
On Global Markets

Making Sense of CSR

Investment trends (or, if one is being unkind, ‘fads’) come and go. For much of the last two years artificial intelligence has been firmly in the spotlight. Before that the pandemic sparked a wave of interest in biosciences. In the late 2010s, the big trend seemed to be Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). But whilst media […] 
On Global Markets

Fiscal Fictions?

It sometimes surprises those who do not follow fiscal policy closely just how much of the process is often based on a series of polite fictions that those involved sometimes pretend to believe. The best example comes from the United Kingdom and concerns Fuel Duty, the duty charged on motor vehicle fuels. In theory, and […] 
On Global Markets

Regulating AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology continues to advance rapidly and grab the attention of investors, policymakers, and media opinion formers. For the latter, the ability of the latest generation of large language models (LLMs) to not only write increasingly passable copy but to do so in the style of named authors is causing more than a […] 
On Global Markets

Quarterly Reporting is Not Great. Dropping it Could be Even Worse.

Short-termism is one of the frequently invoked criticisms of the management of publicly listed firms, asset managers, and individual shareholders. Critics allege that over the past few decades changes in the structure of financial markets and investor behavior have aligned into a system that encourages managers to focus on short term profits, at a potential […] 
On Global Markets

Congestion Charging

At the end of the twentieth century, the average speed of trips made across central London was lower than in the year 1900. The reason for this regression was obvious to anyone spending time in a car in the United Kingdom’s capital: heavy congestion and frequent traffic jams snarling up the roads. In 2003 London […] 
FT-Booth US Macroeconomists Survey

FTXBooth: Only one rate cut likely in 2024?

This installment of the FTxBooth US Macroeconomists Survey discusses how many interest rate cuts the Fed is likely to make during the remainder of 2024 as well as factors that may affect that decision. The summary results are below and you can read the Financial Times article here, subscription required. View the results of this […] 
On Global Markets

Big in Japan

There are plenty of reasons why Japanese policymakers might favor a stronger yen. With Japan increasingly reliant on both imported food and imported energy, anything which increases the nation’s international purchasing power can be seen as positive. But the supposed benefits of a stronger currency run beyond that obvious implication. It helps to support household […] 
On Global Markets

After Globalization

Looking back from 1919, the economist John Maynard Keynes wrote of the pre-Great War world as a high point of what would now be termed globalization. As he set out in the Economic Consequences of the Peace: “The inhabitant of London could order by telephone, sipping his morning tea in bed, the various products of […] 
On Global Markets

Should the Public Go Private?

Private equity investing, as the name rather helpfully suggests, involves buying (and later selling) equity in firms that are not listed on the public markets. Under that, rather broad umbrella, a whole variety of different investing strategies can be found. Varying from venture capital (the provision of early-stage investments to often quickly growing companies) to […]