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Over de Auteur

Werken van Ralph A. Ranald


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A bunch of barnyard animals fed up with their treatment who create a society to destroy their humans. This definitely has a deeper meaning to it... Animalism = Communism. I would say this book still apply to the government structure in any country
Enid007 | 3 andere besprekingen | Apr 11, 2024 |
“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”
This is an excellent novella that depicts well how power corrupts, and how history has a habit of repeating itself.
gianouts | 3 andere besprekingen | Jul 5, 2023 |
This short yet brilliant book portrays the Russian Revolution with animals as the main characters. These characters have been based on various political figures who were significant during the period.
However, it's not just about Stalin and Russia. This book can be applied to any country or any society in a similar situation and it is surprising how Orwell's writing has managed to remain true through all these years.
The animals in the farm inspired by an old boar, Major (modeled on Lenin) join together to fight against the oppressors (human beings or here, Mr Jones modeled on Tsar Nicholas II). Major passes away soon but Snowball(modeled on Trotsky) carries his ideology forward and tries to put it into practice by bringing forward ideas of machinery that will help make the lives of the animals better. The animals turn the Manor Farm into an Animal Farm and live happily. However, Napoleon (modeled on Stalin) and Snowball end up having major arguments regarding the future of the farm. Napoleon's ideologies are completely different from that of Snowball's. Snowball is shown to be smart and Napoleon however is interested more in power. The animals begin to find themselves under an oppression much worse than the ones they were already under. The changes in the animals as well as their leader as time goes by has been portrayed very well. Various events that took place in U.S.S.R during the period have been shown in a simple yet very effective manner by Orwell. This book is amazing and I am glad to have read it now.
Do check it out if you haven't yet and let me know what you thought.
… (meer)
GouriReads | 3 andere besprekingen | Mar 21, 2023 |
This is one of those profoundly idealistically based books. It gives a few worthwhile lessons, some of which are very against ideas that we embrace. Through the Rebellion and subsequent governance of the pigs, it seems almost that Orwell suggests democracy is doomed to fail. I think his deeper message, however, is that when government rules those who are passive and ignorant, it will take advantage of them. I found it very similar to 1984.
et.carole | 3 andere besprekingen | Jan 21, 2022 |

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