Kargo Click-Info


You are seeing this page because the website that linked to this page partners with our company, Kargo, to deliver ads to its visitors. For ease, we will refer to “websites” and “apps” just as “websites.” By clicking within that website, you agree to allow Kargo to place its cookies and serve you interest-based ads, as described further on this page. Follow the instructions below if you want to opt out of receiving cookies and/or interest-based ads from Kargo.

What are interest-based ads?
Kargo partners with websites to provide interest-based ads: that is, ads tailored to the interests of their visitors. There are a number of benefits to interest-based ads:

• They provide you with content, services, offers, coupons, and ads for things you may be more likely to buy and of which you may not otherwise be aware. For example, women are likely to see fewer ads about men’s shaving products, and younger people may see more ads about concerts.
• They keep websites free by giving them the opportunity to earn revenues from advertising.
• If you do not receive interest-based ads, you will still receive ads, although not tailored to your interests. You may find these ads intrusive or annoying.

Kargo is a member of the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) and Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA), and adheres to their respective industry privacy standards for online advertising.

How does Kargo deliver interest-based ads to you?
To deliver interest-based ads, Kargo places small text files called “cookies” on your browser or device to record information about the websites you have visited. We then use this information, collected over time and across our website partners, to infer your interests and deliver ads based on those interests.

Most browsers allow the placement of cookies by default. However, the default setting on your browser blocks cookies from websites you have not visited, like Kargo, even where we partner with websites you do visit. For that reason, Kargo has partnered with the website that linked to this page to use a technology such that when you click on that website, a Kargo cookie will be placed, and Kargo will deliver interest-based ads to you.

How do I opt out of receiving Kargo’s interest-based ads?
We realize that you may not want to receive interest-based ads, and respect that choice. To opt out of receiving interest-based ads, click on this opt-out link.

Please note: This opt-out relies on a cookie, so if you clear your cookies, your preference will be deleted and you will have to repeat the process of opting out. If you clear your cookies without refreshing your opt-out choice, you may see our informational banners multiple times.

How do I opt out of receiving Kargo’s cookies?
Note that by opting out of Kargo’s interest-based ads as described above, you will not be opting out of the placement of Kargo cookies. To opt out of the placement of Kargo cookies, you will need to clear your cache (i.e., your browsing history) and change your browser settings on your mobile device to “Always Block” (or similar setting).

What if I have any questions?
If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at [email protected]