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Journals Library

Frequently Asked Questions

Commonly asked questions relating to the NIHR Journals Library can be found below.


Active research projects

 Authors of Journals Library reports

 For more specific guidance, please see the Information for Authors

Do I need a subscription to access NIHR Journals Library reports?

No, all journals within the NIHR Journals Library are free to access, view and download. We also offer the opportunity to purchase print-on-demand hard copies.

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How can I find the latest issues published in one of the journals?

You will be able to see the most recent publications across the journals on the 'Latest Publications' tab on the home page. Alternatively select Journals from the menu at the top of the page. You can then select one of the five journals, which will take you to the relevant journal landing page. Under the 'Current Volume' tab you will see the latest reports published in that journal. 

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Where can I find out more about NIHR funding?

Visit the NIHR website for information about funding opportunities and to find out more about the NIHR.

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I am part of a project team in receipt of NIHR funding. Do I have to publish a report?

Yes, each project funded by the NIHR is obligated to write a comprehensive final report. The NIHR Journals Library makes every effort to publish all project findings, subject to peer review.

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Where can I find my research project information?

Information for all research projects are now hosted on the Funding and Awards website.  You can find your project using the search bar at the top of each page on the Funding and Awards website to enter your project number or title.

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What does the 50,000 word count limit include?

As of 1st January 2017, the main body of all submitted reports (excluding PGfAR reports) must not exceed 50,000 words. This limit includes all text, tables, figures and boxes within the main body of the report. Please note that your report will not proceed to peer review if it is over this limit.

The limit does NOT include the abstract, scientific summary and plain English summary (which continue to have their own individual word limits). It also excludes the table of contents, references, appendices or other supplementary material. 

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Are the suggested limits of 25 figures and 25 tables per report mandatory?

You should be thoughtful about the number of tables and figures they include, however the limits are provided for guidance and we will accept reports with a higher number. It is up to the editors’ discretion how many tables and figures they feel are necessary in each report and they will advise authors if they need to reduce (or even increase) the number included.

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How should I submit my report and any supplementary documents for my project webpage?

You should submit your report using the NETSCC MIS in the normal way (see the Information for Authors for guidance). The main body of the report and appendices should be submitted as one document as usual. However, if you are submitting supplementary material for the project webpage this should be submitted as the upload type ‘Additional Editorial Documentation’.

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Can the editors of the NIHR Journals Library change my work?

They can. In common with all journal editors, the editors of the NIHR Journals Library reserve the right to amend, correct and edit your final report. However, this will always be done in collaboration with you as report author.

Whilst the NIHR Journals Library will be published with copyright assigned to the Crown, you will retain Moral Rights (under Chapter IV of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1998). Essentially these are:

  • the right to be identified as author;
  • the right to object to derogatory treatment of a work;
  • the right not to have a work falsely attributed to an author; and
  • the right to privacy of photographs and films.

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Can I submit papers to other journals as well as producing an NIHR Journals Library report? 

Yes, we encourage the dissemination of your research in other peer reviewed journals as well as your Journals Library report. 

If you submit papers to other journals it is essential that any copyright agreement you sign is in the form of a non-exclusive agreement in line with the terms of your contract. You should not duplicate large amounts of the work you submit to the Journals Library.  Most journals have suitable non-exclusive licences for government-funded research. If you have, in error, signed an exclusive copyright agreement with a publisher, it is your responsibility to alert the publisher as soon as possible.  If you require any assistance in this matter, please email [email protected].

Please remember to notify your funding programme of any related publications as soon as reasonably practicable and a minimum of three working days prior to any journalist outreach.  Please also remember to acknowledge your funding programme as the funder in your article.  Suggested wording is available from the Funding acknowledgements and disclaimers section of the Information for Authors.

For further information, please see the Dual Publication section of the Information for Authors.

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I am submitting an article related to my project to an Open Access journal. Can I apply for additional funding to cover APC charges?

NIHR expects that article processing charges (APCs) will be covered by the funding award. In due course if an article is accepted for publication and there are insufficient funds to cover an APC you should contact the Monitoring Programme Manager during monitoring phase and Publishing Manager ([email protected]) post submission of your final report to request additional funding. This will be considered on an individual case basis in line with DHSC/NIHR policy on Open Access publishing.

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Can I include something from someone else’s publication in my report for the NIHR Journals Library?

Yes, but as author, it is your responsibility to apply for and fund all media copyright permission from the journal. If you require further information on gaining permissions, please refer to the Permissions section of the Information for Authors.

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Can the text of my Journals Library report be reproduced by another journal?

Yes. Extracts (or the full report) may be included in journals provided that suitable acknowledgement is made and the reproduction is not associated with any form of advertising. Applications for commercial reproduction would have to be addressed to the NIHR Journals Library editorial office.

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Can I put a copy of our NIHR Journals Library publication on our own web page?

We are happy for you to make your Journals Library report available via links to our website.

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Why share data?

Making clinical trial data sets available to investigators beyond the original research team can improve patient care, advance medical knowledge and provide better value for money from health research.

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Do other journals ask for data sharing statements?

The BMJ has been asking for data sharing statements since 2009, and BMJ Open since its launch in 2011.  The recent drive for open access is bringing this issue to the fore and you may find it useful to read this Summary of the data sharing timeline by Trish Groves (Deputy Editor of the BMJ and Editor-in-Chief of BMJ Open).

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