Khronos Blog Guidelines

Khronos Blog Guidelines

The Khronos Blog is a source for news about Khronos and its standards as well as shareable industry news and trends relevant to the Khronos ecosystem. On this page we give an overview of our blog and provide guidelines on writing and submitting posts for the Khronos Blog. Also see the Blog Post Sharing Guidelines.

Overview of the Khronos Blog

The Khronos Blog is where Khronos showcases information about its standards and conformant tech in the ecosystem. Blog posts deliver best practices, tutorials, guidelines for using Khronos standards, API features and extension overviews, and more.

Khronos members and others in the industry are encouraged to submit blog posts. Khronos will help edit and refine the content and, once a final version is approved, Khronos will:

  • Post it on the blog with the author or authors’ byline, giving contributors the recognition and company brand awareness
  • Promote across social channels
  • Use for pitching to media outlets

Blog Authoring Guidelines


Many readers of the Khronos Blog are developers and engineering students. As you develop your blog post topic consider the following questions:

  • What are the readers interested in about the topic?
  • What do they need to know?
  • What is going to be useful for them?

Tone and Style

  • Casual, first-person but technical in nature
  • There is no word-limit but you should make the topic laser-focused. The blog should be as long as it takes to get that message across
  • The goal is to make the blog post easy to read. Keep sentences concise, and break up larger explanations with headers or use bulleted lists
  • Don’t worry about the language, Khronos can edit/proof for flow and grammar


  • The best content is original. Either as an original source of information or to offer an original viewpoint.
  • Keep your community in mind and engage with your readers (see blog post sharing guidelines below)
  • Clarity is important for good writing, especially as you are writing for a global audience. Keep your language simple and on-topic.
  • While we will strive to retain your original voice, our team of professional editors will edit to ensure proper English grammar, correct trademark usage, and general readability. You will be asked to review our edits to ensure it has retained its accuracy.
  • Khronos reserves the right to review, alter, suggest, or remove inappropriate or irrelevant hyperlinks within the post.


We welcome product discussions as they pertain to Khronos standards, however blog posts should not be commercial or self-promoting in nature. Nor should they promote a single company or disparage any member or technology of Khronos. Topics should pertain to:

  • Working Group news not worthy of a press release; for example, new extensions to an API. Or, extended information from an item announced in a press release; for example, tutorial on a specific feature.
  • Industry thought leadership pertaining to the Khronos ecosystem
  • Response to media about an issue: example: NNEF vs. ONNX, Vulkan MultiGPU is not just for Windows 10
  • Stories and announcements around Khronos standards, such as:
    • Tools and tutorials - These are the most popular with our developer community!
    • Best practices
    • Industry uses and impact
    • Success stories/Case studies
    • Adopter implementations


Each post must include at least one image or diagram. The key image will be used to create the small image that will be used with the post on Khronos’ blog landing page.  Examples of images to use in a blog post:

  • Illustrations, charts, or diagrams
  • Product images or screenshots
  • Stock photos that either arefree for commercial use or for which you ownthe usage rights. Please also include proof of usage rights and the proper attribution text.

Blog Authoring Process

Anyone (not just Khronos members) can post a blog!  Here’s how it works:

  1. Propose a topic to the Khronos PR team at: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
  • Submit an abstract, topic, white paper, etc. for review.
  • Note which category your blog post falls into:
    • News/Announcement or Response to Industry News
    • Technology
    • Event
    • Best Practices/Tutorial
    • Thought Leadership
  1. Khronos will get back to you on approval or suggestions for your topic and timeline.
  2. Draft the post according to the Khronos Blog Authoring Guidelines, or share material with the PR team to get help writing it.
  3. Send the post or information to the above email. We can help you write/edit the post. Please note that while you will have final approval on the post, we reserve the right to edit it for proper English, trademark rules, and general readability. That said, we will change as little as possible
  4. The post will then be submitted for approval within Khronos to relevant Working Group members or the Khronos Marketing Advisory Panel.

    Approved posts are:

    • Grammatically correct - we can edit and check for typos!
    • Generally brand-agnostic (not too self-promoting)
    • Not bashing a Khronos member or other company in any way
    • Not disclosing IP or any other information that is under NDA
  1. Always provide a graphic or image if possible.
  2. We’ll notify you of approval and the blog post date.

Once your blog is posted, follow the Blog Post Sharing Guidelines to share the post once it’s published.