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Maccabiah 2013 gets community support

May 31, 2013 by  

Maccabi’s Melbourne and Sydney communities have shown their support for Team Australia heading to the 19th Maccabiah Games in Israel in July. Read more

A Good Thief

There is a Jewish axiom that we can learn and draw inspiration from everything that we see and experience. Rabbi Zusha of Anipoli taught that we can even learn from a thief. By observing the seven behaviors of a burglar, we can design a formula for successful personal development…writes Rabbi Michoel Gourarie. Read more

God’s Neighbours – a film review by Michelle Coleman

May 31, 2013 by  

It was with some trepidation that I sat down to watch Gods Neighbours, an Israeli film by Meni Yaesh about a group of young members of the Breslov Chassidic sect who take it upon themselves to police their neighbourhood and protect it from the scourge of immodestly dressed women, stores that are open on the Sabbath, and purveyors of pornographic material. Read more

Peres, Abbas, and Kerry: Fantasies and Realities…writes Isi Leibler

May 31, 2013 by  

Earlier in the week, I participated in “Breaking the Impasse”, an event held in Jordan under the auspices of the World Economic Forum. It was attended by some 300 Israeli and Palestinian leaders of commerce and industry who represent over 25% of the GDP of Israel and the Palestinian region. Some of the most prominent Israeli business personalities were present. Read more

Stem cell donation may have saved life

May 30, 2013 by  

Melbourne’s Craig Rosen may have saved the life of another Jew who is believed to be dying from a rare blood disorder. Read more

Greens say “No Thank You” to signing the London Declaration

May 28, 2013 by  

Greens MPs John Kaye and David Shoebridge said they won’t sign the London Declaration into Combatting Anti-Semitism even though it “contains a number of laudable commitments to stamp out any resurgence of hatred against a people who have historically suffered more than most.” Read more

Yiddish in court evidence

May 28, 2013 by  

A judge of the NSW Supreme Court has rejected a ruling by the Sydney Beth Din that ordered Benjamin Amzalak to pay an Israeli businessman more than $300,000 for the apparent sale of shares in a company. Read more

PM meets AUJS

May 28, 2013 by  

Prime Minister Julia Gillard has hosted a short meeting with members of the Australian Union of Jewish Students in Canberra. Read more

First Jewish burial in Goulburn in 70 years…and a Barmitzvah at 63

May 28, 2013 by  

Rabbi Shmueli Feldman officiated at a funeral in Goulburn on the weekend…the first the NSW country town has seen in 70 years. Read more

Goot on Claims Conference team

May 28, 2013 by  

The President of the ECAJ Dr Danny Lamm has welcomed the announcement of the appointment of  Robert Goot, to the Select Leadership Committee of the Claims Conference. Read more

Petition for Buckingham Palace

May 28, 2013 by  

The grandson of William Cooper, the aboriginal who led the only known private protest against Kristallnacht in 1938 is campaigning to send his grandfather’s petition to the Queen. Read more

A Global Tsunami of Anti-Semitism…writes Isi Leibler

May 28, 2013 by  

Participants at the fourth conference of the Global Forum for Combating antisemitism, held under the auspices of the Foreign Ministry this week in Jerusalem, will be provided with data highlighting the accelerated global erosion of the status of Jews and Israel. Read more

The video they did not want you to see

May 28, 2013 by  

A video featuring the reactions of Melbourne’s Gary Smorgon House’s residents to “Gangnam Style” was banned from YouTube bu has made its reappearance….watch it here. Read more

Palestine – Beware The Snake Oil Salesman…writes David Singer

May 27, 2013 by  

Paul Larudee – one of the founders of the Free Gaza and Free Palestine Movements and an organizer in the International Solidarity Movement – has made some incredibly misleading statements in his latest article “The Palestine Liberation Movement is not about Anti- Semitism” – published in Dissident Voice on 23 May. Read more

Call to step up boycott of Israel

May 27, 2013 by  

Stepping up the boycott of Israel will be on the agenda of a conference in solidarity with Palestine to be held in New Zealand next month. Read more

Anne Frank in Sovereign Hill

May 27, 2013 by  

Touring exhibition “Anne Frank – A History for Today” is now on show at Sovereign Hill’s Gold Museum in Victoria.

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Senior Yeshivah Officials may face tribunal

May 25, 2013 by  

The father of child sex abuse victim Manny Waks is taking two senior officials at the Yeshivah Centre to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal.

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Mossad man in Canberra will not be replaced – report

May 25, 2013 by  

Israel’s Mossad representative in Canberra, who was expelled in the aftermath of the 2010 Dubai passport scandal, will not be replaced, according to a report in The Weekend Australian. Read more

Raising funds for Maccabiah

May 24, 2013 by  

The Emanuel School is to host a huge ‘fun-raising’ night of laughter, benefiting the school’s Australian representatives at the 19th Maccabiah in July. Read more

Slezak WILL present at Limmud Oz

May 24, 2013 by  

Media reports that Jewish philosopher Peter Slezak’s participation at this year’s Limmud-Oz in Sydney may be in doubt, the organisers have issued a statement  that Slezak will be a presenter at the event. Read more

Open email to the Claims Conference

May 24, 2013 by  

J-Wire has received a copy of an email sent to the Claims Conference…. Read more

Moselmane tells Israeli ambassador to “butt out”

May 24, 2013 by  

NSW Labor politician Shaoquett Moselmane has made a speech in the NSW Parliament in which he has told Israel’s Ambassador to Australia to “butt out and stay out” accusing him of bullying in the Middle East. Read more

Why worry?…asks Rabbi Michoel Gourarie

I worry a lot. I am anxious about losing my job, I constantly think about the health of my family and am always scared about saying or doing something that will embarrass myself. How can I put a stop to this? Read more

94-yr-old publishes e-book

May 24, 2013 by  

When in 1997, eminent scholar Dr. Israel Kipen penned Ahad Ha-am: The Zionism of the Future, widely regarded as the definitive and standard study     of one of Zionism’s most towering and influential  figures, he never imagined that his much lauded and classic text would be republished as an e-book in the second decade of the 21st century. Read more

Book review: Saving Your Life – One Day at a Time

May 24, 2013 by  

Dr Roy Sugarman PhD has published a book focusing on healthy aging…read Ian Stokol’s review. Read more

No money for academic antisemitism

May 24, 2013 by  

A Liberal-led government may withdraw funds to an academic institution it believed was using taxpayer money for antisemitic campaigns, according to Julie Bishop. Read more

Campus virus – a worldwide pandemic…writes Michael Kuttner

May 24, 2013 by  

During the waning years of the Weimar Republic in the early 1930’s, my late father was a student at the university in Karlsruhe, Southern Germany. Read more

Arafat in Therapy for Sydney

May 24, 2013 by  

Lawyer by day, actor by night, Jeremie Bracka will bring his hilarious hit one-man political comedy Arafat in Therapy to Sydney for four shows in July. Read more

Most child sex offenders have multiple victims

May 24, 2013 by  

An astounding 93 per cent of child sex offenders have more than one victim, while 23 per cent abuse 10 or more children, psychologist Sandra Ifrah told parents attending workshops on ‘Parenting Safe Children’ held recently in Melbourne. Read more

Australian-born Israelis at risk in the sun

May 24, 2013 by  

A new study conducted using extensive medical records of over one million Israeli adolescents before military service shows clearly how exposure to the Israeli sun of young, light-skinned children increases substantially the risk of cutaneous melanoma (a serious form of skin cancer).  Read more

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