Professional captioning services and costs

Covering the cost

Captioning for a student accommodation request is covered by the university. Captioning of academic content is currently covered by the university. Captioning for public-facing web content should be paid for by the department responsible for the web content.

Please contact us at [email protected] if you have questions about how to pay for captioning.


The pricing listed below is the current pricing for basic captioning services. Each vendor offers additional services and pricing options. Check each vendor’s page for more information on their complete set of products available through this contract. You may also reach out to your school’s captioning coordinator(s).

This chart serves as a quick comparison and does not reflect all the services and products available from each vendor. The prices listed may decrease due to increased use of the contracts in place. Please contact the vendor listed for latest pricing information. 

The list is not meant to be exhaustive. Other quality vendors may exist. See all approved vendors at VHEAP Captioning Initiative website.

Live real-time captioning vendors

Company Contact Information Approximate Rates
Frazer Kesselring 
617-764-5189 ext: 142
$2.30/minute - 1 minute minimum
Cielo24 Kristi Samarasinghe [email protected] $2.67/minute - 15 minute minimum
Verbit Lindsay Tulloss
[email protected]
$1.33/minute - 15 minute minimum
VZP Digital John Rein  (303) 378-3794
$1.67/minute - 30 minute minimum

Post-production captioning vendors

For post-production captioning and transcription, UVA is taking advantage of three competitively bid VASCUPP contracts negotiated by George Mason University. These contracts are available to all higher education institutions, public school systems and executive branch agencies within the state.

Company Contact Information Approximate Rates
3PlayMedia Frazer Kesselring
[email protected]
617-764-5189 ext: 142
$1.75 per minute (Standard Service - 4 business day turnaround)
Additional turnaround options available at higher price per minute.
Cielo24 Kristi Samarasinghe
[email protected]
(203) 326-1603
$2.00 per minute (Standard Service - 4 business day turnaround)
Additional turnaround options available at higher price per minute.
VerbIT Lindsay Tulloss
[email protected]
$1.26 per minute (Standard Service - 3 business day turnaround)