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Archives of Le Monde from June 4, 2024 - consult all articles online


Paris' metro Line 14 completes tests 20 days before inauguration

Tests of the trains, without passengers, on the newly extended north-south automatic metro line have begun.

Published today at 10:33 am (Paris)

News Subscribers only

French Open 2024: It's all over for France, but it's just beginning for Mirra Andreeva

The last French player Varvara Gracheva was eliminated from the Paris tournament on Monday by her 17-year-old former compatriot, Russia's Mirra Andreeva.

Published today at 10:16 am (Paris)

In Depth Subscribers only

Hunter Biden's trial keeps US presidential campaign in the courtroom

Joe Biden's son's trial for illegal possession of a firearm began on Monday in Delaware. For Republicans and the conservative media, it's an opportunity to hit back after Trump's conviction.

Published today at 10:09 am (Paris)

Feature Subscribers only

Putin opponents exiled in Georgia are worried: 'It started like this in Russia'

The 'foreign influence' bill, which was modeled on a Russian law, was signed into Parliament on Monday, and seen as 'a step toward dictatorship.'

Published today at 10:07 am (Paris)


China's spacecraft carrying rocks from the far side of the moon back to Earth

China's moon program is part of a growing rivalry with the US – still the leader in space exploration – and others, including Japan and India.

Published today at 5:40 am (Paris), updated at 7:55 am Le Monde with AP

Feature Subscribers only

EU elections: The Italian roots of French far-right candidate Jordan Bardella

Three of the Rassemblement National president's grandparents are Italian, and Le Monde has traced his family tree to Piedmont. Jordan Bardella himself has emphasized these roots while saying that migrants should not all be considered the same.

Published today at 5:00 am (Paris), updated at 10:24 am

Letter from... Subscribers only

In Malmö, Rabbi Moshe David HaCohen's message of hope

In the Swedish city since 2017, the Israeli-born rabbi reflects on Eurovision and the work undertaken in partnership with the Muslim community, which he believes could serve as a model for the rest of Europe.

Published today at 4:09 am (Paris), updated at 7:46 am

News analysis Subscribers only

How France and Hollywood adapted D-Day to the big screen

D-Day has been the subject of a number of major American blockbusters, from 'The Longest Day' to 'Saving Private Ryan,' even if they might have sometimes compromised on historical accuracy. French directors take a more modest approach to the period.

Published today at 4:00 am (Paris)

Column Subscribers only

'While the world's media hailed Trump's conviction, money flew to the Republican candidate's rescue'

Far from weakening him, his conviction by a New York court has strengthened the former president, with large fortunes backing him for economic, political, or anti-environmental reasons, writes New York correspondent Arnaud Leparmentier.

Published today at 3:35 am (Paris), updated at 7:44 am

News Subscribers only

Boeing under scrutiny from US aviation watchdog

The American manufacturer, which has been racking up a series of setbacks for months, has sent the industry regulator its 'roadmap' for remedying the serious quality failures that have been identified.

Published today at 2:53 am (Paris), updated at 7:35 am


World leaders congratulate Claudia Sheinbaum for her 'historic' win in Mexico

Her main opposition rival Xochitl Galvez, who conceded defeat, complained Monday that the opposition had faced 'unequal competition against the entire state apparatus' and vowed to challenge the outcome.

Published today at 2:29 am (Paris), updated at 7:54 am Le Monde with AFP


Russia's foreign minister visits Africa, again

Sergey Lavrov arrived in Guinea on Monday. He has visited the African continent several times in the past couple of years as Russia seeks support amid the invasion of Ukraine.

Published today at 1:19 am (Paris), updated at 8:40 am Le Monde with AP

In Depth Subscribers only

El Niño is ending, but the planet will continue to overheat

The natural phenomenon, which has led to a rise in global temperatures and fueled numerous extreme weather events around the world, is nearing its end, but its impact will continue for several more months.

Published today at 1:09 am (Paris), updated at 7:34 am


X explicitly allows X-rated content

The social media platform owned by Elon Musk officially greenlights consensual adult posts.

Published today at 12:24 am (Paris), updated at 7:51 am Le Monde with AP