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ZIMRAT HA-AREẒ – See Periodicals.
ZIMRI – 1. Son of Zerah and grandson of Judah (I Chron. ii. 6), identical with Zabdi (Jos. vii. 1).2. Son of Salu, a prince of the Simeonites. In the wilderness the Israelites were smitten at Shittim for worshiping Baal-peor, and while...
ZIN – Frontier post of Judah on the south, mentioned in the description (Num. xxxiv. 4; Josh. xv. 3) of the frontier between the "ascent of Akrabbim" and Kadesh-barnea. The desert of Zin derived its name from this place. Kadesh-barnea...
ZINC – See Brass.
ZION – See Jerusalem.
ZION – See Periodicals.
ZIONIDES – The songs of Zion, i.e., the lyrical hymns which express the longing of the Jewish nation to see the hill of Zion and the city of Jerusalem shine again in all their former glory, date back to the time immediately after the...
ZIONISM – Movement looking toward the segregation of the Jewish people upon a national basis and in a particular home of its own; specifically, the modern form of the movement that seeks for the Jews "a publicly and legally assured home...
ZIONIST, DER – See Periodicals.
ZIPPOR – Father of Balak, King of Moab, who hired Balaam to curse Israel. All the passages which mention Zippor name him together with his son Balak (Num. xxii. 2, 4, 10, 16; xxiii. 18; Josh. xxiv. 9; Judges xi. 25). An allusion to him...
ZIPPORAH – Biblical Data: Daughter of Jethro and wife of Moses. According to the Bible,Moses met the daughters of Jethro when they were being driven away from a well by shepherds; he assisted them, and was invited into the house of Jethro,...
ZIPSER, MAIER – Hungarian rabbi; born at Balassa-Gyarmath Aug. 14, 1815; died at Rechnitz Dec. 10, 1869. He studied in various yeshibot, among his teachers being Wolf Boskowitz and Maier Eisenstadt; and he acquired a secular education partly...
ZIRNDORF, HEINRICH – German poet and rabbinical scholar; born at Fürth, Bavaria, May 7, 1829; died at Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec. 17, 1893; educated privately. His parents intended him for a commercial career, and for a short time he was employed as a...
ẒIẒIT – See Fringes.
ZNAIM – City in the Austrian province of Moravia. Jews probably settled there during the twelfth century; for in a document of Ottocar I. dated 1225 a Jews' street in Znaim is mentioned. During the Armleder Persecutions in 1338 and the...
ZOAN – An important Egyptian city of great antiquity, almost as old as Hebron (Num. xiii. 22). The "princes of Zoan" are ranked in Isa. xix. 11, 13 with those of Noph (Memphis), and the city itself is mentioned in Ezek. xxx. 14...
ZODIAC – An imaginary zone of the heavens containing the twelve signs within which lie the paths of the principal planets, and through which the sun passes in its annual course. The signs, mostly representing symbols of animals, extend...