The Signature Authority reports (view only) list the names of people who currently have the authority to sign financial transaction documents for the Department's DeptIDs. This includes but is not limited to: PAR forms, Human Resources transaction documents for personnel, purchase documents, vendor invoices, travel reimbursements, other payment documents, Agency Transaction Vouchers (ATV), and Student and Wage Employee Time Sheets.

The Signature Authorization Form is required to document approved signers for all active DeptIDs. The form is available online.  A sample form is also available for your review. Any questions regarding completing the form or the information in the Signature Authority reports posted online should be addressed to Pam Crowe at 8-6433, or [email protected].

NOTE: In some PeopleSoft applications, Org Code is referred to as DeptID.  DeptID and Org Code are one and the same. However, with new PeopleSoft upgrades, the use of "Org Code" is phased out and replaced with "DeptID."


Send the completed form to the Finance Office, MSC 5719, in Massanutten Hall, Room 331, or fax to x83346.

Name of the Division Select one.
Division Head Select one.
Name of the College or the AVP Area Enter the name of your college or AVP area (example - College of Arts & Letters, Business Services, etc.). If the DeptID is assigned directly to the Division, you will not need to complete this section.
Name of the Dean or AVP Enter the name of your Dean or AVP. If the DeptID is assigned directly to the Division, you will not need to complete this section.
Name of the Department Enter the name of your department. If the DeptID is assigned directly to either the Division or the Dean/AVP, you will not need to complete this section.
Name of the Director or Department Head Enter the name of your Director or Department Head. If the DeptID is assigned directly to either the Division or the Dean/AVP, you will not need to complete this section.
Fiscal Contact Name Enter the name of the Fiscal Contact for this DeptID. The person designated as Fiscal Contact would answer general questions regarding the DeptID.
Fiscal Contact Phone Enter the Fiscal Contact's phone number.
Fiscal Contact MSC Enter the Fiscal Contact's mail stop code (MSC).
DeptID Enter the six-digit DeptID for which signature authorities are being changed.
DeptID Name Enter the official name of the DeptID for which signature authorities are being changed.
P.I. of DeptID – for Grants Only For grants only, to change P.I. contact Sponsored Programs.
Travel Approver Enter the name of the Travel Approver for this DeptID.  The person designated as Travel Approver will be part of the approval workflow in ChromeRiver when a travel or individual reimbursement is allocated to the Department.
Travel Reviewer - for Academic Affairs Only Enter the name of the Travel Reviewer for this DeptID.  The person designated as Travel Reviewer will be part of the approval workflow in ChromeRiver when a travel or individual reimbursement is allocated to the Department.
Action To add a new authorized signer, choose "Add Signer." To change a current authorized signer, choose "Change Signer." To delete an authorized signer, choose "Delete Signer."
Names of Authorized Signers Type the name(s) of employee(s) you are adding, changing, or deleting as authorized to sign financial transaction documents for this DeptID.
PeopleSoft Employee ID Number Enter each authorized signer's PeopleSoft ID number. This is the number found on the employee's payroll advice and JAC card.
DeptID Enter the six-digit DeptID – same as entered in top portion of form.
Authorization Areas - (Time Sheets, Expenditures, PAR/Personnel, Budget) When adding or changing authorization areas for a signer, be sure to indicate ALL areas of authorization that will apply for that signer. When making a change to a current signer, the new line of information will supersede all previously submitted information for that signer. When deleting a signer, choose " Delete Signer " and all authorizations will be deleted.
For Time Sheets – choose either " Entry and Approval " or " Entry Only. " If no signature authority for time sheets is being given, choose "No Authority."
For Expenditures, PAR/Personnel, and Budget – Insert an " X " in each category for which the signer will be authorized to sign.
Approving Authority Signature The President, Vice President, Assistant Vice President, Dean, Asst/Assoc Dean, Director, or Department Head, who is the Approving Authority for this DeptID must sign.
Approving Authority Name Type name of Approving Authority.
Title Enter the title of the Approving Authority.
Effective Date Enter the date changes are to go into effect

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