Oct. 29, 1892. He began the study of Hebrew at a very early age, and later received instruction in German and in Latin from Dr. Egenter,...
WOLF, HIRSCH W. – German physician; born at Lobsens, Posen, 1738; died at Hamburg April 14, 1820; studied at the University of Giessen (M.D. 1779). After practising for some time in Altona, he removed to Hamburg, where from 1786 to 1788 he acted...
WOLF, JOHANN CHRISTOPH – Christian Hebraist and polyhistor; born at Wernigerode Feb. 21, 1683; died at Hamburg July 25, 1739. He studied at Wittenberg, and traveled in Holland and England in the interest of science, coming in contact with Vitringa,...
WOLF BEN JOSEPH OF DESSAU – German scholar and author; born at Dessau in 1762; died there March 16, 1826. Left an orphan at an early age, he was educated by his father-in-law, Reb Gumpel; and in 1775 he lived with his uncle, Jacob Benscher, at Berlin,...
WOLF, LUCIEN – English journalist and Anglo-Jewish historian; born in London Jan. 20, 1857. He began his journalistic career at a very early age on "The Jewish World," which he joined in 1874, and was principal leader-writer for that journal...
WOLF, MAX – Austrian composer; born at Weisskirchen, Moravia, Feb., 1840; died in Vienna March 23, 1886. His father, a wealthy business man, desired him to pursue a commercial career, but Max early evinced a marked inclination for music. He...