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ZABARA, JOSEPH – See Joseph Zabara.
ZABDAI BEN LEVI – Palestinian amora of the first generation (third century). He belonged to the scholarly group of which Hoshaiah Rabbah was the chief (Yer. Dem. vii. 26a), and his halakot were transmitted by R. Johanan (Zeb. 28b; Ker. 5a)....
ZABIM – Ninth tractate in the Mishnah and Tosefta of the sixth Talmudic order Ṭohorot. It deals with the uncleanness caused by discharges from either man or woman, the regulations concerning which form the subject of Lev. xv. According...
ZABLUDOWSKI, ISRAEL (ISIDOR) – Russian physician; born at Byelostok, in the government of Grodno, July 30, 1850. At the age of twelve he wrote a Hebrew novel entitled "Ha-Yaldut we-ha-Shaḥarut" (Wilna, 1863). In 1869 he was admitted to the military academy of...
ZABLUDOWSKI, JEHIEL MICHAEL BEN ḤAYYIM – Russian Hebrew scholar and author; born at Byelostok, government of Grodno, in 1803; died there Nov. 14, 1869. He devoted himself especially to the study of the Haggadah; and in addition to a long series of exegetical notes...
ZACHARIAH OF KIEV – See Judaizing Heresy.
ZACUTO, ABRAHAM BEN SAMUEL – His "Yuḥasin." Spanish astronomer mathematician, and historian; born at Salamanca about 1450; died in Turkey after 1510. An astronomer of wide-spread reputation, he was appointed professor at the university of his native city,...
ZACUTO, MOSES BEN MORDECAI – Cabalistic writer and poet; born about 1625; died at Mantua Oct. 1, 1697. It is generally supposed that his birthplace was Amsterdam, although, like the Amsterdam rabbi Saul Levi Mortheira, he probably lived in Venice, the...
ẒADDIḲ – See Ḥasidim.
ẒADDUḲIM – See Sadducees.
ZADOK – 1. A priest, perhaps the high priest during the reign of David. He was the son of Ahitub (II Sam. viii. 17), but the attempt to trace his genealogy back to Eleazar, the third son of Aaron, as opposed to Abiathar, his...
ZADOK GAON – Gaon of Sura from 820 to 821. On the basis of a responsum quoted in the "Sha'are Ẓedeḳ" (iv. 311, No. 2), Weiss refers to him as follows in his "Dor": "If a case was brought before him and he found the defendant guilty, but was...
ZADOK 'IMANI – African liturgical poet, who wrote the following eight poems that are found in the Tripolitan Maḥzor: (1) "El hekal ḳodsho"; (2) "Le-bet el banu"; (3) "La-Adonai et yom ha-shebi'i berak"; (4) "Meḥolel kol be-ḳaw yashar"; (5)...
ZAG – See Benveniste, Isaac; Malea, Meïr de; Isaac ibn Sid; Alfonsine Tables.
ẒAHALON – A family of Spanish origin; represented by members who, after the exile from Spain, settled in Italy and the Orient, where they distinguished themselves as rabbis and scholars.Abraham ben Isaac Ẓahalon: Talmudist and cabalist of...
ZAKKAI – 1. Palestinian tanna of the second century; contemporary of Judah ha-Nasi I. and apparently a pupil of Simeon b. Yoḥai. He is mentioned as having transmitted a halakah of R. Jacob and one of Simeon b. Yoḥai (Tosef., Yad. ii. 9;...
ZALINSKI, EDMUND LOUIS GRAY – American soldier and inventor; born at Kurnich, Prussian Poland, Dec. 13, 1849. In 1853 his parents emigrated to the United States and settled in Seneca Falls, N. Y. He was educated at the public school there and at the Syracuse...
ZALINSKI, MOSES G. – American soldier; born in New York city Jan. 23, 1863; educated in the public schools. He joined the regular army as a private in 1885, and was appointed second lieutenant, Second Artillery, in 1889. Graduating from the...